I didn't think it was possible, but some user on /b/ has actually managed to make commiekitty OC worse than what you make. This is a notable achievement
I didn't think it was possible...
Incel nazi, fuck off back to pol and worship Cheeto lump.
Put me in the screenshot, Zig Forums
You sound like that weird kid at school that makes comics of himself beating up all the big fat meanies that make fun of him.
your gay
who gives an actual fuck about this lmao
SAGE por puto.
Stop replying to yourself nigger
Zionism and imperialism are bad, but it is stupid to demonize an entire people.
jews are some of the most disgusting people on the face of the earth. Wherever you find corruption, nepotism, and deceit, you will find a jew nearby.
Clearly you've never dealt with jews. Or you are one, and are just sticking up for your filthy race.
The subject is how the jews destroy free societies and replace them with totalitarian states designed solely to prop up a cabal of the jewish elite with the work of the goyim.
I have yet to see any evidence against the fact that jews destroy freedom at every opportunity.
I have, and they are pretty much normal people, until Sabbat comes, also they can't eat pork, but some of them secretly do.
Yeah but they don't though
I don't see why the fuck Jews would even support the Bolsheviks considering their openly anti-Judaistic stance
Stay spooked
Freedom is arbitrary and means nothing
t. slave
Don't you have a boot to lick and a master to kiss up to somewhere?
Capitalist Jews do, along with their nazi lapdogs. Have you even heard of the azov battalion?
This tbh.
Hitler did just that, aren't you mad at him?
Define "Freedom"? what are the objective standards a Society must reach to be "Free"? without using your personal opinion
Try going outside once in a while, meet new people Zig Forumstard, you will be amazed at how interesting the world turns out to be.
Null set.
Freedom is the ability to say what I want, own what I want, believe what I want, and put a bullet through whoever tells me I can't.
A. As stated this your Arbitrary personal opinion and not Objective in any sense AKA "a Spook"
B. Using this criteria literally nowhere on earth is free LMAO
Aunt and
Not that it matters as I don't judge people's political takes from their ethnicity / Religion
Show me a jew that supports freedom. I'll wait.
Oh the ironing.