Be me

The fuck am I supposed to do here? Fuck off? Literally kill myself? Cut my dick off maybe?
Look, at best you're driving away a lot of fucking people and at worst you're driving them to reaction.
This is pretty much the last place I'm not banned from for raising this issue. Go ahead, I guess.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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You're supposed to be a leftist who is critical of identity politics. It's not a popular position and we're a minority, but that's the pain you must endure if you have principles instead of just a need to "belong" in some political camp

I mean if you show up looking like a WASP they'll think you're a cop or some kind of reactionary wrecker. Put on some eyeliner or something.

I'm sure you're aware but this board is a nanoscopic outlier. I've never met another hard leftists who didn't want to tear my fucking throat out with my teeth for being white and straight.

The fuck does my pigment have to do with my class? I was raised by a batshit drunk of a single mother, I don't even know my dad. I have no inheritance, no capital, fucking nothing. I don't even go to the college where that meet up was held because no fucking way can I afford it or anything for that matter.

Are you fucking serious? So this is cosplay now? I can't just be my fucking self?

Isn't this great tough? "Want to join our movement for the masses? Don't look like a normal person!"

Welcome to society. You have to fit in or you'll be ostracized. This is as true among mainstream groups as it is among counterculture groups. You think this is new?

So don't associate with those people. They're literally liberals LARPing as revolutionaries, they're useless to our movement anyway.

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Here's a jokey suggestion: try getting a brown skinned girlfriend(but not full on black eew) and then take her to those meetings. Perhaps it will serve as some form of camouflage? heehe.

Tbh he just needs to buy a Che t-shirt. And not speak against trannies, cuz that would get him killed fast.

So basically I need to become a trannie to be accepted if I'm a white male?

I dunno seems like this board is fucking full of them too.

Yes so after we've conquered and enslaved Whipeople your boipussy will be seized and shared amongest the black workers.

What makes you say that?

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What did they even do to you?

Despite my lack of experience I have trouble believing it can be this bad. Maybe it is in America though.
Anyway my advice would be to win the trust of some people and go from there. If you hold leftist convictions and avoid ranting about SJWs, they'll accept you at some point.
Maybe do something with them to demonstrate you're a leftist. Go protest or do community work or something.

There are a hell of a lot of these people. For the moment we need all the allies we can get. They could at least become a vector for more serious leftism.

Might be some truth in this, but please don't put on eyeliner. Maybe go for a unkempt hippy look or something. It's way less embarrassing.

I was called a few buzzwords (colonizer, weenie? the fuck?) and told to leave. They all stood up and just stared at me until I left. I had literally not said a word yet.

OK, so far my suggestions are dress in drag and have bad hygiene. You guys are making a lot of really awful people right.

white people fundamentally cannot be leftists and I wish they had killed you.

They're just shitposting. The only option is to leave these fuckers, find some actual leftists, and organize with them. You guys will be organizing the working class while those retards sit around talking about whether or not white people should be allowed to eat fried chicken.

Look man, college leftist groups are social clubs. They're not actually for organizing. You're asking "why did the club kick me out for not dressing right". Basically, you're a dumb nerd and deserve to be bullied.

didn't happen, go back to Zig Forums, you're a nigger and a troll,

Nothing of value was lost, OP. Read books instead. "Progressive" academia is enemy territory for a proper Marxist/ancom. Stay low, survive, when the time comes gulag them.

probably gave him death stares and treated him like an enemy.

americans are a sick and broken people.

Not really. You're probably either doing that thing where any time you see a post you don't like you decide its tainted the whole board, but when you see a post you like or dont mind you just treat it as a one off.
Or, you're mistaking arguments for the real existence of issues faced particularly by whatever minority or identity, and the basic validity of their struggle against those issues as full 'KILL WHITEY ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS' crap.
The most common stance on this board has always seemed, to me, to be that some identity issues are real, and some are important, but they're naturally second to class.
Wheras in SJW circles, some people will make those same sensible arguments, plenty will do shit like you describe in

, and the 'FUCK WHITEY/MEN/[JEW LIKE ENEMY FIGURE GOES HERE]' attitude is the zeitgeist whether they try to keep it under control or not.

even if he's lying, its a plausible scenario on a burgerclap campus with enough delusional kid. Presenting a coherent response to the situation is a better response than leaping to defend the poor libshits even if it is Zig Forums trying to bait. Because the bait is to jump to the defense of worthless libshits just to spite Zig Forums, which is counter productive in every possible way.

I don't mean you shouldn't shower. You should have good hygiene in as far as it is necessary, as in conducive to your health and the comfort of your comrades. My suggestion is only to not go beyond that. Look like someone an employer would be reluctant to hire. Going unshaven with shitty hair helps with that. Don't wear any clothes that are expensive or fashionable. Get something cheap and comfortable from a thrift store.
Stop caring too much and dedicate yourself to the cause. This will signal a lot to leftists who are reluctant to accept you.
Think of someone like Zizek. It's immediately apparent that he isn't a standard intellectual just from the way he looks.

Attached: zizek left-elitism.jpg (1521x1064, 298.97K)

that's not what gaslighting means, and entertaining any of OP's fantasies about White persecution is what Zig Forums wants.

But OP you're an American
So you aren't white in the first place


Don’t do this.

If you get attacked for looking like a normal fucking person, you’re not in a movement for mass politics, but a niche subculture club that uses faux socialist politics as a tribal signifier.

In fact, real socialists should reject subculture bullshit altogether, since it’s consumerist garbage.

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Holy shit, this is the most lifestylist thing I've seen in months and it's shit like this that turns off people from even interacting with the left. Teenagers with ripped jeans and messy hair are not what we should be using as an example of how to dress or take care of yourself.

"Yeah fuck idpol SJWs" man should not be a problematic position to take. Stop being such a contrarian prick just to feel like you're getting one over on "the other side".
The event OP describes wouldnt actually validate some idea that white pepole are persecuted in general, even if Zig Forums would imagine that it does.
Saying "Fuck off racist!!" does a million times more to help Zig Forums than presenting the actually correct interpretation to this hypothetical, if it is in fact a fantasy, ie "liberal scum get the bullet too, comrade"

WTF happened to race being a spook? What is being called "the left" is now more racial essentialist than everyone except the most batshit white nationalists. They have literally established a racial pecking order, a god damn racial hierarchy. They've simply inverted it from what it once was.

that sucks OP.
in the inverse situation myself in that I don't want to be viewed as a zoo animal if i were to join some of the mostly-white leftist groups in my minority-majority city.
better (maybe just easier) to fit in behind the cover of my keyboard, but it might all just be my own preconceived notion and something i should work on.

What is being called "the left" is more or less controlled opposition.
Most self identified progressives are bootlicking shills. Even moreso than libertarians. At least lolberts theoretically hate corporations. We've been grappling with how to cope with this for years now.

Here's the problem. What I'm wondering lately is what happens when these people win. When that "kill all white people" tumblr blogger is the top ranking law enforcement officer of the U.S. one day. Is my red and black bandanna gonna save my life? Its looking like the answer to that is no. So uh. .now what?

I'm not proposing any of this. Purposefully ripped jeans or stylishly messy hair are garbage. If you want to signal you're a leftist, you gotta go all the way and genuinely reject any paradigm that expects you have any specific appearance. Just look naturally shitty.
The idea behind ripped jeans likely originated in this, but when people start to like it it inevitably becomes something that is part of a "look." You gotta avoid that. Not by developing your own look, which is what hipsters would do, but by genuinely not caring too much. Let the pieces fall together as they will. If wearing dumb t-shirts every day is convenient to you, go for it. If your jeans rip somewhere, and it doesn't affect the practicality of the clothing item, that's great.
Be the kind of person that puts convenience before fashion of any kind.


If your talking about the "left" in America, it's mostly because it doesn't even exist. Anything you could even be vaugely called the "left" is a Frankenstein assortment of SocDems and radlibs with an unhealthy obsession with identity and race because that's more or less how American politics operates in general now. It's a shitshow.

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This is true Zig Forumsyp mental illness. SJWs don't literally want to kill all white people. They're just insensitive morons.

That's not gonna realistically happen. These people dont actually do anything but bitch on the internet and LARP.
The ones who gain any influence in politics aren't half as crazy as whatever group of stupid kids were at your college. Whites will always be a large demographic, and idpol in actual politics is about finding something that will please voters without threatening corporate donors, its a product of necessity.

is this a genuine worry you have, that a tumblr blogger will ever get in a position of power to actually put danger in your life?
maybe i am too defeatist but i don't believe it will ever get to that, nor that even if it did, that they wouldn't get the bullet themselves.
wish we could get past race bullshit, since while i may have been born and brought up in a majority latino city, i still understand the plight of having parents working two jobs to put food on the table, just that my parents weren't born here.
but again don't think this country will ever get past that sticking point in our lifetimes.

No one was attacked. They just got funny looks and then projected their mental illness onto everyone around them, creating the illusion of persecution.

Sounds likely. He might also have behaved aggressively because of this perceived persecution, and thereby elicited aggressive responses in return.

Of those few that actually exist in the real world, it's highly doubtful given that aren't even able to organize anything larger then a college book club or scream on Twitter.

How did idpol get so big?

we warned you but you didn't want to listen, you'll deny reality right up until the poc apes and trannies start to skin you alive in the town square for being a white male and for a brief moment you will know that we were right

Did these people act this way just because you’re white?

Not OP, but I care about that sort of thing purely for my own sake. I only wear basically one or two different outfits, every day, every time, but I like wearing something I think is nice. Even though other people thinking something positive about me because of assumptions about what I must be like based on my dress makes me uncomfortable.

come on now.

I was in Zucatti Park during OWS and had a fat . .something scream "kill yourself" at me until its voice stopped working. I was handing out copies of the manifesto. I'm pretty sure this thing would have killed me if they were able.

The whole "progressive stack" and the massive shitshow that OWS became pretty much black pilled me into apathy and inaction. We could be Star Trek but these faggots are more concerned with the cultural appropriation of some white girl's clothing.

I used to be an AnCap because I wanted TRUE CAPITALISM, then I turned into a Not Socialist when I saw the problems with that, and then I slowly turned to a full on Stalin loving ☭TANKIE☭ when I saw the problems with that.

The thing about loberts is that they can see everything that is wrong with society, like real talk Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell were great with pretty much everything like banks ruling everything, corporations using governments to have power, and etc. I fucking loved American Conservative. They were spot-on with foreign policy and etc. But the thing is they can't see that the problem with it is Capitalism and Private Property.

Why though?

give in to the collective

OP is a faggot and, may Allah forgive me, an individualist.


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This means you've internalized the beauty standards bourgeois society imposes on you, and this could have been picked up on by the radlib leftists. Since they're stupid and obsess over lifestyle choices it might have been a big deal for them.

Maybe they're anticommunist. Anticommunists actually will kill you.

It's interesting how retards like this use the politically correct acronym "POC." I've noticed it before. They're afraid of sounding like dumb racists afraid of brown people, which is what they are, so they're forced to adopt the same neologisms as ant-racists.

They're anarchists turned mouthpieces for corporate interests.

Bitch please

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I see white dudes in those spaces all the time, it just sounds like you're paranoid or perhaps even making this up.

ITT people who don't go outside

Non-individualist collectivists are fucking cancerous. We should squish them like the ants they are.

A large portion of the thread has been people calling OP out on his bullshit.

i use the term PoC mockingly you subhuman big lipped baboon nigger ape person

How fucking racist is it to lump everyone on the planet who isn't white into this label of POC. Do you understand how white centric that is? How is that not racist? Every consider that Koreans maybe don't want to be in the same boat with the Congolese? Probably don't have a lot in common.


p. s. I am afraid of poc because you're literal shit flinging ape people who belong in zoos

bye bye

Are you the only white male there?

Why, which branch of Fascism do you even follow?

Why is it so hard for you to believe that certain elements among the liberals harbor deeply triggering and problematic sentiments? I think it has become quite clear for some time. And it has become the main recruiting propaganda for right wingers and white nationalists. Just saying "lol didn't happen" will not make the problem go away.

It is a way to make it seem like there is a united front against whites, mainly used by the democrats to garnish support

i am not a fascist I just want all baboon to live in zoos

If you're white you can either
A, Be an activist for the right
B, slit your own throat now because you're useless to them after a takeover
C, do nothing an await said takeover

There were plenty of white women, no white men. Not fucking one. I get why now.

stop noticing things

faggot, stop larping as one with that flag.

all these leftist coal burners are gonna be beaten to death by their ape nigger boyfriends if not they will be homeless with their mullatos babies it's a win win

FUCk reggaton music


Don't believe this. Sorry. There is just no reason to mock politically correct liberals in that context. It'd even be kind of jarring.

why is anti huwite filtered?


Zig Forums might be gay n shit but it reminds me when I used to be a massive lefty.

Thread theme:


Cuba agrees.

Was commonly spammed by Zig Forumsyps, was filtered to make them sound like SJWs

all these flags, who woulda thunk

I bet my ass that the majority of the people there were white women. 99% of the time “SJWs" are white women who have bad relationships with their brothers/fathers.

lol this thread is such bait and you useless people fell for it

Best way to deal with it is to use self deprecated humor. I'm half morrocan half dutch and people seem to get more comfortable when I tell a few jokes about I will steal their bike or how things are haram, etc.
Just make jokes about your privilege, your greed or that your an undercover fascist whatever. Be playful with it. You have an advantage because they seem to already hate white males, thus they probably won't get triggered by deeply triggering and problematic male jokes.
I think once you established trust you should be honest and tell them you felt a bit alienated the first time you came there, maybe play it safe and tell that it did you think about minorities who go through this their entire life.

PoC was almost certainly invented by white people, minorities are aware of

No one fell for it. We answered sincerely for the off chance it isn't a false flag.

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You mean, my ideas of aesthetics are influenced by the images I've seen in the past? The horror!
Anyhow, "my look" that I like mostly for my own sake doesn't closely resemble what would bee seen as "WASP"-y or "punk". Or, more accurately, it can sort of lean towards either depending on which jacket and pants I wear, but I don't care about that and it looks kinda similar either way to me, just a little more or less edgy. I just like wearing things I think look good.

if he's Zig Forums trying to bait, all saying 'gb2/pol/' does is let him "prove" that leftypol is sjws
if hes not, its just being an ass.
theres no reason to say anything but what you really believe if this actually did happen.

If the group is actually that bad, he should just leave. It's not worth it in the slightest and they're all probably liberals anyway.

No one knows how to troll anymore. They think that getting any response at all is a success. It's pathetic.

thats practical advice if you want to be accepted but having to do that sounds fucking awful.
You shouldn't have to, that guy shouldn't have to.
Fuck, man.

It's basically a mirror of how minorities have to be self-deprecating to be accepted into predominantly white social groups (and never EVER call someone out for racism). It's really just petty "this is how it is for me every day everywhere I go - enjoy walking in my shoes". Not really fair, but it's easy to see where it comes from.

r u fucking joking every white cucklet in the world bends over backwards to make sure "minorities" "feel included" it's borderline patronizing white leftists like you treat shitskins like literal toddlers

fuck you and fuck akk browns

Yeah, I get that, but its fucking horrendous in either case.
If I was black that would unironically make me want to kill whitey, or at least make whitey think I want to.

It's funny man, I agree 100% with Zizek on this.

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I agree user. Never pander to anybody who’s a basic bitch. Accept yourself and you’ll never be lonely. I’ve never felt lonelier than when I’m around people.

fucking lmaoing at you guys

Not being an American, I have a really hard time believing that this level of SJW hysteria is actually dominant among radical leftists.
Please tell me it isn't so Ameribros. I really don't want to have to nuke you all.

He's more or less referencing what Zizek does in regards to defusing racism/national animosity, which is to tell rascist/dirty jokes

i have never encountered such a thing
plenty of straight white guys in all orgs i hear of and saw
seems like a rather unique american problem with their liberals
you shouldn't cry about that sorta people excluding you, they're faggots and should be dismissed
sorry you have to deal with it
this sorta shit sounds really far fatched to me but i'll just assume you're not just bullshitting to own the trannies
i'm asking you for a favor, don't take that shit out on people like me
i hate these guys with a passion, they fuck shit up for me and others with their retarded attitude while pretending to speak for me
i seriously hate them
i just want to be a fucking by myself and just have my peace and have them shut the fuck up about this stuff
also i'm into straight guys and "white" isn't even a thing outside of the USA and its colonies
try to do your own thing and remember it's probably the feds doing this anyway so it's better to keep your distance to those snitches

don't do that
they'll just turn it against you complaining that you're comparing something you "deserve" and downplay "their suffering"
do not engage with these people at all, it's a waste of time

Being that we exist within a very stratified demographic, it can sometimes seem as though there is a great excess of such activism and sentimentality; however, for the most part, the predominant American politic in all respects is a very milquetoast and anodyne kind of deal, with many opinions being self-censored to avoid provoking retaliation - not that these opinions don't come out in partisan environments. SJW hysteria is a persistent issue of theory, and much less so in practical matters - people just tend to regress into these debates and modes of thought because: 1. No one spends the time organizing and challenging the philosophy and ideology of these denominations and 2. The great 'debacle' of free speech and the threat of the self-righteous and indignant SJW is a giant, illusory crock that both sides rely on as a vehicle for criticizing or galvanizing their side.

how the fuck can a movement operate with this kind of shit?

It sounds more like hes talking about, if you're black in a mostly white social group, you have to put on a show to prove you're not a threat, or if you walk into a group of idpol shitbags as a white, you have to put on a show of how sorry and guilty you are.

This too though. Liberals love snitching.