Recently, i got banned from r/socialism for defending the CPBG-ML in a thread in which they were criticized for denouncing identity politics. I attempted to peal my ban but the moderator called me a brocialist and told me to go to leftypol, so i did. Is this place really as bad as people say it is? What does this site think of r/socialism?
Migrated from r/socialism
Other urls found in this thread:
For some reason this was posted twice, this place seems to have bad posting mechanics
This place is full of retarded class-reductionists that spam memes and reply to Nazi-bait posts all day long. If you criticize Syria, Iran or Russia the BO will ban you. Go organize in real life and do something worthwhile
What is your opinion on catgirls?
t. Blackflag
I don't really care. the moderators were pretty stupid on that issue
At least this place does not censor the word stupid, which is probably a positive
What does that mean?
Nice ad hom, I’m not even an anarchist
You will find that Zig Forums's opinion of reddit in general is not high. r/socialism is by far the most cancerous of all "leftist" reddit subs.
Zig Forums is pretty spicy if you're coming straight from r/socialism, but it's reliably anti-idpol and consists of more well-read users, and has better, deeper discussions as a result.
If you find this here mudpit not to your tastes, you can always try Chapo Trap House over at reddit. They're not quite as bad as r/socialism, though they make a valiant effort at appearing to be so. Defending CPBG won't get you banned, though you will be called a Naz-Bol. It's also full of retarded-yet-arrogant Burgers, but pick your poison I guess.
What do people say about this place?
Webm related
Funny how no one can argue against the fact that class is only one of a number of fundamental conflicts without giving me adhoms and ebin meme arrows
It's called Marxism, you triggered snowflake.
Welcome aboard. I don't get why people are so butthurt ITT. I like leftypol even if it has some problems, but which community hasn't?
Be sure to check out /marx/ too
/r/socialism is full of idpol obsessed r3d yankee liberals. the type to say STALIN KILLED 100 GORILLION and shyt
Not an argument
LURK MOAR, honestly
Depends what you consider bad, if you're new to using chans it might take a while to get used to the discussion format. A thread can be good bad or both (most of the time the latter) it depends on the anons who participate and in what kinda mood they are. Shitposting is a common part of chan culture, and anons tend to be those that sit behind their screens for hours, thus searching for entertainment and interaction in weird ways.
There have been plenty of good threads here before and well thought out posts but also incredibly shitty posts. You can do your part by making interesting threads and write good posts, also 4chans /his/ and /lit/ offer leftist discussion from time to time. Also we're edgy here and our humor requires some initiation, also you're here forever. Enjoy your stay.
There is loads of Marxist literature on this very question - it's not out fault you seek to ignore.
Back to Reddit or leftpol or CTH, wherever you spawn from
I was thinking of qualifying that particular statement rather strongly but decided what the hell, someone will soon do it for me
Class has been more important and determinant than any other element throughout all history
Never gonna make it
yes… funny indeed…
It actually is an argument, retard. Marxism is a scientific theory based on class and hence its naturally class reductive because it explains society as the result of class struggles. Try the water cooler at any university if you think that's too narrow-minded you fucking nerd
OP, you having fun yet?
Oh god, more Reddit rapefugees
Redundant redundancy.
Uhm, I don't know, honey, maybe cuz
and not
stick to the zoo kid
Hierarchy is the issue you dumb retard, nobody cares about some asshole racist that isn't in a position of power, and when he's obnoxious you can always just punch him in the face or throw a chair or something. When the racist prik is in a position of power, only then is it really an issue. Grow up.
Who the fuck said anything about 'just waiting'?
You clearly have some issues, that one thing is fucking clear.
We can post about class only after we have finally removed the baboonposter. If you don't agree you're a racist brocialist (and probably a nazbol too :DDD)
reggaton will not win
Forced meme is still forced.
Just don't be like this person and you'll be fine. This is an imageboard so there are more shitposts and the mods don't have the balls to delete obvious bait and spam, but its still better than any SJW community on reddit.
Fuck you, baboonposter is funny.
You understand most of these people arn't in any way anarchists, yes?
Americans don't fight as they are inherently pussies. This is where a lot of the problems come fromworking theory, imho.
you have to go back
rustles my jimmies every time
As long as you accept that Juche and Xi Jinping Thought are correct 21st century socialism with a human face for a new era with chinese / korean characteristics it'll be fine.
What the fuck are you even talking about u gormless cunt?
My advice is just ignore posts you don't like instead of being a whiny faggot like
Does it matter they fight or not, politics shouldn't be dealing with trying to make people less bigoted. It doesn't work, what do you want the political class to do? It's all just meaningless rhetoric to accumulate votes, but what would be policies to lower racism of individuals? Also racism isn't always bad (depending on what your definition is of racism)
Most wageslaves end up doing jobs with coworkers of different ethnicities and since there are quite a few based people in the world they will see how certain preconceived notions of race are wrong and inaccurate.
read more
The irony of your post being that I can guarantee your "Marxism" is infinitely more Vulgar than that of those you criticize, thus completely missing the point of the term "Class Reductionist"
Interesting, you tell people to ignore posts they don't like, but quote one yourself.
Of course it does you gorm. If people just twated people for being cunts then you wouldn't have to have the whole passive aggressive/victimization sperging idpol shite. It's so obvious…
No need to be a fucking prick mate. Just trying to point out that raging against people who clearly believe different things than you is fucking retarded.
Chapo are almost as bad as r/socialism, if OP wants to go back like they should, they should probably go to r/stupidpol. Alternatively they should fucking lurk and not doublepost threads announcing their arrival like anyone gives a shit and they need to introduce themselves.
Yes, in the future OP please take your blog posts and inevitable spergouts to leftytrash with the other redditors.
wew, you can't be left without critiquing hierarchy you brainlet.
Also let people do what they want, if they wanna be a racist, fine. It's them dealing with the consequences, and there are consequences to being a bigot.
Cultural transformation takes time. Best thing is to critique systemic racism through a lens of hierarchical critique.
I think you now have an idea of what it means.
no you're much worse
Why do I get the feeling I'm about to hear a lecture on colonized peoples?
Cultural analysis without a material basis is largely meaningless, and tends to be as full of biases and prejudices as what it is criticizing. Being mean to someone on a basis of identity has nothing to do with hierarchy.
do you seriously not realize how controlled opposition you are? there's no reason to try to fucking fix the orbit of the moon and the sun just so people feel 1% more comfortable in their daily lives.
Wut? Have you met leftists? some types of Anarchists generally critique hierarchy but that is absolutely not a truth of the left.
empty-headed moralist humanitarianism is objectively counterrevolutionary
kek that whole video is about the frame rate of the camera capture spun as "gang stalking evidence" as is evident at 02:32
Haha, these are my favourite schizos!
And it is governed by the laws of capitalism and not self-appointed idiots like you.
Lurk for a month.
Capitalism is ultimately the root of the problem.
IdPol is an issue because it attacks with all it's might but a branch stemming from capitalism instead of the core issue.
Like lifestyleism, it does nothing in real terms to harm capitalism. Only a fundamental change of the economic base of society can truly bring about any real solutions.
Remember: The liberation of women, anti-rascism, the liberation of animals etc come part in parcel with communism.
my fav:
The reaction of the postman when he turns his head is fucking hilarious. In any case: Zizek is completely right when he detects that the default subjective position of late stage capitalism is that of never ending victimhood.
I guess women and black rights activists shouldn't have fought for voting rights
Well they shouldn't have, they could have dismantled the fucking state when they had the chance.
I'm talking about systemic racism not as racism as a cultural problem (although these are interwoven).
Being mean to somone is something that will happen, always (hyperbole?). Politics should rather handle the issue of power and hierarchy.
Cultaraly there is a lot of development going on in the arts and through events. Racist are a minor inconveneince, a rasict in power pushing racial policies is a treat.
Left-wing politics
Right-wing politics
Comrade, I have bad news for you.
Why does he keep seeing flashing tail lights though? I've never seen that. Is that a shitty American car thing?
We seriously need to produce less meat for the environment. Cows shit out as much toxic gas as a car. Also animals are criminally mistreated at factory farms.
ngl, it really makes me want to actually stack some of these ppl to just reinforce it. I'm sure that makes me a terrible person but lol.
Idpol is an issue because it's pure victimization.
I don't care what a dictionary told you mate. Go to your local leftist gatherings and parties and come back and tell me this..
Shitty car camera frame rate. The funniest shit about that video is that the person who made it didn't see that flashing when driving – he had to rewatch the whole recording again at home.
You could make so many arguments about idpol but instead you went for the victimization card (when academic idpol is about understanding power structures)
That was true in the 19th century, not so much at the time. Though this only changed because of socialists to begin with.
I have nothing against them having voting rights but as you say
Fucking exactly.
If all the effort put into forcing gender pronouns and shit into ACTUALLY FIGHTING THE CORE OF THE FUCKING ISSUE (read: capitalism) then we'd be living in a far different world.
Vegetable substitutes will be needed in order to produce less methane and waste less resources on feeding livestock. Also lab growns.
Which is exactly why hierarchy outside of class analysis makes no sense.
Imagine some kind of cold war era CIA social engineering shit wherein five hundred of these "gang stalked" individuals are coaxed into moving to the same little town and you have the desk job of staring at 50 cameras, sitting back, watching the show as they are 24/7 victimized by each other, but as weeks pass by they slowly start to figure out that something is not right, so they start doing political gatherings and trying to find the black sheep, the "real, ultimate stalker," probably killing each other of through a which hunt.
I don't care about idiot burgers in the academy that misrepresent pomo for personal gain and bullshit idpol ideology. they can die.
How tho? Like I get that working in a skilled trade in America in the 1930s might be better than living in a gulag but for that matter a lot of shit is better than prison. Solzhenitsyn had his cancer cured while in his prison but that privilege is still a luxury for much fo the American working class today.
Yeah, everything but class! It's almost as if the academy under capitalism served the same function as the clerical strata under feudalism.
That's amazing. Can you point to a professor you find problematic?
Tankie thought is the only solution to this
national socialist libertarian liberals (XD) influx of reddit filth
anuddah shoah should be redditor genocide
jacobin and shit need to be purged for their low
IQ and also because they're probably homosexual COINTELPRO
Heil Dugin
Testing part 2: electric boogaloo
national socialist
anuddah shoah
First word of a line doesn't filter.
My sociology professor redpilled me on communism by focusing on the specific people in power (a small hedgemony of rich white guys)
Didn't think so.
Wew lad, didn't realize he didn't see it himself.
What the hell, who took the flair off ☭TANKIE☭?
I can't believe it worked.
Your sociology professor "redpilled" you on contemporary liberalism.
gratz OP, this thread is the funniest shit on Zig Forums I've seen in a while
Now to do the same for when Zig Forumsyps are triggered by the word filters.
Time to rustle some jimmies
Why is leftypol antifeminist?
Explain how communism will end male control of female-bodied humans.
Dumb radfem.
Communism abolishes capitalist power structures that allow any form of exploitation. Women, withthe power of communism, would be free to change any laws that need amendment on the subject of their human rights