what is the consensus on this guy Zig Forums? is he based or a maniac?
What is the consensus on this guy Zig Forums? is he based or a maniac?
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wtf I love China now
I memed Zig Forums about him a few days ago, what do you think?
I was called various bad words ive never been called before. I think i struck a nerve, crossed some line, people would have actually attacked me in person.
Oh, but ill add, a few people on Zig Forums actively defended him for being 'ethnocentric'. Go figure ;^)
A more complete disaster for both humanity and the worker's cause is hard to imagine.
Anyone who defends him is memeing.
But cant you imagine the total commitment to his ideal? He even executed his long time right hand man ive read. Pol pot was not a man, but a force of nature. Magnificent.
Revolutionaries know they are doomed, anyone who is a genuine revolutionary with even a moderate education can only ever be doing so out of selflessness. So when looking at pol pot you must inspect him under this lens foremost, and imagine what it would be to be pol pot.
glasses are for fuckin nerds. We can't have nerds in Chad Kampuchea
Literal murderous Kissinger/CIA puppet who was thankfully stopped by the Vietnamese.
give me some sources plez so I can pwn my centrist friends
I guess you can start here: en.wikipedia.org
There's also a Jacobin article: jakkkobinmag.com
And I remember Chomsky covering this somewhere in Manufacturing Consent.
A hero and a model.
Are there any unironic defenses of Pol Pot, or links to another thread. I'd like sources, but, given the supporters in the charter school thread that believe reading is bourgeois, I don't expect any.
bad, but not as bad as monetarists.
Way too ahead of his time
A coward and a hypocritical faggot
The KR were pretty much engaging in war with Vietnam constantly on the border anyway, eventually the Viets got sick of it and declared war and everyone was like viednam you fuggen imberialisd :DDD
Is there a single state that is more lied about than Democratic Kampuchea in the years between 1975 and 1979? Once I discovered that the “Cambodian Genocide” was a hoax, or at least severely overblown, I began to see the entire regime in a much different light. I began to think, who wants me to believe that three million died? Who indeed but the bourgeoisie and imperialists? Marxists everywhere disavow him for his admittedly un-Marxist and ultra-leftist tendancies, instead falling for every piece of imperialist propaganda and excepting without critical thought that THREE MILLION PEOPLE were slaughtered merely because Pol Pot was just an evil man.
If the PRK (Vietnamese puppet government) claimed three million people died, which was nearly HALF of the 1975 population of when Pol Pot came to power, how did post-DK estimates by both the Cambodian government and various international agencies show 7.2 million people in Cambodia after 1979, not to mention those who had fled abroad into Thailand (a half million or more). You can’t have it both ways. The puppet government claimed three million dead and 7 million still alive from the 7 million before 1975….
These are Vickery’s claims in the book from the Marxist Regimes series (1986). Even the World Bank’s population data from Cambodia refutes the “genocide” narrative and largely supports Vickery’s data. There was NO genocide, there may have been overreaches by the DK government in some places but remember the war and turbulence at the time. Also, it would be retarded to claim that all 750,000 people who died during the time Cambodia was DK were deaths directly caused by Pol Pot alone because he was just evil or crazy. As I’ve said, DK was at war with social-imperialist Vietnam, being bombed by America, you name it.
Pol Pot didn't genocide 300 gorillions, but that's a rather low bar of conduct to clear. He was still rarted and probably an American puppet.
Daily reminder though that despite the denunciations of Pol Pot by so-called "Marxists", Pol Pot was the leader of the most advanced revolution in the history of the world, instantly surpassing bourgeois "stages of revolution". Upon the coming to power of Pol Pot there was an instant transition to classlessness. April 17th marked the 100% completion of the national democratic revolution, the 100% completion of the socialist revolution. No longer were there exploiting classes or private ownership in Kampuchea.
Gotta remember to switch out the KKK in the link with a c when you open it since the BO is a twit
Yeh, He simply implemented a form of agrarian barracks communism, quite the dialectician
This is just funny to me
Simply turning the back the clock and enforcing agrarian communalism is not Marxist and un-dialectical as all fuck.
we have physical grave sites that do indeed show mass killings.
Don't tell me, you fell for the copypasta?
Does any surplus value got extracted from the PRK after the war? Because I don’t think Vietnam got anymore powerful with their occupation and their economy was basically crippled to the point of going full Dengist to avert it. That pretty much disproved the entire imperialist bullshit argument right there.
And please enlighten me on how Dengist China is actually building toward glorious ant-imperialist utopia by helping ethnically cleansing another country alongside the also Cambodian loving America. Or how anti-imperialistic Pol Pot was by attacking civilians and running away from the NVA again.
Nothing more ultra-leftist than falling for the Greater Khmer nationalist meme of Norodom Sihanouk and then lived in hiding in imperialist Thailand when you got BTFO’ed by another socialist country.
You need to pull yourself from the bourgeois propaganda and look into Pol Pot's Super Great Leap Foward. The peasant, the rural dispossessed, was the core of the Kampuchean Revolution. The urbanized society is a tumor on the country, a symbol of capitalism, injustice, inequality. The rise of capitalism was inseparable from the dominance of town over countryside. In Kampuchean communist society there would be no need for formal institutions of education, for the young would educated themselves spontaneously in a natural social setting based on the unity of living and working; and there would be no place for university educated intellectuals, whose specialized training necessarily created a sharp separation between mental and manual labor incongruous with the new order. The revolution brought instant social levelling – full communism. The societal slate was wiped clean of classes, and rigidly egalitarian communism was brought forth to the people. Identical clothes and houses, identical fixed working hours, mass lectures, communal farms, communal dining, the abolition of religion and money, strict rules for sexual morality. What Mao attempted Pol Pot achieved. Without a socialist collective system, Pol Pot would never be able to defend Kampuchea, they would lose their country and the Kampuchean race would disappear. In fact, their socialist revolution, had set up a strong base for their collective system in the nation, thus turning the whole country into a bulwark which could totally and independently guarantee their national defense
Frst post-best post!
pol pot is one of biggest pieces of shit in history. He damaged Cambodia and Vietnam. Violence in Indochina could have ended in 1975, and perhaps relations between Soviet Union and China improved. But no, this piece of shit had to take cia bux and interfere creating a new war which lasted for ten years!
He was pro western revolutionary hindrance.
pol pot is one of biggest pieces of shit in history. He damaged Cambodia and Vietnam. Violence in Indochina could have ended in 1975, and perhaps relations between Soviet Union and China improved. But no, this piece of shit had to take cia bux and interfere creating a new war which lasted for ten years!
He was pro western revolutionary hindrance.
Fuck off, bourgeois shill. Your arguments and lies have already been addressed in this very thread
Does anyone have access to that one Khmer Rouge subreddit? What the fuck goes on in there?
Absolutely nothing of any concern or interest and certainly not anything to be worried about.
stop this nonsense. It's fucking discussing to pretend to be fan of cia plant and genocidal maniac. fuck of to /b/
Go ahead and disprove anything I've said.
Amazing praxis right there!
Building national autarky and ushering in a classless society free of exploitation is not pushing "Cambodia back a few hundreds years in standard of living and culture". Quite the opposite. For the short period in which Pol Pot was in power before being back-stabbed, Kampuchea had placed itself firmly at the head of the vanguard of world revolution. While the USSR had been the first socialist state, Kampuchea had been the first that was truly classless. Ideally Russia would have followed a similar path and followed the Narodnik line. Instead of worrying about feeding people in the cities, a principled Pol Potist would have evacuated the cities and set to work with the people themselves instead of violent requisitioning of food
You stupid asshole always post the same shit. It has already been debunked on /marx/ and all the previous threads. Hell even if pol pot wasn't *that bad, he is still and asshole who dropped life expectancy in his nation, and antagonized based anti-imperialist Vietnam, which today enjoys quality of life higher than it's western puppet neighbors.
I have never been debunked once without people resorting to false statistics and slander of Pol Pot. Vietnam's sinister motives are well-recorded. So many lies. I will have to start producing my video series on Pol Pot-ism soon
back to /b/, troll.
Vietnam is a western puppet
I am 100% unironic in my defense and recognition of Pol Pot as one of the greatest revolutionaries in the past century. Just wait and I'll get along to making videos defending Pol Pot and Kampuchea. You'll see the truth
That honor should’ve been given to Cuba. Stop spewing bullshit.
If that’s not exploitation, I don’t know what is.
You sound like the retards who think the Soviet Government was a “ruling class”
Anarkiddies can't even make Pol Pot sound bad without making fools out of themselves
Hilarious when he himself was a Westernized teacher who studied in fucking France of all places.
This could also be achieved by killing everyone on earth, but that is not the goal of our movement
The rest is just mind diarrhea
here is you official (you) for the day
It's sad how no one even tries to debate my points. This board is truly full of brainlets. The facts are the facts, and that is why I'm a Pol Potist
who told you that?
killing everyone on earth > late-late capitalism
If only the gif lasted long enough to see the breeze block hit his dumb face.
this post was the equivalent to a squid firing off ink in desperation.
/marx/ held the only debate needed, so ends the discussion. I am not impressed by your poor form and bad understanding of dialectics however