If you had to choose one religion to remain intact after the Revolution (all the others will wither away), which would you choose? Personally I would choose Bahai, since it's basically secular humanism wrapped in mystical language.
If you had to choose one religion to remain intact after the Revolution (all the others will wither away)...
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Unironically Islam but it needs to be reformed.
Maybe just put in a socialist pope so I can continue being Catholic.
It isn't hereditary, it's just a guy at the head of a voluntary organisation (since the church itself doesn't force anyone to be priest)
It's too bad plenty of priest force themselves on kids
u wot mate?
They are all wrong, except buddhism that is right.
Christianity tbh.
All religions are beautiful
monarchy doesn't need to be hereditary, electoral monarchy is a thing. And the church is totally an absolute monarchy, at the very least (if one wants to be very very good wih them) since 1870, the year the pope was declared infallible
Buddhism is literally the only religion that can't be used for fascism.
All religions must die. Comprehensive life philosophies bordering on religious but not quite qualifying, like Buddhism, Avaita, Taoism, etc. which involve no gods or faith but engage only with the natural as opposed to supernatural, should remain.
The Mad Baron pulled it off, though.
tell that to the minority populations of muslims in south east asia
theism isn't the problem with religion though. it's the whole idea of enforcing an absolutist philosophy and trying to take it in as law. this mentality needs to stop and I knew many atheists who can be just as reactionary as christcucks, sometimes even more so.
wtf buddhism is the most reactionary religion there is
Didn't read his books
Fuck off Mudslime. China is proud to have your kind, but they're still obligated to keep the peace. Stop defending terrorism.
t. Christcuck
The UN has claimed over 1 million Uighur muslims are in re-education camps. How is this an appropriate countermeasure for terrorism lol
Literally nothing wrong with this
Buddhism seems like it could be easily used to promote fascism. Fatalism is a fairly large aesthetic component of it (fascism) after all.
um.. sweetie, Revolution is a religion too
Gnosis with a chondoist government of the Immanent.
Is it really fair to call 10% of a religious minority reactionaries? I looked it up and there was only 1 Uighar nationalist attack last year and it was really minor (5 people killed). It seems really disproportionate and mostly targeting random civilians
I generally agree with you but theism is to religion what monarchy is to politics. It needs to die because it is still the strongest reaction and will never let go of its position. Still the rise of "life-philosophy" in capitalism, included atheism-that-makes-of-science-and-pseudorationalism-a-religion and "christian atheist" zizekian cuckery is the signal of the bourgeois trying to reinvent religion in a form that better suit them, flirting with atheism not as the real materialist atheism that recognizes the never existance of god, the disorder of the universal and the absence of absolutes; it is instead the fraud of the "death of god" atheism, where an absolute (god), losing its effectiveness, must be replaced with another (nietzsche, despte his criticism of bourgeiose, will always remain the most important bougeoise reactionary irrationalist garbage on witch their ideology is based)
Is that Serbian? Because it does not look like Russian…
Anglicanism purely because it dodges all the reactionary bullshit and is socialist as fuck.
^The Archbishop of Canterbury calling effectively for socialism at the Trades Union Congress.
I mean it IS used to promote ethnonationalism in Burma so…
I would keep Shia Islam
Shite taste, everyone knows Ibadi is the best sect.
Nice, tho I'd keep the Sunnilads too
Absolutely reactionary
I was clearly talking about Oman, the only majority Ibadi country in the world. Also the whole no rulers needed thing historically has caused sectarian wars and assassination attempts.
oh no no no
just ask the Japanese. Or read this "Zen at war" book Zizek recommends
Why would you even like that?
I'd choice Orthodox Christianity or militant islam
Christianity because of the rich history and connection to older european traditions
Islam to fight liberalism
It was literally an empires state religion fuck that.
Sounds like liberalism with candles.
orthodox christianity is one huge bastardization of the holy bible, everything it represents is compeletely disconnected from Christ or God.
Orthodoxy is literally the original church that Christ founded.
He preferred praxis over armchair theory.
Nah mate that's the Coptic Church.
The Bible sucks, disregarding it is a good thing.
No it's the Catholic Church and also Peter founded it. Jesus didn't start a church.
Buddhism is about material dialectics, nerd. Enjoy your 👻s.
Jesus didn't found a Church, in fact he probably wasn't even planning on creating a new religion. For all intents and purposes Jesus was a religious jew.
do you honetls think, that Jesus wanted his followers to build churches like this, and to dress like pic related?
for fuck's sake they reguararly bless guns and government buildings, pools and even fucking supermarkets. You think this is what Jesus is supposed to be? Something you only care about as long as you have some sort of personal gain from it? "oh yeah let's just springle some holy stuff over this fucking drumset so it lasts longer lol that's what God is for right lmao fam"
you do realize that disregarding the bible and especially the teachings of Jesus kinda goes against the whole premise of Christianity?
Literally your reasoning
fite me determinist fgt
kys fam
and yes I know there are spooks in it but so is every religion and if I had to choose one I'd choose this one.
We have scientific historiography. They didn't. Jesus probably didn't even proclaim himself to be the son of god.
t. doomed to experience cyclic existence for eternity
Велика скорбь - велико наследие. Is Russian
Historical science isn't anything like STEM fields. It's deep textual criticism.
Why are the adjectival endings shortened? Should it be великая & великое respectively?
Amor fati!
AKA an unverifiable construct created by the spirit of its time.
This is obviously a loyalty test.
the correct answer is "Religion is the opiate of the masses" and we need to ban it.
Why not have some fun with it?
Pagans, a world without Elves is a world I don't want to live in
Are you saying that muslisms are the minority or they are fascism? Coz either is absolutely wrong
I don't know? What did Goku believe in?
Paganism as it exists today was invented in the 60s. It's scientology tier.
I know you New Atheists are incessant in your dishonesty but this level of strawmanning is a new low. how dare you compare a dialectical analysis of religion from a theologian to nietzschean idealism? your academic ignorance grants no such right. it's hilarious how your ilk are so easily comparable (and ironically are cherished by) insolent brats.
Manichaeism. The only religion with socialism built into it from the start.
ctrl+f Cult of reason 0 found
2018+1 Not worshiping the idea of reason itself and having sex with alter women in probably alcohol fueled proletarian celebration (parties)
Which religion advocates public euthanasia centers? I'd be first in line.
Cromwell style Puritanism combined with Islamic Salafism
You guys don't get a choice. In the end the religion of the "state" will be Judaism. The religion of the goyim will be freemasonry AKA Judaism lite for goyim.
t. cnn gang
I have become Zoo, the destroyer of boons
Fucking boon poster at it again.
Most consistently comedic poster on leftypol by far.
Absolutely heretical
No thanks
These. Every theology where Communism isn't itself God is bullshit.
Also, instead of clinging to boring and stale surpassed religions, you could at least put some effort in and starting laying down a pantheon of socialist gods, Zig Forums.
Gnosis, obviously
Reminder that gnosticism was so extremely anti-materialist that even the early church rejected it.
I'm not a new atheist you fucking bitch and by my post its as clear as the sun but I guess your comprehension has been razed to the ground by zizekian argument-jumping bullshit
Of course they rejected it. You can't burn people if you are gnostic.
Wew lad.
Shit thought it said agnosticism