Thoughts on 2019

Hi Zig Forums, is it just me or is the world getting more absurd? I can actually almost physically feel culture and people’s attitudes changing. Grand projects like ending world hunger have been completely abandoned and no one bats an eye, lying is totally normal in 2019, world leaders are obvious puppets and stooges and though more and more people seem to be aware of this they continue the charade and vote for “their” team. People use memes to communicate and bond over Netflix, which they know is shit but watch anyways. War, economic collapse, and environmental disaster loom but the topic du jour is gender pronouns. I think Zizek spoke about this. Am I going crazy or does anyone else feel this way? This fills me with great dispar and dread for the world! I believe Trump is without question the single most important man of the decade in terms of cultural impact and here is his message to the world: enjoy the ride! Please tell me I am not alone in feeling this way, I believe the collective mental illness that Trump and others have given the world is creeping up on me too.

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Accelerationism boi

it's just postmodernism enforcing ironic detachment among our youth. it's slowly getting less and less popular now though. metamodernism/post-irony is slowly gaining ground in the American media industry, which I think is key in bringing people towards a socialist zeitgeist and this is visible with the growing popularity of things like Black Mirror, Sorry To Bother You, and Adam McKay.
things will change for the better, slowly but surely.

I think people have just accepted that inequality is increasing, our world leaders can cause nuclear destruction to end the human species if they become mad and that there is a literal mass extinction of animal populations taking place

This is my life now.

Culture and society are changing so fast. Factual history is absurd and obscene to society, no truth is ever right except the side of their sports team, the propaganda is extremely low quality with corporate and political leaders being total stooges, identity politics is ruining comedy & arts not just the careers of unworthy & disgusting individuals, right is wrong, up is down, '200,000,000,000,000,000 were killed by Comminists but that's the only thing I know about left politics'.

*Everyone has an audience*. Everyone is trying to appeal to their audience. Their audience is always an echo chamber with tribalism built in.

The spectacle is destroying itself.

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It's not the first time this happens in history. Reactionary era when France was defeated was somewhat the same. Although, one may argue there are more dire crises coinciding with it now.

it's hardly as bad as people think. imo the steps Europe and China have taken to avoid ecological disaster are a step in the right direction and are most likely going to change. it's America that's going to suffer more than anything.

What do you mean reactionary era France was similar?

Everyone is trying to put themselves on a pedestal. Everyone sees themselves as a celebrity because they have 875 followers.

Society Of The Spectacle was pretty god damn spot on.

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gender pronouns and homosexuality are spoken about so much because it's part of the global depopulation agenda, it's too late though

depopulation is good tho

The world between the fall of Revolutionary France and Liberal revolutions of 1848


actually endorses single-entendre principles, yawn

did we come to the conclusion here

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Capitalism is global, and the US is one of the largest economies in the world. If that ship sinks (i.e Civil War or complete anarchy) you can be sure that the rest of the world will suffer.

And the social democracies all around Europe are falling to right wingers or at least centrists. The EU's contradictions continue to become more obvious with each passing day, and the next economic crisis is right around the corner. We are in no position to adequately meet the demands of 12 years 50% less carbon emissions set out by scientists.

We live in interesting times. Don't kill yourselfs if you're depressed, exciting things could be on the horizon.

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There might be a reason for that.

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The dialectics are in motion.

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dunno about china, but europe steps are a complete joke basically shilled by porky to get more government monnies and good pr without any actual care for the environment

I have no idea what to expect from 2019, but I doubt I'm going to like it. Dying in a work-related accident wouldn't be too bad at this point