The Democrat Cops of America needs to be destroyed.
Watch this to die immediately
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Every sentence is factually incorrect.
Forget all of the historical inaccuracies, posting a video of a naked man in a unicorn mask dancing is going to turn everyone that isn’t an idpol obsessed faggot away and convince people that socialists are fucking retarded sex freaks.
I hope whoever made this gets aids.
It honestly makes me embarrassed to not be straight..
Imagine showing this to a factory worker or a mechanic who may be interested in socialism.
I watched this and got aids, so there's not much hope for the creator.
Gay naked man wearing unicorn head: Hey Kids!
Any normal person: Leftists are pedophiles
Good, working class disaffection for socialism will accelerate the acceleration.
we will come to miss the days of Stalin when he turned all of you Jewish faggots into fertilizer
The term "socialism" was raped several times in our history and keeps getting raped to this day. "Socialists" supporting WW1, "socialists" killing Rosa, national "socialists," "socialists" reforming capitalism, Jenk Yoghurt-type "we need a little socialism and a little capitalism" idiocy, and so on. We should totally abandon using the term.
The only term that is
is communism.
There is no semblance of irony not lost on these people
Given what most gays who join the Democrat Cops of America are like, they probably already do.
When you're right you're right. Don't trust any "socialist" party or self identified
The reason they say socialist instead of communist is they're afraid of pressing the big red button on society. They don't wanna lose their imperialist advantage. They rob from the rest of the world and communism would force them to give it back. Socialism is just dick measuring contests where the bandits have to be more fair with one another.
Tbh Varoufakis said this but instead went with "Democracy".
Nah. They are just conformist faggots afraid to go beyond the bounds what society (the propaganda apparatus) considers unacceptable (dangerous to the system), so they intentionally limit their own intellectual inquiry like the superstition internalizing peasants they are, gobble up cold war propaganda, read liberal "critiques" of the 20th century, talk about how REAL communism hasn't been tried and how REAL socialism in Denmark (far_away_land.jpeg) is excellent.
It's like none of you understand a joke.
But the factories were outsourced out of the West?
It's generally a bad idea for a political party to produce "ironic" propaganda that only they and their fellow travelers understand.
How is this a joke? you can easily find people who make the same bullshit claims this video does without a hint of irony.
pls wen relovushun kill thes ppl frst thx
Imagine showing this video to someone who doesn't spend all day on twitter hitting on ☭TANKIE☭ traps.
No need to make gestures of excuse. The majority of leftypol gets that this is not a "gay problem," but a Democrat Cops of America problem.
The problem is posting. People who spend too much time on the internet always turn out like this. Any real leftist movement needs to get people away from this brain parasite that we all keep killing our minds with.
Didn't you know the US disassembled all the steel factories and power plants from the Navajo and moved them to Boston? You must be some settler-colonial labour aristocrat.
This is why I support TERFs
This looks like a false flag strawman that the alt-right will use to discredit the left.
My heart goes out to you, comrade. I'd be pretty pissed too.
Based and redpilled.
There's nothing wrong with being genderqueer, and queer people in general are particularly open to anti-capitalist analyses.
Not enough eeveelutions heehee.
Irony was a fucking mistake and all these 30 year old twitter boomers are drunk as shit on it.
Its not gays who're responsible for these abominations. Nor is it bisexuals, lesbians or transpeople. It's queers who are to blame for this sick shit.
How tf is analyzing the material conditions that result in the oppression of women, and rejecting the idealist notion of gender as a feeling, considered idpol? Transgenderism supports the patriarchy though adherence to a strict gender binary, and ignorance to the existence of gender non-conforming people. The patriarchy serves to support capitalism.
Transgenderism is anti-materialist, and serves to support the status quo.
I'd argue that any Marxist who isn't labeled a "TERF" (and a "SWERF" too for that matter) is actually a liberal.
Yeah, much like you guys I have a gender but I don't get much sex, they're clearly not the same thing.
As a fag. I'd gotta say this shit's dumb.
one the one hand i like the shitposting angle this has adopted even though i don't care for the Democrat Cops of America
on the other hand i feel like people here are going to take it too seriously and ignore the desirable part at the end: our aim is not to liberate the queer, but to liberate the working class. (which is queer) which as bad takes go is a good take.
on the other hand volcel gang gang gang
on the other hand god damn i'm literally Vishnu with all these hands
you could say the same about posting pictures of Jeremy Corbyn beside a guillotine when it comes to convincing people that the gulag was a meme.
imagine showing him marx and saying "read all this, then you'll truly see."
different material for different target audiences. imagine showing him leftypol choir.
step 1. take a serious message
step 2. strap ridiculous iconography to it
it doesn't have to be a good joke, but it's obviously a joke and far too many people here have been marinated too long in imageboard reaction to understand that intuitively.
the medium is the message.
stupid and wrong and in itself idealist.
TERFs: Transgenderism supports the patriarchy though adherence to a strict gender binary
also TERFs: look at this fucker he's got stubble and greasy hair and you're telling me he's seriously trying to say he's a woman? haha women put way more effort into their appearance than that :)
the true materialist stance is to eschew the issue entirely and let someone else sort it out while viewing 40 year old men who get into TERF-supporting on Twitter with contempt.
OC incoming
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
Retweet this shit to these idiots:
you made this didn't you squidward
i'm honestly just a bit disappointed it took the necrophilia angle and not the suicidal guyanist angle. "workers of the world, seize the means of death!" was a great poster.
Daily reminder that WSWS was right AGAIN about these fuckers.
How are you people posting on an anonymous alternative basket weaving forum getting offended by such a safe fucking video? None of you fuckers browsed 4chan I'll tell you that
it's precisely because they've spent too much time on 4chan that they're "offended"
one element of imageboards is being a massive degenerate weirdo while judging people based on the supposed standards of wider society, which are presumed to be comparatively conservative, even if you don't actually hold those standards, because it opens the greatest window for both humour around the violation of social norms, and mockery of people who don't conform to those norms, as well as allowing one to embrace a status outside them.
there's a dynamic hypocrisy and more than a degree of inherent reaction at play.
tl;dr imageboards make you a mong
Yeah it's good for telling who is a massive faggot who should be banned from Zig Forums and IRL. Nothing else really. I bet you crack up at suicidejokecroppedfromtwitter23948349085738946.jpg
I didn't think it was that funny mate, just completely inoffensive compared to the usual gross-out stuff.
i didn't find it particularly funny either, i just don't like when imageboard kids get all "oh how shameful, how degenerate" like they're in any position to be the arbiters of good social graces.
Love Lucifer's design on that game.
Have you played If… yet user?
No one would be bothered to even acknowledge those lunatics if they didn't constantly try to invade areas that have been granted exclusive to women.
Nopes, is the full English patch out yet?
I didn't even beat Kyuuyaku. Got pissed off at the bland gameplay and annoyed at those level draining skull bastards. Loes. Fuck those Loes.
And fuck SMT V for being Switch exclusives.
I wonder if the reason these "men" are trying to "invade women's spaces" for the exact same reasons as regular women (I.e. sexual/physical abuse, not being able to tolerate patriarchy on a psychological level, self-identifying as women).
The stupid fucking pompous bastard actually released it, yes. I should warn you that while it starts strong there's a dungeon that will test your patience.
TERFs: ignorance to the existence of gender non-conforming people is bad
also TERFs: those lunatics constantly try to invade areas that have been granted exclusive to women.
Has nothing to do with what I said but okay
Why are communists so fucking degenerate? They are all like demons from hell or something. Stalin, Lenin, Mao, any good communist leader would have put them in mass graves. This is what happens I guess when you abandon the traditions of your nation and have nothing good to replace them with…
You never ask questions Zig Forums.
Poor Aeon lol. What did he do to piss you off?
Meh, I might check it out.
You don't need to put those quotation marks. They're snowflaky men wearing a dress who sometimes cut their balls off. If uneducated assholes are being spooked by their… exquisite behaviour, then that's another issue entirelly.
Eh, that's their dellusion, cuz they'll very rarely pass as the opposite sex. Besides, any male can hate patriarchy, and for rational reasons. All you have to do is get a wife and a daughter.
ah yes the bastions of traditional morality are here
When did a radfem write that? doesn't sound like something they'd say.
It's a good idea.
I don't see why leftists fled from "Libertarian" because 10 nerds decided it meant something else, but "socialism" and "communism" are A-OK.
Do you even know what these "traditions" entail? The past is a foreign country, many of the things people did centuries and millennia ago would be considered barbaric by modern standards. No, I am not talking about liberal cultural standards, I mean objectively.
ter ctrl+F
It's not a political party, it's an organization of activists.
Making videos and posting them are activities, by doing them they are doing activism
Gender is a spook
t. Reagan-era psychology
Alienation is merely a delusion on part of the workers. It is their privilege to work for a capitalist, since they could be homeless
Bitch if we're being honest, all your Stacey ass has to do is get yourself a husband and you'll never have to work a day in your life. I'm not a misogynist but 9/10 radfems bitching on Tumblr are upper class white girls who get to do whatever all day so don't act like you're a worker.
Male and Female still exist as sexes, they just don't actually exist as "genders" (i.e. The culturally held definitions of what constitutes maleness and femaleness)
Yes. You seem to be having trouble separating psychosocial stereotypes from physiology.
Not shit, I'm talking about sex. When I say man, I mean: adult human male.
I hate boomers, but I'll always clap for Jeb.
Is it? All I'm saying is that if transwomen are are being harassed so much by other "cis" men, then we should focus on arresting the agressors and on educating our children to prevent these events from repeating themselves.
Regardless of their alienatioin, their exploitation is indeed very real, the fact that they're a majority of individuals being exploited by a minority won't change.
Meh, I guess he ran off track a little bit lol. Still, most of what he said is correct.
sure stinks of shitty Zig Forums larping in here
Citation required
Sex segregation*
If you arrogantly declare that you are wiser than your ancestors or the people who came before that's fine, but if you replace their traditions you still have to have something to replace it with. Something of equal of better value. LGBT which is just a collection of sex fetishes obviously doesn't cut it. You just end up with the type of shit OP posts. Other so called Communist mods will ban me for this post because it triggers them. They would rather keep sucking cock than have an actual revolution and establish what they claim they support.
how is the shit in OP even about trans ?
You seem to be having trouble separating psychosocial stereotypes from physiology.
You know what, Zig Forums? You're right about that.
this shit has to be a fucking psyop, it's making a mockery of socialism, not to mention pushing people to the right and giving them ammunition. since when did socialism go from being an ideology with balls to this americanised queer bullshit?
i think some of you anons have the right idea, we need to distance ourselves from the term "socialism". it's too broad, and tainted with socdem idpol.
actual revolutionaries: lived from 1800-1987
liberal hipsters: lived from 1989-2022
Who are you quoting? I only said one of these things. Do you have me mistaken for an apparition?
This has been a thing since the 1800's. Engels was right.
Buddy, the "socdems" are the redpilled ones in the US. Any self-described American communist is either a mentally-ill LARPer or some trans headmatex
Taking to the streets is cancer. Protesting is cancer. Organizing is cancer.
Well they got massacred by the police and systematically targeted by the authorities, so I'd say the Black Panthers and the Free Love fags were revolutionaries
Eh, burger here, there's a lot of overlap with no one coming close to being actual communists. As in, self-described communists/socialists who are actually just SocDems and SocDems who are really just liberals with some ideas on welfare programs. There is no left here.