Does it really make you think?
A Georgia county official has taken her oath of office by placing her hand on The Autobiography of Malcolm X instead of...
Unironically based
Based AND redpilled
god damnit, why can't New York governers be like this?
I hope she ran under the Mao Tse-Tung Party:
Bitch will be CIA'd in a "tragic accident" midway next year, calling it.
RadLibs being RadLibs
thats nice and all but gestures mean very little
waiting for some report on some actions taken by her
someone stop her she's making a mockery of the office!
She's just a small town commissioner. Not worth getting bent out of shape about. One of her platforms according to her website is making public transportation available and free for everyone in Athens, GA. It'll be tough to even accomplish that just being a commissioner but it's more than I've done. Anyways I'd vote for her
it amazes how much racist shit my mom's friends get away with on facebook. I think outside Zig Forums 4chan is better with that shit honestly.
This is kind of cool, but I'd much rather her be Marxpilled than Malcompilled.
She's pretty cute
She's also a musician with a few tracks here and there.
Where my Georgian/Southern comrades at?
eh, not really into it.
is she muslim?
And it's fucking allowed.
The US really is a clownworld.
It would have been better if she had put her hand on socialist literature, but this is still pretty based.
There are Muslims holding offices in various places in the U.S. and in Congress
Based as fuck, that picture of her flipping him off is actual gold.
Wasn't Malcolm a total reactionary that just sort of "right time and place"'d himself into civil rights? I don't have an opinion on him really, but I am 90% sure he was a literal "Black people back to Africa and Islam" but black so its "revolutionary".
Doesn't really matter though in relation to the main post, as it seem like popular opinion is that Malcolm X was MLK but "more socialistic".
Too true.
He was but then he stopped being that so the Nation of Islam killed him
Why do people take hip-hop seriously?
[citation needed]
Putting your hand on a fake skydaddy book was better?
fuck off Zig Forumsacks
– Louis Farrakhan
This is great!
You don't think swearing on a bible and mentioning God on your currency is weird for a nation that claims to have separation of state and religion? You think people in Europe do that?
Separation of state and religion in US context means the state can not dictate religion. It was a backlash to the english church basically making whatever was politically convenient at the time a divine mandate.
Think of it like the freemasons, who swear in on any old meme book they want, as long as they have one. In the US you can believe whatever you want, so long as you believe something. Malcomxism is therefore a valid religion for swearing purposes.
I like to think in fully automated luxury space communism people will occupy themselves by making up little religions here and there and functioning similarly.
Freaking based
Why not both?
I don't think that's possible in a country where 90% of people think communism is equal pay