Why are burger pop scientists like this?
Why are burger pop scientists like this?
Why are burger pop scientists like this?
Why are burger pop scientists like this?
honorary burger*
he appeals to a burger demographic
it has to do with the burger zeitgeist. we're trained from birth to believe that capitalism and the ideas of liberalism are eternal because they're the foundation of our entire empire. any student of the sciences probably wouldn't even bother to challenge the utopian liberal worldview, since it's all they've seen their entire lives.
Because they are "thought leaders." That is, they are the mouthpiece of capital.
You have to love how the engineer is the brightest out of the pop science group though.
Garbage thread tbh
This actually has to do with the amount of specialization we have to go through to be a 'successful' professional. Earlier physicists, and scientists in general, dabbling in humanities and such was a somewhat common occurrence.
Now we need to specialize so much in a single area to get a job that your knowledge in outside fields doesn't exist or is suppressed.
This causes an issue in that paradigm shifts often happen when different perspectives are taken to analyze a current question in a given field of study and I see it as a fundamental issue that capitalism has imposed on us.
burger is an ideology not a nationality
this is turning us all into NPCs
They simply take the results of the philosophy behind science (the latter of which in its modern form began as natural philosophy) as given empirical principles. Empiricism is one hell of a drug.
Americans, by nature, are deeply religious, and liberalism has replaced Christianity as the main religion in America, even among secular Christians (which is most of them at this point), these are just some of the priests of their religion. The rise of these people is directly correlated to the social backlash against the old religion of Christianity, and it's where most of them made their fame in the first place. The word "science" in a social context has not meant hard science for a long time, it's now simply a synonym for "smart" or "morally right" (which is a religious concept for Americans), and, so, use of the word "science" or "scientist" helps legitimize blind adherence to liberalism.
that's not limited to burgerstan, liberalism is spreading this science fetishism everywhere
Good and Lunacharsky-pilled post
but the quotes on the right are shorter…
because science doesn't exist under capitalism
Well, he lacks the scientific qualifications. That means his sense of self-worth isn't as wrapped up with the knowledge he's supposed to possess. Nye is just a communicator, while the others are true prophets, directly channeling the voice of Science.
Bourgeois pop-sci necessarily has to avoid showing actual science. When things get a little complex, this might scare viewers, meaning their ratings go down. So they go for easily digestible nonsense with all the interesting stuff taken out. Even worse, this behavior is justified with the idea that ordinary people cannot comprehend scientific theory. Viewers catch this when they're watching these programs. They see they're being talked down, and herein learn that science is esoteric knowledge proper only to high priests bearing university degrees.
Presenting scientific knowledge in a way that is understandable to the non-initiated is a very useful pursuit, but this is not the purpose of bourgeois science popularization. Instead they want to turn science into a commodity they can sell, together with a consumer identity of "science geeks". They present science as a specter for people to buy into. Turning it into something popular isn't their intent and it isn't the result.
Over-specialization is a cancer. Most people are good at literally nothing but the small set of skills required to earn their paycheck. The worst of all is middle-management. Their job is literally nothing more than a mouthpiece for the upper-management: a walking, talking memo passing on orders from above to their underlings. They could be replaced by a fucking roomba with a tape recorder on it.
This is your world on capitalism.
There's the old adage, "jack of all trades, master of none," and it exists for a reason. As someone who is interested in a lot of things and loves to absorb all sorts of information, it has had the unfortunate side-effect of lagging behind in my actual education and career for many years. Of course, I'm generally not a super smart dude and that probably contributes but I've just never been one of those people who could sink their whole being into one field and am like the fox who chases two rabbits but gets none.
This is true because it is a matter of survival in our civilization (i.e. division of labor). You can easily see the people around you who just ride smoothly by in life because from even before the time they left school, they knew what they were going to do, and when they went to university/college they invested themselves only in the particular field when it came to reading about anything. Their lives become effectively defined by their job and when they're not working, very often they'll desire "going out to drink with friends" or "netflix and chill" or something of that nature. It's how you get by well in these days, though.