Thoughts on feminists and libs wrecking the newly and barely resurgent leftist movement in the US?

Thoughts on feminists and libs wrecking the newly and barely resurgent leftist movement in the US?

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fuck socdems


Bernie is a liberal. nothing more.

It’s obviously being weaponized by the Dems to crush Bernie and anything that is a threat to the two-headed demon that is the establishment. Even someone as milquetoast as Bernie they perceive as a threat. They can afford to do this with pseudo-socialists such as Bernie and the progressives while with genuine leftists the jackboot comes down and the fascist American state slaughters them outright.

kyle already covered this

skimmed and it had nothing to do with bernie sanders

people read the title and make assumptions of guilt by association

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Me Too is complete shit and always has been complete shit. It's a no brainer that it would be used primarily to attack the left.

Chad x virgin ship.
You got any of that good shit?

It's not "feminists," it's the msm weaponizing a real issue (not coincidentally one of interest to left-leaners) against a leftist. No more than Jews are responsible for the antisemitism smear against Corbyn.

Radfems are the only feminists worth engaging with at this point.

t. radlib

Do you think we're only talking about the bernie shit? Feminists have been wrecking leftists circle since the microsecond the election ended and they started LARPing as leftists.

DSA which was once seen as a perhaps promising rising org *immediately* got dragged down by feminist/radlib firing squads and home wrecking.

Feminism was literally made by the CIA.

The whole MeToo thing caused the guy who was talking about their dealings with Ukraine to get kicked out.

Porky provocateurs do what porkies created and paid them to do

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When will you morons wake up and realize that the press will do this no matter what you do.

What's the guy with the mop on the bottom left meant to be?

His name is Steve and he's an asshole.

…why would we assume she's lying? You saying wrecking firstly implies that there's something to be wrecked, and secondly implies that its untrue, which is completely baseless to say the least.

nah just that one

Yeah with weapons

B a b o o n s

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I don't think that's the point. Rather, Bernie at least used the word "socialist" despite being a mere lib, some people became "socialists" despite it being a big no-no word in the US of A. So even though he'd ultimately change nothing, and perhaps even harm the actual left (communism), the fact that fewer Americans than were perturbed by the word "socialism" reflects a change in attitude. That change is being reined in, not only by republicans, but also by supposedly leftist Democrats.

Hey there bud. Guess whos watching you?

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You give intersectionalists an inch and they take a mile.

They use race this way too. Nobody in their right mind thinks Bernie's racist, but going by what some #ImStillWithHer faggots say "working class" is his dogwhistle for kill black people or some shit.

Doesn't matter if she is, Bernie's never getting the nomination cuz accusations like this are a silver bullet.

Edit: Was he personally accused or did people who worked for him abuse the woman?

He's basically Carter 2.0
Holding onto Keynesians with both hands and pulling with all his might to stop NeOLiberals but nothing more

Is intersectionalists what kids are calling the intelligence apparatus now?

100% Truth right here. This is what is going on. Sadly, the concept of "one is innocent until proven guilty" is not taken into account with -porky paid shills- radical feminists.

Having our basic concepts of freedom be destroyed is simply a symptom of oppression from corrupt classes using propaganda and lies to undermine anything that questions their status quo.

You mean nothing to do with Sanders except the picture of big glowing 'Bernie' letters and an outline of Bernie Sanders in darkness, his back turned and arms raised like some demon coming to oppress women and minorities, right?

this cant be happenign it is all over I will kms niw goodbye friends