The left still can't meme

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They're not wrong. Leftist politics are convoluted and boring nerd shit. Right wing politics are fun because you get to throw logic and nuance out the window and assuage your feelings all day.

Yet the left is generally much more effective when you control for financing and legal restraints. Really makes you think.

Not only that, we have to worry about the ever impending doom of climate change and the eventual collapse of capitalism, we are fucking masochists compared to the right.

Without ecological collapse, the ruling class would have eventually colonized the solar system and genetically engineered themselves into superhumans. Now they will burn in hell with the rest of us.

This is the political discourse of today. What would the our forefathers think of all of us?

Most Zig Forums memes aren't that funny or accessible to normies. You just find them funny because you agree with them and/or are so steeped in imageboard culture you'd laugh at a straight line if it was formatted as a reaction image. If 5 years ago it was revleft or something that managed to brigade 4chan instead of stormfront and their CIA handlers, you'd be saying that rightists can't meme. It all comes down to the fact that right-wingers are platformed and leftists are not.

Imagine struggling this much with the concept of "I don't don't like jokes that are for people outside my demographic and often make fun of me or people like me" and coming up with this bullshit about the jokes being objectively bad. Is it some residual postmodern liberalism amid the right where admitting that you have ideology and beliefs is a big no-no?

Care to name a platform where leftists aren't allowed to speak their piece? Other than the obvious ones like Zig Forums and stormfront.

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"Old left" ideas are often branded as "hate speech" by liberals for refusing to entertain their identity autism. American rightcucks, ironically, are prone to calling leftists antisemites for criticizing Israel.

See, I'm asking for a specific example.
I'm someone who made the transition from SocDem to Libertarian to Far Right and now to a kind of radical anti-capitalism, this was in spite of the efforts of most leftists I talked to, not because of them.
So on some level I'm curious as to where, specifically, leftist ideas aren't allowed to be spoken. Right wing ideas aren't tolerated on even supposedly neutral boards like /r/politics, either being downvoted into oblivion or outright banned, even light or tangential conservatives like Jordan Peterson have been banned from twitter or gmail at some point. Alex Jones, similarly, was basically banned from the internet.

So is there any leftist who can honestly claim to be deplatformed as much as Alex Jones was?

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Alex Jones doesn't count because he should have been deplatformed years ago for defamation. If anything the fact that he was allowed to linger on shows how reactionary this society truly is.

Reddit doesn't care if you talk about theory or reform, but if you talk about revolution (even as a joke) you eventually get quarantined.

I want to explain this as best as I can to you.
Alex Jones does count, even if you don't like him he still counts. He's crazy, he's a conman, but he still counts. Saying he should have been deplatformed years ago is a pointless attack on the sentiment of right wingers.
Deplatforming, in all honesty, is one of the worst ways to get people on your side–especially early internet adopters in the millennial generation. The Zig Forums types, I believe, may have a shared history in the kind of young people who went on newgrounds incessantly: the people who saw their formative years shaped to some extent by the wild free expression of the internet, and whose first interaction with socio-political conflicts may have been the personal destruction of their families through divorce combined with the censorious tendency of typical American evangelical conservatives.
In essence, the worst way to get them, and the youth in general, on your side is to argue for the deplatforming of anyone. And I would imagine that anyone who could seriously argue for another person to be "deplatformed" while claiming to be an "underdog" or not in a position of power has no self awareness.

But moving on, can you honestly provide an example of a communist getting deplatformed like Alex Jones did?

I've seen a lot of people get quarantined for arguing against IdPol, which is sad, but it's telling in my opinion that while the far right may get censored for their inherent ideas, you need to use the middleman of failing to meet purity standards to censor the left.

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Not deplatformed but i remember r/fullcommunism got quarentined for something along the lines of "having communism", and it was just a stupid comedy subreddit.

They weren't banned for arguing against IdPol (they aren't even anti-IdPol, I don't think), they were banned specifically for joking about revolutionary actions because they're too violent. They didn't fail to meet a purity standard, they failed to remain nonthreatening to the owners of the website and their advertisers.

In which case, you need to push this.
More than just being deplatformed, what gives Zig Forums its power is its willingness to point out the hypocrisy inherent in the liberal system, hypocritical authoritarianism is the most noxious kind to most people.

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Even when i was a "liberal"(didn't know shit in general) i didn't really think deplatforming was going to work.

That's smart, because it wont.
Suppressing something, even the darkest aspect of ourselves, only allows it to build and fester. Trust me, I myself and several people I know both had childhoods where we heavily suppressed our emotions and its caused turmoil throughout our lives.
Let the Nazis speak, speak back, beat their arguments, and most importantly beat their argumentative "tricks" (trying to play the victim, trying to insist they're oppressed, strawmen, etc) and you'll see less Nazis than if you just deplatformed them.

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Deplatforming of the right and left lie in different dimensions. Right-wingers literally just get silenced because they're too edgy and offensive, sometimes to the point of posing a threat of litigation and loss of ad revenue to the host. Alex Jones peddled his crap unmolested until he insulted the families of Sandy Hook victims. Daily Stormer was only forced to move to a different provider after they made fun of the woman killed in Charlottesville. As long as right-wingers manage not to sperg out about how the holocaust didn't happen but should have every 0.5 seconds, nothing happens to them. They just can't help themselves because they brainfucked themselves into believing in this free speech absolutism that means you can joke about murder, rape and the holocaust in public spaces with no consequences and if you do get banned, it is because of the jewish conspiracy.

Leftists are deplatformed through literal decades of cointelpro. Leftist communities don't get physically shut down (often) but instead get invaded by milquetoast liberal yikesers who drown out all radical sentiment with idpol and drama. It's less an issue of being actively deplatformed in the now and more of there not being much to platform in the first place as the old Left has been marginalized and forced underground.

Holy fuck /b/ is retarded. Someone in the thread put it perfectly: "They think anything left of wanting a holocaust makes you a commie."

Seriously, Zig Forums is a board that doesn't fuck with other boards unlesss they start shit-posting. /b/ Decides to show their absolute stupidity in the realm of politics and gets reamed for it, then they whine about Zig Forums invading and claim they BTFO the "commies" after banning and deleting 90% of the posts with actual arguments. The sheer delusion of it is staggering.

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See, there's a problem with this (many other posters have pointed this out before, more eloquently than I ever could). Arguing with fascists is playing by their rules, because despite all the insistence to contrary, fascists do not care about facts or logic and truth. They care about advertising their ideology. You can destroy a fascist's argument 10 times over, but if he managed to spout a few emotionally appealing slogans that can brainworm their way into someone, he has won. On the "free market of ideas" it is not the most logical and sound idea that succeeds, but the one that is easiest to market - that is emotional and aesthetic appeals of fascism. Just like in the material free market.

Neither deplatforming nor debate work. We honestly should just ignore fascists and work on building alternate platforms for non-idpol leftists.

The premise of free speech regarding, let's say, holocaust deniers, is that if most evidence points that an educated and rational person would agree the holocaust happened, he wouldn't need to be deplatformed, but rather be argued against and that will change his mind.

This clearly isn't working.

That entire thread is like a contest for who can be the biggest moron.
They call infographs and quotes memes, they take joke memes seriously, they deny facts, create strawmen, and cherrypick… LOL

The funny revelation about this thread is that Zig Forums really is full of redditors, claiming that reddit memes originated on Zig Forums, it's like a closet homosexual ranting about faggots all day.

See that's the problem, the left has tried that before and got nowhere. The left cannot imitate the right's tactics because we get shit like antifa; edgy rad-libs disliked by both left and right wings. If we attempt to take the high road, the right just uses populist jingoism to shout down the left, even if they're plain wrong. There is no point in arguing with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

You can't reason people out of a position they didn't reason their way into.

The right is a social rot. You don't cure rot, you destroy it, you cauterize it.

Imagine being so infantile you literally cannot comprehend people actually discussing ideas instead of communicating in LE MEMES. The sad thing is that the majority of that thread is probably over 20.

Also I checked the waybacked version of the thread and literally half the Zig Forums responses are not present in the snapshot… because they got deleted by salty mods… which is ironic seeing how Zig Forumsyps and /b/tards scream about janitors and mods being censorship, and flaunt how Zig Forums 'supposedly' doesn't have them.

For example that last minute strawman about the Russian Empire's GDP, it got debunked, but then deleted.

"DP isn't a meaningful metric in feudal and semi-feudal societies. It's only meaningful in societies which have generalized commodity production (GDP is essentially the total amount of market exchange that occurred within a country, if you live in a sort of economy where market exchange isn't the sole or dominant economic relation, it becomes a lot less meaningful). I was talking about industrial output, infrastructure, mechanization, etc."
