The working class is disgusted by these freaks. We need to get rid of them so we can actually accomplish our goals.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Liberal Bullshit like Gays and Trannies are Holding Us Back
or quietly ignore and focus on economic issues. The working class couldn't give a shit either way they just want low rent high wages and good education for kiddies
Go fuck yourself Zig Forumsyp
Respectability politics is quintessential liberalism
No we need to fucking not give a shit. A bloke from Hull working minimum wage doesn't give a shit EITHER WAY about transgender rights. By actively acting against them, you are making idpol an issue (just in reverse).
Are you really this out of touch with normal people? No one wants these people around their families.
It's not about being respectable, it's about not coming off as out of touch weirdos. It's mainly upper class perverts that are into this shit.
You are out of touch.
I agree
Same with Jews,Blacks,Hispanics,Women who aren't traditional,homosexuals,transgender people,gamers,feminists,people who dye their hair unnatural colors.people who get funny haircuts,people with too many tattoos,cat owners (soyboys),sexual deviants,refugees,drug users and old people.
Infact lets just drop economic issues and focus on social issues otherwise we can't get too our goals, some sort of final solution is needed. You're missing out on hundreds of Nazi supporters.
The 1980 called they want their anti-gay idpol back.
Also people who get there grammer and spelling wrong too many time. Along with down syndrome people of course.
And what exactly do you figure "the working class" is?
the last guy i had discussions with, who said the exact same shit, is now a regular over on Zig Forums
just a reminder of the character of that place
spineless salty faggots
you're not the working class, Zig Forums
so you admit you're not working class. why don't you neck yourself? who asked you to be their champion?
You're right, he wakes up in his house that is filled with damp, with a late rent notice, heading to work overtime on shit transport: constantly thinking about how dem transgenders shouldn't use a certain type of bog.
things that directly affect the lives of the working class on a daily basis causing spikes in adverse health mental and physical, homeslessness, malnourishment etc etc :
things which occasionally make some working class people slightly uncomfortable:
the existence of transgender people
I suggest you stop fapping to traps and sort out your own sexuality, maybe go see a shrink (but it will cost you ;) )
quote me a source.
You could go down the mental health line, that its people with mental illnesses who become transgender, which i often hear…. buuuut mental illnesses are more common among the working class
Also for the record, when canvassing people give far more of a shit about their bins being collected than anything else in the world, just to put it into perspective.
You're retarded. LGBT organizations (until co-opted by bougioise movements focused exclusively on marriage rights) were one of last bastions of workers movements in the US, until the recent upswell anyway
you're forgetting about unemployment
what in the fuck are you talking about? any organization that concerns itself primarily with sexuality/gender is inherently classcucked.