How do you defend Homosexuality, ethically, morally, and biologically?

I’m going to preface this but clarifying that I am a gay man myself, however there’s something’s I’ve noticed in all my time that are quite alarming. For example the amount of cheating and just general sexual promiscuity, most spit in the face of monogamy, there is also the amount of disease, granted that we have made progress in HIV which I am anxious about how that may just feed into my first point. I’m concerned that perhaps this isn’t in fact a health lifestyle

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Gonna disagree with my personal experience: most of the gays I know are actually partnered.

Look at the actions of individuals instead of trying to make an all-encompassing judgment based on an abstract grouping.
Homosexuality exists in different other animal species and has been present in humans as long as mankind existed. However, even if none of that was true, I still don't think this would make homosexuality "wrong" any more than science is wrong because dogs and birds don't do it.
If anything that means we should encourage safe sex and encourage the quest for a definitive HIV cure, not that being gay is bad.

Are they guys? How long was the longest relationship you’ve seen? One of my biggest fears is that my bf will end up cheating on me someday

you can't

you're disgusting deviants meant to inhabit the fringes of society with your disgusting fetish forever, at least the faggots of yesteryear where proud of this and didn't make pretend to larp as a happily married heterosexual couple and were happy to be subversive weirdos who literally sucked a thousand cocks a year and had hiv

"normal" faggots just like any other straight person with two adopted kids and a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence lmfao gimme a break, you're fooling nobody

just stick to your fabulous fag clubs and your meth and your poppers and stay out of our sight you disgusting shit eaters

Homosexuality is a pathology, one that the vast majority of the psychiatric community (both in and out of mainstream psychology) do not consider to be qualified for designation as a mental illness. Notions of some idealistic "gay culture" are a non sequitur. Real issues like increases in STDs are far more easily explained by a lack of public health awareness or funding, since the right has been actively fighting it for a long time, especially during the AIDS epidemic.

Also, promiscuity in modern society is a moral panic, one that is not solely about gays, either. There's almost no empirical evidence for it. It's just the usual autistic screeching from conceited lumpens.

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Almost all of the non hetro people I know are guys (thinking about it I don't think I know a single lesbian, only bisexual women).
One has been in a relationship for just over a year, another for 6-8 months iirc, and a few others aren't actually partnered but don't sleep around that much at-all. Although tbh this may actually be representative of general trends in British culture, which are showing less sexual promiscuity, but yeah.
Also honestly user, never take relationship advice from someone on a chan but if you are that worried about your partner cheating on you: there is something fundamentally more wrong there.

Awful lot of non-arguments and spooks

I'm not saying women aren't whores, I'm saying women have always been whores. Society has always been degenerate in some way, all that was different back then was being ruling class meant you had enough power for closed-bedroom laws to not apply to you.

Free love or bust, comrades. Reject marriage completely as a state-institution too

OP, HIV was only propagated en masse because homosexuals had to perform romantics acts in secret, often in filthy and anonymous locations, lacking any actual sexual education (note: how many illegitimate pregnancies occur in places with Christian sex ed?). This was merely due to cultural stigma regarding homosexual activity. Remove the stigma and only normal sex remains.
Regarding your perception that homosexuals are not monogamous, you may say the same thing about the heterosexually inclined. Perhaps, moreso, the heterosexual desires promiscuity, as it is genetically advantageous to inseminate as many people as possible (or be inseminated by as many partners as possible).
Your problem comes from sources of immediate perception, like the media and your social group, and is merely one of optics. Not based in reality.

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Are you saying that most people aren’t aware of AIDS?

uh huh
oh hi Zig Forums, how you doing?

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Free love destroyed the Republican Army in Spain. Everywhere Free Love is implemented, it’s abolished within a few moths.

They are, but not the finer points of it. how exactly it's transmitted, symptoms, risk factors and so on.

I’m 100% a faggot, it may be the fact that I hang around Zig Forums infective places, but also I have heard plenty of stories on halfchan lgbt about cheating

is-ought problem. Read David Hume.

You sound like a rube, OP. Stop hanging out with fucking dunces and you'll cease to have dunce thoughts.

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Jewish frogs are using their super satanic powers to turn white males into gays, to stop the white race reproducing!

You, like most liberals, are trying to divorce homosexuality from the free love movement. You should have sex with whoever you want. Monogamy is an oppressive institution that people only pretend to follow, it deserves to be spit on. Straight people aren't monogamous either if they have a choice, they cheat if they can.

Diseases should be dealt with medically. HIV is the only one worth worrying about, the rest either have minor symptoms and/or easily treatable. The main problem with STIs is the social stigma which should be removed. HIV+ people should be treated so they are healthy and don't infect others, HIV- people should take steps to stay that way (via prep and/or safe sex). Maintaining the illusion of monogamy doesn't prevent disease, it makes it more likely.

If you consider yourself a gay man and don't spit on monogamy you should just marry a women and live the life you were told to you spooked fuck.