how do you respond? which text do you tell him to read?
Hey bro, redpill me about socialism, I'm giving you one chance
This never happens, you get more asked shit like
"Why does the US need such a big army?" and you explain what imperialism and they are like "oh shit". Unironically did this to my flatmate the other day.
Noone has ever asked "why socialism"
Everyone has asked "why is the world so fucked"
I get asked "why socialism" all the time, and then people ask things like
You for real? Do you have to fully explain the concept of SNLT every time?
Fuck I hope you have a book or two handy at all times.
You explain imperialism and eternal war and then people naturally come to the conclusion that government programs must be shit so they become anarchists. You've failed to proselytize your religion - er, philosophy.
Nah my mate was like "fuck the bankers" as a result of it: which is inherently positive.
u should buy actual adspace w/ this lol
That was somehow even more confusing
I just bill it as an inevitability. The rate of profit being what it is (constantly declining) means that eventually capitalism will just break and stop working. Profit dictates what gets made, how much, and where. If you're starving and homeless but the bougies can make more money, or any money, making fidget spinners then that's what they're going to make. Production and meeting needs is secondary and subservient to profit, the hope being that they just happen to align.
Eventually it won't be profitable to make anything. The system is broken. We will have many people with many needs and a desire to produce, but no system that meets those needs except…just giving it to them.
Giving everyone everything for free. No money. Humanity becomes a single, unified economic unit.
So no one needs to be sold, converted, or "red pilled" on communism. It's just going to happen when it's ready, and it's just going to make sense when it does.
Michael Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds
and Cockshott's book on socialism in the 21st century
that's chavismo. you mean new socialism.
All you have to do is give him a medical bill.
I got my first medical bill despite having medical "insurance" last week, while it was an amount I could handle, it made me wonder why I'm paying into insurance if its not going to cover everything.
I would just suck his cock ngl
I'm always wary when I hear "fuck the bankers". I mean yeah, for sure, but people who hate banks tend to hate banks because they see them as messing with Real Capitalism™. And in worse cases, bankers=jews.
You explain it to him yourself. You start by defining things so he knows what you are talking about, you then explain to him that socialism itself is a transitory stage towards something else.
You really dont need to explain any of the economics of it, the how doesn't have much to do with the why. The why is that capitalism is not sustainable. Most people tend to understand this. Idealsts whos mental image of capitalism is early capitalism can just be told that communists agree that early capitalism is not so bad but it inevitably becomes what we currently have, and that being a communist means you are aware of how all the systems progress through their lives, and the entire point is that the end stage, communism, is the final system that is sustainable.
Capital is fucking massive, get em on Wage Labour and Capital or Value, Price and Profit first
“Do you want to have grandchildren, or do you want the planet dead by 2050?”
Not that guy but every time I have to go into minutae of what it would be like and I'm sort of forced to start being idealist. Which then is a set up for "gotchas".