After The Revolution

Ok let's play the pretend game. Let's imagine the communist coup succeeded after an economical collapse, society has been rebuilt, communism has been established and robots have long since begone working instead of humans. What would your day look like and what would your purpose be? Both, on a grand scale to advance humanity as a whole and simply for you as an individual.

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i will work at the zoo, tenderly tending to my precious PoC

I guess go to classes and work like I usually do

I understand classes but all work would be automated though.

no seriously i want to make contact with the space comrades and cybernetically enhance the dolphins
the revolution will never end

What do you think about the rapist nature of dolphins?

that's literally impossible. learn economics.

i think executing reactionaries would be left to people who truly enjoy it, rather than making it an automated process

Serious Marxists do not engage in utopianism.

This an example the OP stated, it's just fun to speculate.


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Then go masturbate over a copy of "Looking Backward" or "Voyage to Icaria" or go found your own New Harmony if you want to endlessly speculate what your Communist utopia of your dreams will look like

This is a fucking imageboard. Calm the fuck down.

I just don't see the point in speculating shit that that's never going to happen.

Have you noticed how nearly every non-Marxist socialist is a fiction writer? It is like that for reason. Speculating about what a future mode of production that is centuries away at best and that we can never accurately predict is a complete waste of time

I understand your points but the OP is literally what would you do if all jobs were automated.


Why even bother replying then?

i'd masturbate all day long

OP is a faggot. what else is new?

The only correct answer.

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You really can't think of any reason to assume something for the sake of argument?

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jerk off and smoke weed
maybe also write a book or something

Irrelevant anyway, none of us will experience that kind of society, and we still carry too much baggage of the current one to be making virtuous choices in that situation. At best you can ask is what we would do in lower stage communism, and the answer is: work and contribute to the common pool of products, but probably not as much and under better conditions than we do now, without having to sustain a class of parasites.

Blow my brains out?
Nobody born in a capitalist society would be capable of fitting into a post scarcity or at least semi post scarcity communist one

I wake up, eat and then proceed to to whatever I feel like doing that day.
Today I felt like making pizza.
To enjoy the time I have

is there any point in these utopian threads?

But that's not what communism is.

It basically boils down to “what would you do with unlimited free time?”.

My purpose would be to write novels about the fundamental human condition and our place in the Universe. Same as what I'd be doing right now, if my country didn't decide that the price I must pay for the "privilege" of being alive is a lifetime of wage slavery.

If we are assuming that creativity is still something beyond these "robots", anyway; otherwise they simply would have gotten rid of us as useless.

It's a thought experiment. As people generally work most of the time in their adult lives, it becomes harder and harder to imagine what you would do with your free time because work drains your energy such that it is, so even in "days off" we often tend to prefer to rest/recover than do anything meaningful.

A good thing to do is to ask baby boomers what they do in their free time. The responses are often quite depressing.

Practice drawing, program games and tools, read up on the latest scientific discoveries, raise kids, study some more, go on holidays into the wild, probably.
Maybe if eternal life exists colonise mars, but only if my mom didnt break down crying last time I said I would go to mars if I could, cant do that for her

read books, exercise, learn instruments, socialise

That's pretty fuckin hilarious my dude

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Continue being utterly depressed about my life and maybe write about it

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I'd probably be some sort of propagandist (journalist or artist). My aunt did this.

Keep doing my research, like I'm doing now - with the caveat that science would no longer be beholden to market processes, so everyone who has any modicum of power in the present system who I hate would be gone because their retarded, menial organizational jobs would be redundant and they could finally fuck off. I'd spend more time playing my violin. I've also been meaning to do a long, open-water kayaking trip so let's just throw that in there as well, for good measure.

Probably work for the party, realistically not everything has converted yet and there are still kinks both large and small. Thankfully in a one party state you dont really need strategists or spin doctors so id be a utility guy. Need something doing? I'll get it done.

The leader tbh

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Human work will never go away. Some people still enjoy certain work.
We need community sluts though.


we need cute boys for every comrade

i'm not gay

i am


Yes indeed.

Not into boys. No thanks.

This would require re-education camps. Or some other mass programming of society. Maybe even genetic modification. Because humans have evolved to be selfish animals. We only work together when it happens to serve our own needs. Just look at the working class now. Completely incapable of having higher ideals. Look at the average persons politics. They only act when they themselves become personally inconvenienced. This is why the democrat party has so many sub factions in it. and those sub factions only see eye to eye on non-issues like ident-pol. But bring up economics and the wealthy democrats start getting nervous. why? Because their is a conflict of interest. It's ok if you want to dye your hair pink and chop off your balls. But proposing a tax increase is entirely different. The bourgeoisie don't care what kind of freaks are running around outside just so long as they can remain in their upper financial class. Even if you managed to automate all labor there would be a large percentage of the population that care nothing of intellectual pursuits and would have to be monitored and killed should they get out of line. This would of course mean an authoritarian system of some sort with a KGB-like internal police.

i'd grow weed and give it to the proletariat

Yes, and how is improving yourself not somehow in your own self-interest? Its literally improving yourself.

Dont be idealistic. You must take into account just how many stupid people are in the world. People like us are the minority.

Obviously I’m talking about how things would be under the higher stage of communism, potentially after centuries of life under the lower stage conditions our social evolution in a particular direction. I was also commenting on what I personally would do with the free time afforded by socialism.

I'd finally be able to get euthanized at the euthanasia centers.

a man can dream

Then let them sit on their ass all day and die at an early age while the rest of us are able to do something with our lives.

Probably study sciences to satisfy my need for knowledge.

Yeah but they'll reproduce

Eugenics stripped of all past pseudo-science is ultimately humanitarian

That's the thing though. They wont just sit on their ass. They will be out roaming around pillaging and trying to destabilize the system. These people will need to be constantly monitored by KGB and taken out if needed.

It's funny because even Marx speculated what a communist world would look like.

So will the smart people. The ratio will remain identical.

Sports, playing, reading, writing, consuming any art form, helping others, organizing things, doing psychedelics, fucking, hanging out with friends, debating about things, gardening, crafting - just like today, just like in any time, just like in any unalienated life.

There's no such thing as value in nature outside of that assigned by conscious beings. Therefore there also aren't such things as good or bad alleles and epigenetic structures outside of the value that humans place on them.
Eugenics is inherently pseudoscientific in the the same way that Scientology is, by ascribing and projecting values onto things which do not have objective value.

Wouldn't it be better if the ratio of smart people increased?

Being dumb is barely genetic. see: The Flynn Effect
Your mom's material conditions affect intelligence way more than her Autism Level.

I'm sorry if there may be any disagreement between us but I'm not a metaphysical relativist.

complete hedonism, infertility through not wanting to take care of children, burnout, suicide.

aka, the thing young communists do nowadays, unless the evil capitalism world makes them normies that enjoy life.

Better in what sense? Is there anything won when we reach a certain percentage of smart people?