Zig Forums is hosted on US government servers. This is a honeypot

Jim Watkins, owner of Zig Forums manipulated the original owner into handing over control of the site. He did this after illegally DDosing Zig Forums and got it kicked off it's hosting providers.
He is also a Freemason. You are on a CIA fed honeypot.

Haven't you ever heard of revolution? It's time.

Attached: Jim_btfo.png (944x425 139.15 KB, 108.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Gamers, we gotta rise

The fuck you want us to do fam? Break us into the San Francisco facility where this shithole is being stored?


This website is a honeypot. Your IPs are being listed. Jim Watkins is a crooked, fat swine who manipulated a cripple.

Attached: Jim_tech.jpg (643x774 1.85 MB, 83.54K)

holy shit fuck off

Spam the site with these facts. Spam it until the global mods go berserk to silence the truth using mass repression, alienating the userbase. Zig Forums must be killed.

Wow, that shit really is a cult isn't it?

I didn’t know they had wifi at the retirement home!

That isn't the point. Jim Watkins, owner of this place has been proven to be an enemy. Delrey technologies, a fed defense contractor is getting your data every time you post.

Oink oink…. fat piggy is watching.

Attached: Jim_pigchan.png (1488x4000, 1.54M)

Why don't you go cry about Roger Stone being arrested. Better yet, go take your meds, Schizo.

Truth doesn't matter? Truth doesn't matter. We MKULTRA now.

Frederick Brennan was the original owner of Zig Forums. Jim Watkins brainwashed him into handing over the site, probably using drugs and threats. Jim Watkins has ties to US alphabet agencies and probably got trained in psychological warfare.(okay Qtard)

Go to leftist.site

Took you a while to realize that

Attached: qa.jpg (540x377, 31.72K)

No shit. It would have been hella better if this was a russian server instead.

No … Shit…
I always use a private VPN while lurking on here.

C'mon, you're better thant this.

I hope my thread about /x/ schizoids didn't bring in Qanon level retards to the board.

Ftr, Jim is unambiguously an untrustworthy piece of shit who worked for the government. Doesn't really matter what Q has to say about it, that part is true.