
How do you all feel about Gritty, the new communist mascot?

Post your favorite Gritty propaganda

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forgot a few

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Forced as fuck no thanks

why are you using a mascot designed by a mega corporation owned by literal billionaires? why can't you make your own?

you people are a joke lmao at yer lyfe

Gritty is fucking cringy as all fuck.

literally ""NO FUN ALLOWED"""

Zig Forums is plagued with anti fun posters and fags.

You'll do better on fedbook bro


Shitty argument even if it's a forced meme.
There's such a thing as reappropriation and culture jamming. What the fuck do you think Zig Forums editing Ben Garrison cartoons was?

Not defending the cringy gritty meme, but literally every notable meme Zig Forums has was taken from somewhere else.

memes are fascist
read rafiq

Edgelord nazis "appropriating" a lolbert (who eventually turned into an alt-right guy himself) makes perfect sense since they're both capitalist bootlickers. We shouldn't sink to that level, it just waters down our message.

this is some reddit ass shit. kill yourself OP

Shit forced reddit meme.

ben garrison was literally an indie artist and all of his work was thoroughly photoshopped

you are literally just reposting a corporate mascot you people have water in your brians, you're giving free advertising for the bourgeoisie the left can't even do detournement properly in 2018

It's kind of funny, but I think it's been run into the ground already.


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it's retarded demcop shit

What is the best thing on the World, and why is it nazbol?

Lame attempt by the left to create "their own Pepe".

The fact that feminist neoliberal HuffPo has to carry water for him should tell you something.

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ur no fun

I'm from Philly and the only supposed leftists here who like it at all are cringey, radlib Democrat Cops of America types who gentrify my family and friends out of the city. Ironic considering the mascot is inspired by the city being a grimy working class place. It is an awful forced meme coming out of a dumb viral mascot.

It has potential

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This stuff started from the chapo crowd right?

there's nothing fun about forced memes. memes have to evolve organically or else it's meaningless.