Does anybody think that third worldism is pointless?

does anybody think that third worldism is pointless?
Socialism is supposed to take place in advance capitalist societies.
If third world countries adopt socialism it slows their development.

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Does anyone except Jason Unruhe think anything else?

I think that first world is pointless and it must be destroyed
Absolutely undialectical. Citing Marx won't save you. You will all die in the nuclear holocaust.

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Yo how can a man understand many concepts of marxism but yet spout so much regurgitated dogshit?

Third Worldism is literally idealism, say that Madagascar or the Phillipines have a revolution, and overthrow the government. Now the entire combined military might of the world is against them, and those militaries are more advanced than any others, with drone warfare, modern arms, etc. It literally can't do anything but die and suffer a new dictator being installed after a year AT MOST.
The ONLY way for socialism to take hold is if a revolutuion happens in China, America, Russia, etc. Because they are militarily strong enough to deter military action. Fuckn Nigeria doesn't have that ability.
It's idealistic because Third Worldists think that a revolution will succeed because it has better ideas, and they ignore material reality, that any third world nation is so underdeveloped that it won't be able to fight against the largest combined military complex in history.

just liberal starbucks sipping faggots
But its not because workers are too brainwashed and dont suffer enough to organize a socialist movement. Whenever there is worker discontent, the bourgies always give keynesian concessions fueled by exploited 3rd world workers and imperialism. This is an eternal cycle as long as the 3rd world remains capitalist .
As shown by latin america and burkina faso, this is absolute BS. Western imperialism and slows down socialist countries.

If you have socialist governments in the 3rd world, porky loses his cheap labor to brutally exploit, and that means no means to fund the backup welfare state for the western proles.

IDK why you liberals are so blind towrads this extremely basic anc clear truth.

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Jason is a lumpen retard

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If the phillipines had a revolution, porkies would lose a huge amount of cheap labour in east asia, stocks will go down, and capitalists will have to look for somewhere else to exploit.
As long as there are multiple 3rd world revolutions, this guarantees more to spring up as long as revionist scum or proky agents are prevented from killing off their leaders.

Being invaded is not a problem because as long as the revolution has popular support, there can be a geurilla war. If a flat desert like iraq was toomuch for the combined power of the US and the UK, then a latin american jungle would be devastating to the budget. In order to supress the revolution, the west would have to be increasing brutal, as brutal or more as in vietnam, and even brainwashed 1st worlders will protest such wars. Even 2 or 3 3rd world revolutions happening in super populous countries would mark the beginning of the end of capitalism.

If 3rd world revolution is so useless, why does the CIA and western intelligence go to such great lengths to suppress them?

just came in this thread to remind marxist-leninist retardist third worldists that Washington D.C. isn't the only Empire.
to be clear, my point is that you can't use the US as the sole anecdote as a first world neoliberal post-scarcity empire, since there are a handful of others who haven't bothered to crack down on workers so effectively.

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History shows that isn't true. America can't sustain foreign wars indefinitely. Even now, they're looking to settle with the Taliban movement in Afghanistan, one of the most technologically backwards regions on earth.

The US controls the reserve currency world and is an economic hyperpower. It has the most resources to supress 3rd world revolutions. Almost all neoliberal coups were instigated by the US. One of the only exceptions is Sankara. In a multipolar world of neoliberal superpowers, each power wouldnt have the economic resources to spend on spreading neoliberalism. In effect neoliberalism has to have a center. Its the alliance of all the world's capitalist powers allied to stop 3rd world revolutions.

this. MTW are anarkiddie-tier: utopian at best

They're easily proven wrong by pointing out the many successful Communist revolutions in the first world.

That's why the first world has used its super profits to invest in heavily militarized police forces and helped to normalize their presence in civil society. So even if first worlders did not have a strong reactionary tendency they would still have an incredibly difficult time actually overthrowing the state. If anyone is idealist here it is you.

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War is a people thing, no matter how well equipped a police force is, if the people hate them revolutionaries will swim amongst the people like fish in water. Maoists in India, despite being mostly equipped with bows and break action shotguns have been successful at killing the police without being squashed.

Jason doesn't understand Marxism. He uses ghostwriters.

You see, there is no Working Class in the 1st World. There only exists a Working Class in the Third World. The Third World must unite under a Strong Leader and Crush the 1st World. There doesn't exist any common Class Struggle, and history is only shaped through Blood. It is the Natural Course.



they were pretty much third world tier before 1917, and are still considered "second world".

Third Worldism is just a gateway drug into fascism but for brown and yellow people

China was third world and is now threatening to replace the US as the dominant superpower. First worldists just fear that they won't be calling the shots on the planet anymore and instead of their gay star trek fantasy starbucks socialism they would be gulaged in a labor camp like they deserve

ive never met a MTW from the third world or even with a family from the third world. it has without exception been white upper class kulaks.

this tbh.
most of the MTW types i've seen online are just self-hating whites.

Hey man are you really gonna hate on my man Roo?

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