When I say "cultural appropriation isn't real" and someone replies "you just say that because you're white and have no culture" how do I respond?
When I say "cultural appropriation isn't real" and someone replies "you just say that because you're white and have no...
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Cultural appropriation is good.
Race-based culture is as doomed as the concept of race itself.
In the case of a worldwide society, all our intermingling will leave us with only subculture, as our intermingling is done specifically to pursue our specific interests. This is what made subculture in the first place.
They're both the same anyways, in practice. What's different is their source.
You have no hope in dealing with someone who thinks that certain people "have no culture"
They dont even know what culture is, they think its the weird songs and colorful dresses that look exotic and unusual to them.
"Cultural appropriation" is real, but it isn't a bad thing. Usually fascists use the kind of argument, that every culture must be kept "pure". It isn't even possible, because the mixing of different cultures happens since ancient times.
Tell them to stop appropriating the English language and Western-styles of dress
say you are 1/32th cherokee
based and redpilled
Pocahontas gang unite
Send them Minecraft videos.
99.9% of the time it's a straight white femoid
Read the Frankfurt school.
They aren't talking about the capitalist appropriation of culture that Adorno lamented. Radlibs unironically believe that the sharing and natural osmosis of culture is morally wrong.
Well, music and other way of expression, ideas and data, certainly are patterns that exist in films, texts, in the acts of people; and it certainly happens that people copy, those, and copying isn't the same as stealing. Some people copy some of these patterns which are common in a particular area without living in that area themselves, and that is called "cultural appropriation", sometimes even people who live in the area are "called out" for doing this "inappropriate" and "disrespectful" copying because they don't have ancestry going back far enough in the eyes of some people.
How do you feel about patents and copyright? I'm not really a fan of that stuff. Patents last for twenty years, and in theory they cover ideas that are not obvious, in reality they usually do cover ideas that are so obvious that there is more creativity (and chutzpah!) in the act of applying for the patent than the idea. It is even possible to patent things that don't quite work right and are not produced, and when somebody brighter than you comes up with something actually workable and somewhat similar to your borked idea, you can take them to court. Isn't that great? Suppose you have an idea that I had a few years earlier than you and patented. Even if you can make a convincing case that you came up yourself with the same idea (by working in a similar environment as I, this repetition of ideas is super common), you have to respect muh "intellectual property". Perhaps that's not so great. Copyright doesn't expire for SEVENTY years after the death of the author. This span has nothing to do with some estimate about how to maximize welfare, it is something pushed by big media companies like Warner and Disney.
"Cultural appropriation" is a concept about a sort of copyright that is perpetual and race-based. As such, the people who shill for it are not on the left, and they are also not just confused liberal dorks, they are ultra-reactionary. And you don't tell them you agree to disagree, you tell them SHUTYOURCUNTINGFUCKASSFACEFUCKAH. There's an exception though: when people copy stuff with zero grasp about the social context, e.g. a Chinese couple doing wedding pictures with the groom wearing a snazzy and exotic Nazi uniform. But consider that the reason people were mad at them isn't because the groom was the wrong race for that uniform (well I guess 0.1 % who saw the photos were mad because of that, but fuck those), it was simply because they were ignorant. Sometimes, acting in an ignorant and obnoxious way with certain symbols or costumes is called cultural appropriation, but just ask yourself: If people from the "correct" race were acting in the same way like the people being called out, would they have been called dumb and obnoxious? If so, just call it that, because that's what it is.
Cultural appropriation is a useful word when describing a facet of culture that is deemed inappropriate when exibhited by an oppressed subculture but awed at when wypipo do the thing.
Like dreadlocs
this. trendy ant-people are doomed to suffer. they are beyond saving.
Pretty sure nobody is “awed” by a white person with dreadlocks. Normally they’re stereotyped as being dumb stoners. If anything black people can get away with it easier since for them it’s far more common and not associated with “dude weed lmao” neo-hippie culture.
I have yet to meet a person in dreads, black or white, that wasn't lumpen as shit.
You do occasionally see nonwhites saying this and in both cases it's because they have a very odd idea of what "culture" is.
The shift lead at my job is black and has dreads. He isn't lumpen.
Dreads: Locks of Evil
John Steel waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were lumpens in the central committee. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Devrim were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
John was a speznaz machine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the speznaz and he said to dad "I want to be a tank daddy."
Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY LUMPENS"
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the central base of the D"S"A he knew there were lumpens.
"This is Devrim" the radio crackered. "You must fight the lumpens!"
So John gotted his goulashnikov and build up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the lumpens "I will throw poop at him" said the anarchist and he fired up his crackpipe. John threw an icepick at him and tried to comb his hair. But then the ceiling fell and they had debris trapped in their hair and no comb.
"No! I must kill the lumpens" he shouted The radio said "No, John. You are the lumpens"
And then John had dreadlocks.
Cultural appropriation is certainly real. It's an aspect of capitalist commodification.
It is definitely real but liberals misunderstand its purpose since historically cultural appropriation has been means of cultural integration. For example, how Christians appropriated and latter integrated Roman pagan celebrations into their own church services and holidays, or how polyistic religions added the goods of conquered peoples into their pantheon.
The idea of racially or ethnically "owning" a culture, such that no one outside of it can use it "legitimately," is itself reflective of commodification.
No such thing.
You dont
The most intense case of horseshoe theory is this and nazis
spooky. Get them to read Stirner, and embrace nominalism; plato.stanford.edu
"your peoples' culture" demands you set aside yourself to serve a higher social power, you must destroy this higher power and take it back into yourself, making it your property, in order to assert yourself as dominant.
Joke: monocultural
Broke: multicultural
Woke: anti-cultural
Destroy culture, do whatever you want with whatever you please.
All culture is mine.
But you can borrow it.
Fuck off and read Marx
Already did. Stay mad, my property.
What if I don't give a fuck about your idiotic metaphysics and I like both altruism and multiculturalism?
Why do I care more about what some random pseud on the internet says more than I care about classes, sets, virtues, limits, prime numbers, the internet, money, my Union, and triangles?
I don't.
If I can do whatever I want, I can also do exactly the thing you say I shouldn't, miss brainlet.
Well that's all your prerogative, which is fine.
Stirner is all about the self. Worth a read, user.
tell them to go back to the baboon jungles
im gonna fuckin eat you faggot
You have it backwards.
Commodification of culture happens when a culture is removed from the commons, decontextualized from its history, stripped of any offensive or subversive messages, and then sold for mass consumption. Cultural appropriation happens AFTER this process has already occurred, and this is where liberal-progressives fail to understand what is actually happening. They think, as you say, that you can restrict a ownership of the culture back to its racial or ethnic roots as a way to prevent cultural appropriation and protect cultural heritage. What they fail to understand is that the culture has already long since been commodified beyond recognition because it is no longer part of the commons. They're basically trying to protect ownership of a corpse.
Or in other words, once your culture is for sale, it doesn't matter if white people are buying it or not. Capitalism has already destroyed it.
If you're having this conversation you're American and they are right.
You don't. You just ignore them and try to talk to working class people using slightly updated versions of the basic points that Marx, Engels, and Lenin made about economics and class conflict hundreds of years ago and let College Liberals eat each other. They are literally the inverse of the alt-right and will go exactly the same direction (self-implosion after actually attaining any modicum of power) if they haven't aleady
Thanks for proving my point, my property.
im not sure if this post is 'for' culture or against it but i think it's unproductive to fetishize this idea of 'culture' as something that only exists if it's in some sort of pure state of tradition untainted by capitalism or whatever since it's basically a simple reaction against the world order when the communist project is about superseding it while conserving its gains. marx talks about something similar in the manifesto when he talks about capitalism eroding all forms of mystified romanticism and aristocratic sentimentalism, leaving apparent only naked self-interest as the driving force of the relations between people. this, in his view, is historically progressive. we DON'T want to live in an era of 'culture', an era of ideological mystification and obfuscation of real material relations, which ossify the class hierarchy behind a veil of metaphysical legitimacy. most of the time, the 'culture' being appropriated was nothing more than the rituals and customs enforced by the dominant class in any given society that was grounded solely on the exploitation of the labor of people.
Dab and call him liberal trash
Tell them to read the spook book.
What, that your ideology is completely meaningless because I can believe it without changing any of my other beliefs or behaviors?
If that's the case, then why bother dressing up as an edgy pseud at all? Why not just keep doing what I'm doing and not being an insufferable spookspammer?
lol it's not even an ideology, just read the book fam.