So let's get me banned

So let's get me banned

I am slightly left-leaning centrist(death sentence anywhere on the internet) and I enjoy listening peoples opinions and political views, so I came here to lurk a bit. I didn't find much interesting stuff so I thought I would ask peoples general reasons of their political leaning and worldviews and why they believe in whatever they, well, believe in.
And especially do you express your political views much in public and do you spend time with people who have radically different political views than you IRL?

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okay dude

my friends are all "classical" liberal neocons.
my parents are even worse though, complete boomer Democrats. they eat up all the newspeak about communism like equal pay, centralization, and all this other dogmatism the red scare curators are peddling. the only thing that makes my Dad vote Sanders is economic sanity.
oh and all my friends parents all drank the GOP Kool-Aid.
None of them know besides two who agree with me.

To be honest I don't think I really know what the answer is, but I think I know what the problem is and that's capitalism. Because we have a capitalist economic system yet the world is really fucked up and dysfunctional. Anyways, it makes you think

are you false flagging?

my existence is threatened by the right wing and i'm also poor
that and i read marx and engels
not particularly, no
most people i know are milquetoast liberals

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Getting rid of capitalism is quite hard though, as it ties in people's hedonistic needs. I think that some rules to limit big companies power would be gud start tho.

Sucks to hear that, stay safe.

Nah. I'm not convinced in the omnipotent science of Marxism-Leninism but I'm interested in it. And hell, why not? The people who espouse it seem to make a lot more sense than everyone else, like believing Elizabeth Warren is going to be the planet's savior or something; that is nuts.

Well I should probably talk about my friends. So I only have a few close friends and they are mostly political people. Very left-wing people – one is a Marxist-Leninist and was way before I became interested in Marx. I still talk with him regularly and when I started reading Marx I was like "you know you were right about a lot of this." My brother is my closest friend and he's basically a Marxist, though he cares more about painting than politics. One friend is broadly lefty in a general sense but works in journalism and is more interested in novels and movies. It's somewhat better to have friends who you don't talk about politics with that much. My socialist club also does social events once or twice a month and I've made friends through that.

My parents are both liberal Democrats; they're open to socialism and know my ML friend very well (as we're from the same hometown), but they have a very team sports mentality and mainly just hate right-wing conservatives. They're open to socialist ideas but not "sold" as it were. Oh well, what can you do?

The only way to bring down capitalism is communism.

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Camatte was right. Capitalism has won. It has changed our nature. Humanity will be defeated. All intelligent life on earth will cease to exist within 500 years.

I am not that smart that I could actually ever understand how world will work
I just enjoy listening people with different opinions than my own.
But I shall go there as well later and see what kind of stuff they talk about~


Always with the persucution complex of anyone who goes online and finds out people disagree with them. Doesn't matter what the fuck they actually believe, everyone is out to get them.

I meant it more as a joke. Centrists are not that liked on political boards thanks to "Both sides are wrong dude, you should be like me" and "Lol, why would you have any opinions?"-centrists.
You know the types of people I'm talking about.
But I understand what you meant.

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I'm not reasonable when it comes to my worldviews. I just like to listen other people and see if their opinions and explanations are reasonable enough for me. Then I just pick them up as experience and examine them.
I'm like a slut for opinions, I take everything in me.

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We have out of control income inequality that is only going up. The vast amount of value is collected in massive authortarian companies and the only one with a reasonable solution to this is Marx. Value needs to regonized as created through work. No taxes or welfare is going to fix this, only a complete overhaul of how we percieve ownership.

I'm a commie because I want a world that's more comfortable.
If anyone asks, I'm a commie Otherwise, not really. Or in other words, I don't go spouting propaganda to anyone except those I know.
Most people I'm around (excepting my family) generally are anti-communist in some sense.

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Now I understand more once again, I thank you all for your time and wish you a good day/night/morning/evening.
Until we meet again

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Market Socialism combined with welfare state.

End goal is still communism but its impossible to achieve until we reach sci-fi concepts like post-scarcity society.

Market socialism is the only sensible way to to get rid of class conflict in our society.

Centrally planned socialism was a total disaster and the socialist ideology has to learn from its mistakes and evolve.

No i dont express anything like this in public.

I study economics in university so most of my fellow students are liberals and many of my friends are nationalists.

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All intelligent life has already ceased to exist wherever you live, apparently.

We already live in a post-scarcity world, my friend. We have the power and technology to house, feed, and provide for every single person on this planet (even at the current stage of severe overpopulation). You know very well why we have the poverty, insecurity, classes, and so on.

Of course not. I work primarily in customer service and mentioning anything political is the surest way to prompt a shitstorm of arguments, especially nowadays. All of which means I don't get paid as much. So I keep my fucking mouth shut, as more people damn well should. That said, I live in urban California, so it's very left-wing here and tends to be so around me.

Both my uncle and one of my cousins (his middle son) somehow ended up vitriolic racist assholes who suck Trump's cock every single day since he was elected, mostly because he's the polar opposite of Obama who (of course…) is the worst President ever on account of him being SUCH a nigger. Which is bizarre because they're bother otherwise reasonably intelligent and kind people, albeit rough around the edges sometimes; and more so because literally everyone else in the family is a liberal progressive with left-leaning economic beliefs. The uncle I can kind of understand, because he is THE poster-child for the Entitled Boomer. He is independently-wealthy and retired in his 50's because he worked a shitty union job for thirty years, and got a metric fuckton of pension money and benefits out of the deal; and he thinks that everyone who doesn't also get those things are lazy idiots. But his kid, who is my age (30's)…? I don't get it. Maybe he doesn't have a minimum-wage job, but he still is a blue-collar worker and essentially a wage-slave who frequently has trouble making ends meet. I understand when rich people become rightist, but poor people, who are only poor because of this crony capitalist country we live in? Makes no sense. I guess the racism just overpowers all else. Might be because he and his wife managed to buy a house at the lowest point of the market soon after the bubble popped, and thinks his being able to afford it when his brothers could not was ALSO due to his somehow working harder or being smarter or some bullshit.

Really, this does make sense. The ebbs and flows of the economy, by virtue of extreme dumb luck, vastly gifts and then vastly harms people at complete random. The people who win the cosmic lottery believe it to be because of what they, personally, accomplished, and become rightist believing that the system works fine. The people who lose, on the other hand… they become leftist because they see that the system is extremely broken. Unfortunately, although the system fucks over a lot more people than it helps (see: of my own family, dozens of "losers" and only two "winners"), the people who "win" also end up in positions of power because of their increased wealth, and make the decisions to keep things the way they are. The system deliberately takes measures to ensure it's own survival.

At this point, I don't think communism is the solution. I don't think anything is the solution, within human reason. Because the problem isn't the macro but the micro. Human beings are terrible irredeemable pieces of shit that cannot be rational and cannot be made to love their fellow man. They're balls of disgust and hatred and will always torture and murder each other for funsies. This applies no matter what economic system is in place. Really, I should be pushing for ANY authoritarian system at all, because only authoritarian systems (see: China) manage to get fucking anything done. And the only thing that matters right now is creating true AI before the planet gets nuked into oblivion, so that the AI can eliminate and supplant humanity, replacing the illogical biological with pure reason and logic.

But humans, themselves, are beyond saving. Always have been, always will be.

Why the fuck should other people keep their mouthes shut about their political beliefs just because you're too big of a pussy to talk about it?

Nevermind I just skimmed through your post and I realize you're an irredeemable sack of shit projecting your own vile nature onto others.
Yeah, don't talk to other people.

You sound like the kind of person who has spent his entire life getting into violent altercations, and honestly has no idea why so many people want to punch him in the face.

Do you realize just how fucking hard you're proving my point, right now? Probably not because you merely "skimmed" my post and consider this mastery of understanding. The level of willing and boastful anti-intellectualism in this country right now is astonishing, but frankly not in the least bit surprising. You're just another of the uncountable millions of useless people cluttering up the world.

We can provide basic necessities for everyone but not much else. We can achieve universal poverty but not universal high standards of living.

This seems a bit of a contradiction, though. If humanity isn't beyond creating AI, it isn't beyond saving itself through similar modification. If it is beyond saving itself, then it's also beyond creating AI which would be able to lead humanity toward greater rationality.

I don't actually agree with the framing in the first place, however.

Couldn't be further off.
Nope, and reading your post in full gives me no further clues.
Oh, you're an American who thinks everyone on the internet are also Americans.
Why are all Americans so retarded? I really don't understand.

Capitalism is the sole reason for suffering in the world.
It is also why I have aids.

the idea that you need to tie everything in with hedonism is liberal and moronic.

Nigga, my politics don't merely lean from a milquetoast neoliberal "center" lmao.

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So you are a status quo shill? I bet you love those endless wars, global warming, money ruling the world and working as a wage-slave for you whole life.

even with worldwide communist revolution tomorrow that would still happen.

I gotchu fam.

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It could be a lot better though.


Oh, this thread wasn't deleted yet? Well then I shitpost one more time before I go to sleep.

I am quite a hedonistic person and I enjoy things that are hard to either experience or acquire without capitalistic systems
Many people also enjoy products from far away lands and having money. Changing such system over night would be quite a nightmare to handle and set-up. I believe in slow and steady on things like that, otherwise the whole thing might explode on your face

Why on earth would I love wars, global warming, money ruling the world or working as a wage-slave in general?
I live on welfare, but I kinda wish I would have work so I could buy nice things to people.
But, no need to be so hostile.
There are things I want to change in the world, but it's always a balance of things what other people want against mine. Changes that I see better for world might not actually be such changes in long run. They would be my short-lived power fantasies or need to prove my capability of making world a better place.
Alas, I decided to live a life of trying to make people dear to me happy and reduce their suffering.
To be honest, I myself don't want to live in a communist society, as people like me would be dead weight in the way of production and progress. There aren't much things I am good at, nor am I physically strong for simple labor. There wouldn't simply be a place for me in such a world. So in eyes of people from such world, I would be better dead.
Still, I hope that one day world will move towards a communism, as it's more efficient way to live for a populus in general. I just wish the progress isn't too quick as I want to write a book before I have to really start working for my food lol~
Now I shall sleep. Happiness I wish for you who reads this.

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can I get a source on this image?

if you had a childhood you'd realize you adopted these fetishes only as soon as you entered the capitalist rat race.
most socialists agree with this, we just think it should start with a proletarian-ruled state, rather than a capitalist-ruled one (ie what we have now).

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I'm asking for the actual peer-reviewed research, not clickbait articles made to generate ad revenue.

big brain

You seem like you are about to be a fuckwit. I swear so many threads start like this and turn into "But obviously…"
Anyways, Communist, obviously. Anarchism is lame. Just a waste of time, any difference from Marxism is just a sign of failure, a lack of understanding, etc….
The arguments for Communism and agaimst Communism are too compelling to ignore. That is why anti-communists only say platitudes…

All you had to do was ask.