How can peopel be so stupid? Where is the revolution?

What is wrong with people I watched this:

And my only question is what did they think to themselves? Because my instant thoughts would be:

Why are people not simply jumping to the obvious conclusion?
I mean seriously?!
The communism is well established in popular culture so its not a unknown concept to people.
They at least can recognize the communist symbols so….

Why the fuck are these jokers not realizing the problem is capitalism?
Why are there no open demonstrations of communists in the streets?
Ok for get about this why is the idea of destroying capitalism not engraved in popular speech?
Why are YT comment section not full of

Why is no one realizing this? And what are these idiots thinking in their heads?

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Other urls found in this thread:

My biggest concern is that people watch these videos and fallow these people, rather than doing something… more productive.

I don't show my power level IRL (revolution now exterminate the capitalists) however from my circle I don't sense these people are even blaming capitalism.

Literally my brother out of work depressed and says things like:

Are these people so unaware or to stupid to realize this?
Seriously and why is there no flooding of comment sections with responses like this?
I mean YT comments are notorious for of the wall things and fringe ideas showing up like people will start talking about flat earth or veganism or MLP or literally anything other then communism/socialism/capitalism.

Are people this stupid? I mean seriously? Even if they get fucked over in their jobs like this or are put under impossible conditions they think "oh my boss is a dick" why don't they realize the next step and start thinking like socialists.

Seriously zero thinking.
I mean I realized this myself before even going to work its a simple "oh yea its a extremely shitty system" and the more you think about it the less its even possible to disagree with this simple conclusion and the shit capitalism is.

You are witnessing the power of ideology and propaganda in real time. People aren't stupid, they're just directionless and afraid.

I'm simply wondering what they are thinking.
Elaborate on this.
Outside of hard core fuck ups like ancap/liberterians and other market shills I don't think most people have some strong aversion to communism or maybe have a Saturday morning cartoon version of "communism is bad mkey" who they themselves don't take seriously.

Why are they not starting to question the entire arrangement of power where some psycho boss is exploiting you and making you do quite insane things (the videos give me flashbacks to shit I have experienced myself).

To 95% people communism = state capitalism. and truth be told I don't understand why ☭TANKIE☭s exist.

If you had any knowledge about the world you would know that in GameStops in sane countries with Swiss democracy like Switzerland workers recieve fair wages like everybody else and love life. Stop forcing mutt corporatism down everybody's throats.

The idea exists in their heads and they don't understand Marxism-leninism however the idea of "capitalist = boss, boss exploit" exists or at least is something they can come up with on their own.

So why are they not criticizing the exploits of capitalism and capitalists?

I really want to know this.

Zis is *sniff* preschishely zhe problem with communism today, I claim. And I am Hegelian here *sniff*. As comrade here says , it is indeed the power of ideology *grabs t-shirt* that prohibits many people *schniff* to see communism for what it really is. I even claim that *sniff* if communist ideology had not been developed in the past, then today we would derive a very similar THEORY, but, *sniff* without such a negative connotation to it. THIS is, the tragedy, that the left has to face today

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Because we're taught in public school that communism == bad. Most Americans don't even know that Marx was an economist, let alone that the USSR wasn't the only form of Socialism to exist.
If we're taught in school that Communism = Stalin & Mao = Annudah Shoah then why believe otherwise?
But I get what you're saying, I was always critical of Capitalism as a younger kid, especially since I was really into computer software and experienced firsthand the disastrous consequences of corporatism on a hobby. I guess the truth is that most people are led to be boring as fuck by helicopter soccer moms so they don't develop any identity beyond what they see in Hollywood, so don't question Capitalism because they think that's all there is to life.


Communism offers an actual solution. People are too cynical for that. When someone comes up to you whining about their problems, you aren't expected to start naming solutions. They want a confirmation that everything's a misery and they're right to be miserable.
That's what's so attractive about right-wing beliefs. The right hardly ever works towards solutions. Either they proclaim everything will figure itself out and that the people trying to fix things are the problem, or they push the blame onto someone else. It's complacency in ideological form.

I'm not from the US however in my country, (previous soviet block) there is only a soft propaganda in the for of

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I'm the guy who posted and I have a whole string of replies in that thread describing my education further.
I don't think that's necessarily true. I've never openly argued about communism because it's so stigmatized here to even debate it, but if I did I'm sure it would be endless melodramatic monologue about the millions bajillions that starved and died and live in totalitarianism. people are just so emotionally weak in this country they don't want to discuss anything.

Thanks for the replies.
Yea I don't want to show my power level first because I be known as the crazy communist regardless of what I say, however if I sense or see someone showing his colors I drop my mask.

From the off hand remarks of my father I like to ask what was so bad about the USSR after 1980?
Lets see there was a war WW2 some of you might have not heard about it you know. Cities where bombed factories destroyed.
Oh and did you know about this little thing names scorched earth strategy? Where the land would be destroyed to not let the enemy capture it?
People starved in a utterly bombed war zone. You think?

You know what the funny thing is this bombed country after scorched earth managed not only to rival the USA it managed to make the USA piss and shit itself so hard that it needed to engage in a arms race with it.

I don't think it's so surprising considering that country occupied and raped the whole of eastern Europe and half of Germany.

And America still beats it in the end, despite said country having the biggest landmass on Earth.

What did you mean by this?

omg I'm literally shaking. the commie rapists are coming to get us!

It's not all impressive what the USSR did.

Give me the same population, the same landmass and the same resources and I will make it greater.

Truth is scary yeah.

let me guess. you're someone under the age of 18 who tihnks he knows "basic economics" after reading Thomas Sowell. your entire country would probably collapse under private debt in a matter of years.

True this is why micro nations can never outperform big nations.

You only forgot infrastructure.
The famines where because people literally where burning crops and farms to not let the enemy have it.
Soviets and Germans did this.
You try to not have a starvation after this and try to rebuild it.
You can not magic food into existence because of ideology.
To say it condescendingly to the pro capitalists there was the time for austerity.

Stalin didn't need to read a single thing to make the USSR a heavy industry power house.

Yep, it's simply a case of MORE vs LESS.

More people to do work, more resources to burn, more spending power.

As said, just give me it. The USSR is not the only country in the world engaging in the world war.

this is just historically false.

It’s not that people are stupid, it’s that all societies work to reenforce their ideology constantly and everywhere. Capitalism does this with unprecedented effectiveness because it harnesses the productive forces to make the reproduction of ideology both qualitatively and quantitatively superior. It makes its ideology both more pleasurable to consume (like through entertaining big budget movies) and at the same time completely immersed you in it. It’s at the point where you have to go out of your way to look for an alternative viewpoint. People aren’t stupid, they’ve just never been exposed to a real critique of the system. On the contrary they’ve been fed constant justifications (shit like “not all porkies are like that” etc) while also being bombarded with the demonization of anti-capitalist criticism (“muh 100 gorillion” etc). Historical materialism dictates that oppressed classes don’t just suddenly “wake up” from their stupor. They overthrow the establishment only when the system has deteriorated to the point where it is no longer capable of crafting a believable ideological narrative.

Forgot effortposting flag.

Neck urself.

WEW lad.
You want to talk about how the US and Britain did not have fucken scorched earth on their territory? Sometimes I wish the US did get invaded hard so that burgers realize not to write this shit.

To give a easy to understand example.
How the fuck can you magic milk production to the pre war levels if you lost 80% of your cows? The cows can only have so many babies in 1 year. Get it?

I want to talk about how the rest of Europe not suffering from the famine.
Double dare you faggot.
By perhaps, by not LOSING your cows?

They did though.

I agree with the ideology part only:
After seeing shit like in the OP videos I think most people will not be fooled by Rambo 44 if their boss is turning their lives into a living hell and demanding impossible things and if you fail you get payed less then minimal wage.

I don't know if you realized it however the OP has pictures from a game named Red Alert where you can play as the communists/soviets the first game has you working for Stalin.
Arguably the most positive depiction of communists in media.

They are more interesting then the Americans who simply are a generic faction while the Soviets are playing up to the extreme with soviet style propaganda made real.

I think the best way to sum it up is RA3 where Soviets employ trained attack bears in war.

Red Alert 1 = classic exaggerated cold war
Red Alert 2 = B movie mind controlled attack squids from the communists.
Red Alert 3 = Weeb Japan is now in the action for the weebs and with transforming robot vehicles also Soviets have attack bears now.

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Yes and you prevent this how exactly? Magic incantations? Time travel? Asking the Germans nicely not to kill the cows when they are retreating from a territory?

That’s exactly right. Like I said in my post, revolutions happen when things have gotten so bad for the average person that they begin to reject the dominant ideological narrative. We are already seeing this happen with people (especially young people) openly mocking the concept of the American dream. Real conditions have deteriorated to the point where everybody can see that particular ideological myth as blatantly and obviously false. They haven’t deteriorated to the point where he entire ideological edifice comes crashing down. It’s also important to remember that when it does, it doesn’t necessarily result in communism. Absent a proper communist movement that channels anger and disillusionment in the right direction people can be led astray into all kinds of crazy shit like fascism, Illuminati conspiracies, or apocalypse cults.
Well Adorno would argue that examples like this only function to create the illusion of dissent and rebellion. It’s basically just taking the image of revolution and resistance and selling it back to you, which has the effect of making you feel like you’re rebelling without actually doing anything. It acts as a release valve for dissent and rebellious feelings. Obviously this isn’t universally the case, there are popular works with genuine communist messages, as well as others which easily lend themselves to a communist interpretation. However for every one of these there are a million more pieces of propaganda that affirm and defend the system. These go well beyond media and include simple shit like the American flag being plastered on everything, discounts for veterans, etc. Just seeing this shit everywhere makes the average person believe that it must have some legitimacy to it. Now like I said before, none of this is foolproof. It only works as long as people’s standards of living remain above a certain point, because you’re right when you say that no amount of Rambo movies can make up for going hungry. However the problem is that with the increased effectiveness of the culture industry and indoctrination under capitalism, the scale of economic decline would have to be pretty severe to wake people up. Until then propaganda, everyday reproduction of ideology, and the commodification of feelings of resistance are enough to keep people in line.

None of this is to say that it’s impossible to overcome capitalism, which is what the Frankfurt School would argue. It’s just that the conditions required to get rid of it will arise independently of anything we do. What we have to in the meantime is get organized, constantly improve our party and movement (improve our organizational skills/structure and our theoretical foundation) and by ingratiating ourselves to the working class by making concrete immediate gains for them. When anger does begin to arise due to immediate needs not being met as a result of a recession or something, we will the be a far better position to make people understand why this is happening, and thereby raise class consciousness.

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I agree especially this:

My personal prediction will be shit loads of suicide of depressed people with no way out and not knowing what is wrong with them or/and the world.

I'm only surprised that not even anonymous YT comments are dropping in about communism.

The point of the game was to gauge the popular view on communism and communists are not portrayed as "teh devil" in most media, they are even farcical at worst

Capitalism tends to create its own destruction you can joke that the capitalist will sell rope to the communists before they use the same rope to hang him during the revolution.

The point of the game was to point out that it was not trying to sell things to communists it was that I think the target audience was normies and kids who played it and because of it where exposed to a positive or neutral portrayal (its a playable faction who is not portrayed to be devilishly evil) or communists/soviets. The same kids then maybe start to think

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I would like to see the list of casualties.

You prevent this by moving the cows far and away the germans as soon as 1933.
Especially when you know Hitler is incredibly hostile towards the USSR.

Here is the disconnect you can move cows you can not move farmlands.
Only me talking about farmlands and seeds is to complicated and cows are a easy animal to think about. So how the fuck do you move farmlands?
So time machine to know the future. They don't exist!

I also question your understanding of the logistics of food transportation and what this move(moving cows only not the farmland) would do to the food distribution especially in 1933 Russia.

You simply can not blame the famines while absolutely ignoring all the scorched earth that was made to the Russian land and its infrastructure.

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I'd like to mention that this argument about cows means little given that the USSR was still, and remained for the most part, agrarian based. Most of its food were grain products with other grown crops like potato. Saving more cows would have done very little as that was not what the economy was built around, though they did help.

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I don't think you are right.

It is true the farmlands are in the western, but you can farm in the eastern part.

The fact Stalin was totally unprepared for the invasion of the german was totally his fault.

Not to say the cows, the grains, but he could have stocked up food, he could have used alternative food sources (like goats, chicken). Instead he laid it bare.

Why not? The trains are there to do exactly that.

Zizek please go to bed.

And get better buddy, this world sucks already as it is

Yea I know see:

You have no idea about logistics the insane cost this would create and that the train network was not prevalent like it is today.

The cost of moving and then keeping this transportation in 1933 Russia would be incredible. And you must remember the alternative cost of this, playing around with the cow transportation takes up resources from manufacturing and production of things like tanks. You know the thing used in war?
So yes playing around with food production placement would be idiotic instead of creating more tanks to get ready for a invasion.

You are hell bend on preventing a famine and this was no ones goal the goal was to win a war not to prevent some people from starving to death after the war.
Because all these people would be dead if the USSR lost the war (taking your strategy where the priority is moving cows further back then Moscow and creating incredible resettlement projects to farm land further then mother fucking Moscow).

You simply have nothing to stand on you are ignoring infrastructure. The explanation for the famine was given it was the war and scorched earth strategies used on Russian lands.
You are now debating war strategies making you admit that the famine was the result of you know the people torching the farmlands and destroying practically everything in the war.

Your arm chair military planning is also silly the goal of a war is to win not to move around farmlands and food production. Tanks and other military equipment are top priority and if the choice is to lose the war or to win the war and have a handful of people die in a famine after the war the choice is simple.

So you are the leader of the USSR in Stalins place you can:
A) increase tank and military production in preparation for the war to win the war.
B) Ignore everything and start resettlement projects so that the Germans don't get your food production infrastructure after invading.

Holy shit the capitalist trees kid is everywhere. That's some impressive dedication, though I wish he wasn't a complete fucking retard.

When you conflate the state with personal representation, you can confuse the function of the state as a moral weapon to express your values rather than as a platform to preserve liberties, this means we have to compromise our class identity in exchange for our religious or social or international values, since democratic centralism compartmentalises our power in the form of a tally. The fact that our representative power is literally in the form of a bit of graphite on a piece of paper removes attachment to the processes we're engaging in, this makes the political process passive for most people. Bureaucracy produces unconsciousness which makes people detached from the systems of oppression they're engaging in, but when it's time to vote, everyone suddenly has political activity and reflection on their values and identity - I theorise that if people were given self-determination in the respect of direct democracy pertaining to their community then they would eventually come to the position of class liberation, since activity in polar relation to passivity would produce consciousness rather than unconsciousness. Dissolving the power of federal nation states will lead to the rise of the power of unions since there would be no legal powers restricting communication with workers to employers. Basically, I'm making a plea towards syndicalism as a means of most effectively distributing class consciousness; democracy in the workplace should be the prime cause of socialists imo.

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I hope that was irony…

what did he mean by this?

Where is the revolution?

The commies here don't want to be the soldiers. They want to sit back and let others do the killing and get soft jobs after the revolution.

Pickup a gun and do it yourselves brainaics…

That's easy. Guilt & merit rhetorics, based on denial of social determinism (you are justified earning money because you worked hard in school vs you are earning lots of money because your parents could afford to pay for your studies/care about it while a working-class single mother working her ass off to barely get by "just wasn't made for studies")
Guilt & merit ideology needs to die, it also prevents structural thought by denial of the idea that "people can desire things without knowing why they do desire them".

This is true, structural thought is only allowed within academic disciplines which don't present a threat to capitalist reproduction, like sociology and philosophy. It is never considered in practice.

I'm literally bored with life. I'd die fighting for anything if I knew it was worth fighting for.
nobody's fighting for anything meaningful in this country.

Fixed OP.

The far right promises to solve your problems in a cathartic blood orgy - that's very alluring for a lot of frustrated, emasculated western men.

Because Soviet Union collapsed, and the reward for the anti-soviet "left" was irrelevance not a fresh start "uncorrupted by totalitarians". Capitalism has cemented itself as the most viable system in the minds of citizens of imperialist states, and the most you will get out of them are regulations and welfare state.

Stripping the welfare state won't work, parliamentary politics won't work, organizing the work-place won't work, rioting or insurrection won't work, third-world revolution won't work. There is only one thing that will - total global war. The cement needs to be broken, stability shattered, equilibrium upset, imperialist powers weakened, reactionary zealots killed. Only in those conditions can produce a moment, and just a moment, where our words won't fall on deaf or selective ears and our goals can be met. Humanity forfeited any alternative after the Soviet Union fell apart, and world just watched.

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Or deepest economical crisis(but it also can lead to global war for capturing shrinked markets )

Gamers are the problem.

Yeah, try pushing communism on us just a bit more, nothing could possibly go wrong right?

Because capitalism is not the problem. Corruption and subversion is.

Capitalism in the US has been corrupted. We just need to balance patch it fairly and end the fed's Usury. Prove me wrong

The poster you're responding to is baitposting, but where again in the gaming industry are people pushing communism? Almost every story driven game that mentions politics this past decade has been overwhelmingly liberal with, if anything, a politically anti-radical rhetoric.

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If you truly think it's communism that's being pushed on you, you belong in a mental institution. Seriously. You are completely detached from reality. Your cognitive faculties are not suited for thinking.

The largest companies will always have an interest in involving themselves in the government and creating structures in that government that support them. If the government is small, it will lack the proctections necessary to keep out corporate involvement and will install within itself structures that support those corporations till it's large. If it's already large, it's only a matter of time till corporations weasel there way in and utilize the current structures to support. Everything is free game in a capitalist society, including using the government. You can either remove capitalism, or deal with the inevitable outcome of a "crony" government. And before it comes up, trying to fight capitalism with a small government (or a commune like anarchists want) is like walking into a gunfight with a disessembled gun and hoping you a assemble all pieces in time before the 8 other guys around you shoot you. It's unfeasible.

But gamers unironically think a multi billion dollar capitalist industry is under being corrupted by the far left.

I for one welcome our Tetris overlords

le sweating two buttons man

But you're ignoring how technology has leveled the playing field dramatically. This is why vidya sucks now a days. Why music is trash. Movies are mediocre drivel. Because the means of production has never been more accessible or user friendly. This means that if we were to implement reform the average citizen would be exponentially more educated and informed so as to not let the same cycle repeat itself.

You're saying capitalism will never work despite the countless dramatic examples from history where it worked. The problem is it worked so well before communication was standardized so the elites were able to establish giant monopolies without the masses noticing.

We do not have enough historical precedent to prove your point right. History says capitalism is the winning formula

This seems highly subjective, and like an edgy teen opinion. Video games are at their peak as far as I'm concerned, and music and movies are ok. They have good months, they have bad months. I'd say a good portion of my most memorable/enjoyable movies came out in the past 10 years at least.

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Unrelated commentary on vidya:
Nothing has harmed video game design more than the victory of the idea that designing a game is about crafting some particular "experience", and the alternate perspective, that of "simulation", becoming a shitty meme for streamer bait.
of course this is the product of capitalism- this is a shift that was driven by AAA game studios to appeal to wider audiences than the more simulationist games of the 90s did.

What? The MoP, especially industrial MoP, have never been more unaccessible. Corporations span the entire globe and control entire industries from resources to production (look at Apples purchasing of rare mineral mines in Africa and their outsourcing of manufacturing to China). Any person attempting to enter the market has to deal with the already established giants within that market and with all likelihood will either be bought out (in the case of videogames, see EA or Microsoft) or die out. Vidya sucks today because companies follow safe profitable formulas. Movies suck today because companies follow safe profitable formulas. Music sucks today because companies follow safe profitable formulas. Large video game companies for example don't need a big breakthrough, they're already established. They need a constant stream of revenue and for you to buy the game ONCE on whatever promises they can offer, that way when you find yourself dissatisfied with the game they can microtransact and DLC you.
Capitalism worked, it's just outdated and inefficent now. Marxists don't reject that capitalism "worked" in the past, it did its job which was breaking feudalism, centralizing the MoP, and industrializing society. But capitalism has inherent contradictions which make it unstable and volitile all while continually exploiting labour to keep itself running, and now a better option is available which doesn't rely on profit motive and private investment.
Read Cockshott. You can literally calculate labour and industry and run it purely through algorithms and AI. Companies already run algorithmically, but using algorithms that increase investor and ownership profits. Even the USSR proves you wrong with its industrial production and OKBs. If you need conpetition, you can separate research cells compete to develop the best product or rewrd those in society invent such product with incentives.


Yeah, GOD, why don't people just spontaneously invent Communist theory, spit on their hands, and go out and revolt?
Communism is not popular. Most people don't know what Communism is. Most people have never heard a structural explanation for how Capitalism is linked to their political ills, and most people don't have a real, coherent connection to political life. People are overworked, underpaid, and fucked at many, many opportunities. They are doing and thinking about quite a lot, and, for some unfathomable reason, fail to personally lift themselves out of the myriad (unmentioned and otherwise) problems that impede them in their revelations.

Is this for real? Or are you joking? Sarcasm and ironic posting needs to be banned so don't get back at me with

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How exactly was capitalism subverted?
I await your definition and analysis of this, you have a power structure with basically aristocrats on the top, and its only human nature to abuse power.

What was corrupted here? Or are you saying socialist regulations are corruption? In like the laws forbidding companies from making you work 23 hours a day or put poison in your food?

I agree it distorts the evils of capitalism only in the right direction!

I also argue the opposite that thanks to the socialistic regulation we get a populations of idiots like you who enjoy their socialistic government granted free time to shitposts FOX pro-capitalist propaganda on the internet(this is a bad thing) so if you worked 23 hours a day in a factory your retardation was never on the internet and you quickly realize that capitalism is really bad.

However I await your in depth definition of what capitalism is and how its corruption resulted in something bad and not good (excluding the example given, FOX retards shitpostign propaganda on the internet).

I see you are a retarded idiot who repeats propaganda and meaningless words.