galaxy brain, I love my local ancap.
Galaxy brain, I love my local ancap
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The ancap is retarded of course, but crop this shit before you subject us to it.
Wow. Although, technically I calculated this without actually factoring that Communism killed 300 million.
I just love the idea that an idea killed 300 million people, especially the idea of Communism, one of the most moral and beautiful ideas ever concieved.
taxes are immoral
taxes are theft
communism = taxes
therefore communism = theft
therefore communism = immoral
statists btfo
This is the real galaxy brain. Really, the problem woth that argument was that he stated taxes are immoral without proving this.
The taxes in Communist society will hopefully be socially decided and thusly not theft. Although, to be fair, they have to agree to pay taxes if they want to have a society, but if that is theft, I want to be compensated for having to breathe air.
Capitalism is actually theft of value from workers though.
Fugg ur right. That's what I get for not reading who he was replying to.
what the fuck is a war economy, is this guy retarded?
brah he's an ancap do you really have to ask?
I don't blame you, honest mistake.
Name one thing wrong with phoneposting. I usually crop screenshots though, looks better
Holy fuck my sides
this tbh
somewhat understandable, a guy needs to get laid somehow
maybe you're not tech literate enough to use secure email, I can accept that
okay… you just want to stay updated on global politics
maybe you need to talk to grandma from time to time
kill yourself.
eliminate spooks from your mind
Great argument
I don't need morality to care about other people, user. Most people don't. Sociopaths, actually, DO need morality because they can't conceive of empathy on their own. They need a set of rules and laws which tell them right from wrong.
I have not spoken to ONE american online, that's not on an explicitly leftist website, that wasn't a fascist or fascist sympathizer. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you people.
I bet you thought that was really clever, huh?
Not what I said.
People who believe that anyone who doesn't believe in morals is a sociopath, though, are just projecting. They can't imagine themselves being able to fit into decent society without rules and laws to tell them how to behave, and so assume everyone else is the same.
No, I don't base morality off of rules or society. You're just fighting some strawman of moral realism you've built up in your head because you haven't read any ethics at all and believe that Stirner is some sort of religious figure.
For real though, I think I heard something about colonialists living in effectual communes. Why did they starve then if they shared the MoP?
They didn't bring enough food with them and couldn't grow enough to make up the difference.
Socialism is when there are no work requirements for compensation.
Also, the bit about Jamestown is a bald faced lie. Jamestown had famines because most of its residents were wealthy merchants from England looking to claim gold mines for themselves and they spend most of their time gold prospecting rather than farming, which only ended when John Smith, the colonial governor at the time, declared a "He Who Does Not Work, Neither Shall He Eat" policy. You know, the same policy Lenin advocated for.
"secure email"? autism much?
Damn it Jim, be more discrete next time.