Could any Leninists, Marxist-Leninists, ☭TANKIE☭s and other friends of Soviet Union watch and comment on this 'video'
Disgusting video on V.Lenin
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The Soviet Union is dead, who the fuck cares at this point?
You'd be surprised how many people.
I don't speak blyat lmao.
Also because fuck youtube comments section. If you want me to find a dumpster fire and go diving you've found the place for me
this video has English subtitles.
lmao let's make our ideology look even weaker and apologize for everything.
Basically he's just whining about the Red Terror. These people never bring up what the Bolsheviks were fighting. The White Terror killed many more people than the Red Terror did, not to mention the brutality of the Civil War. They just brush all the crimes of the other side under the rug and act as if the Bolsheviks did this shit for no reason.
Not only should we not forget the achievements of Soviet Union and of V.Lenin we should never forget and always remember every leftists. From Fidel Castro to Thomas Sankara. Legacy of every single one should be remembered and cherished!
I don’t speak Russian, but judging on the thumbnail of his other videos, it’s obvious that he’s a brainlet.
The video has subtitles. Click on annotation button and they should appear.But otherwise you are right. Unfortunately the video you show doesn't has English subtitles, but it's basically that soviets stole literally everything from america.
The revolution is not one man nor a single event! It is the collective effort of the entire people to shake off the shackles! We all lift together!
P.S.These assholes don't watch BadMause and don't know that US and other few western countries are rich because of good geography, good climate, good amount of natural resources and imperialism.
He forgot that bourgeois, kulaks and popes deserves it.
You made me think a lot, to some degree you are right.
but look at the current state of leftist figures and politics across the world, we are divided, corrupted, with out vision for class struggle, I could go on and on.
Have you seen that thread about Russians forming cults to Elon Musk and the strong anti soviet sentiment in Russia? and the same could be said about all the former republics of the soviet union, the achievements of the soviet union fell when the union went defunct.
Here's a much better video from none other than Radio Free Europe.
I made the thread.
One of reason why I believe that achievements of all socialists from all over the world should be remembered is because it defends and supports the legacy of Soviet Union and socialism of the 20th century. Not only did Soviet Union improved livelihood of people of East Europe and central Asia. Not only is Soviet Union responsible for some of the greatest scientific discoveries and inventions, but it along with Cuba *which was subsidized by Soviet Union* was the largest supporter of anti-colonial revolutions and movements in the world. Keeping memory of people like Thomas Sankara,Ho Chi Minh,Amilcar Cabral, Patrice Lulumba, Nelson Mandela,Achmed Ben Bella, Sukarno and many others is vital to remind the world that socialism is good and socialists were and are the good guys of history.
Which is very stupid and is holding left back. Please read this interview by Achmed Ben Bella pan-Arabic socialist and first president of Algeria.
What I find so fascinating about the time is that people of various faiths, races and believes allied together to liberate oppressed people and together resist imperialism,
Atheists,Christians,Muslims, whites, blacks, communists,anarchists and socialists all united….
How do I do that, with out sounding like a ☭TANKIE☭?
I'm an Anarchist and defending the USSR feels iffy, to say the least.
Focus on the good points. Also as far as I remember Fidel Castro supported Zapatista and Stalin was the only one who supported Spanish anti-fascists which included
You become a tanky and stop being so silly.
I'm reading it, I'm going to be 100% honest with you, but I never heard of him before, he seems to be very important, he helped leftist guerrillas all over the world.
I once advocated for left unity, but I became disillusioned really fast.
It must have been moral support, because the Zapatistas were poorly armed and trained the people in Mexico had to protest, begging the government for a truce for the Zapatistas, because the Mexican army was going to crush them.
Stalin only helped the Republicans, he didn't supported the Anarchists.
Fuck niggers
He literally quotes Latyshev, who quotes Lenin absolutely out of context.
Don't watch those banderite channels. Omelchuk TV is absolute brainlet.
If you can russian watch this video. The guys talks about these "quotes" from Lenin.
(He talks about Afanasyev from nationalist tv channel "Tsargrad", but he used the same "quotes" as Omelchuk did. Ukrainian and Russian nationalists have one thing incommon, they are both illiterate.)