it's almost time comrades
"Wealth Dynasties" Generating Highest Inequality in Hundreds of Years
Time for what? These fuckers' henchmen coming and curbstomping you with the encouragement of technocrats and other reactionary swine alongside marginally-reluctant approval from liberals? The left has to put its foot down.
This is why America is doomed. Their economy is literally going to collapse from cannibalizing it’s own consumer base if they don’t at least implement socdem reforms. However even shit that is centre right by global standards causes mass hysteria among boomers, conservatives etc and gets all the militia retards screeching about rising up against muh gubmint tyranny. The only viable solution is so vehemently opposed by huge swathes of the elite and the brainwashed population. Not implementing it will cause a collapse, and implementing it would probably cause a wave of right wing terrorism if not a civil war or coup.
Actually most of the population is in favor of at least modest reforms such as 15$ min wage. It's just that the state and its oligarchic owners have made it all but impossible to do so. Ballot initiatives are one of the few ways left for regular voters to influence public policy, and now they're trying to get rid of that too.
I know that most people support reforms, but the problem is the 35% or so of the population that will start blowing shit up if you try to raise minimum wage or something.
When the economic crash hits the main conflict in the class war will be blatantly exposed to most americans for the first time since the Great Depression.
That's why we need to start agitating and organizng and educating now more than ever. We need to get as many proles on our side or even on the side of "le social democracy" meme before the next crash happens. The stock markets have shown they've curbed this month's volatitlity for the time being but the US is living on borrowed time at this point. We need to be able to spread agitprop as far and wide as possible when the next crash hits so that people realize its a class war
wishful thinking. more likely they will start another war and blame everything on putin, iran, venezuela etc.
when a major imperialist power experiences economic decline, they tend towards fascism. expect a patriotard act 2.0, a planned terrorist attack in america by saudis which will be blamed on syria or iran thanks to manufactured consent of corporate media, etc. etc., and americans will fall for it hook, line and sinker
if iran, dprk, venezuela don't want to be invaded, they need nukes to defend against the american war machine.
1) the majority of Americans didn't vote so Trump's "mandate" comes from a tiny minority of the population
2)most working class Americans would get pretty pissed off if, in the midst of another economic crisis, the President who they already are either indifferent to or hate tries to drum up a war. That's one reason why Bush had to slowdown his imperial ambitions. If the 08 crash hadn't happened we would have invaded Iran a decade ago
Remember that Russia was a major imperialist power, and that it went into an imperialist war. But the outcome was not fascists coming to power, but socialists. So I’d still hold out hope.
Roughly what said, but much worse. You can expect plenty more big Others to become the centres of powerful ideological forces, masking the real 'feudal'-capital relations which will be far more widespread than they are even now. If you think it's just going to be governments after taking the hint that is giving you, you're still a mug because corporate rockstars are also quickly becoming figures of outright worship as well as 'scientific' mystics who take the developments of much of bourgeois science as a given and even construct teleological theories to suggest that this was the only way forward 'because the universe' or some other shit. If there is anything that you take out of this at all, it had better be that you remember that class consciousness is never to be taken for granted even though class struggle can be.
how did some of these major wars with america start? how did america get involved in ww2? how did america get involved in vietnam? how did america get involved in iraq and afghanistan? they were all staged as an "attack on america." that's how it will be spun, the americans will not view it as "[trying] to drum up a war." americans can't even find any of these countries on a map, they don't give a shit about anything but their own well-being.
americans will not get "pretty pissed off" if you give them enough concessions. that's why even american leftists are willing to vote for bernie sanders despite him being a warmongering liberal in exchange for medicare or student loan debt forgiveness
Also remember that Weimar Germany wasn’t imperialist either, and on the country was arguably a victim of Anglo-French imperialism through Versailles.
And how did that happen? The Bolsheviks got stuck in and went for the chance to seize power while the Mensheviks cowered back, waiting for the time to be 'right enough'. More importantly, the Bolsheviks had a movement which was substantial enough to overcome the odds. Now where is the power of cutting-edge Communists today? Tell me, is Zizek an army general? Do we find Cockshott shooting for Scottish First Minister? No, we don't even have our theory up to standard yet, so how the fuck are we even going to begin to construct a working political struggle? We need action, ruthless fucking action. We need to organise and theorise at the same time since we do have some tools to work with, and this needs to be done as soon as possible or come the days of outright war, we are all going to be killed or shoved into whatever sickening experiments the bourgeoisie could ever dream up, near-unimaginably worse than the ones which are being run as we bicker in this thread. That leftists don't recognise this is shockingly bad, and when they do realise that shit isn't going to plan, they get oh-so-fucking-depressed and bawl their eyes out. Sit down, shut the fuck up and let's read before we sleepwalk into the coming inferno.
americans have nowhere near the squalid living conditions as the pre-revolution russians and chinese had.
And you should be aware that standards of living conditions are very relative. That they did not have smartphones did not matter so much back then because nobody had them. Meanwhile, to be without a smartphone today is to be denied access to technology which many processes within society have become facilitated to the point that lock-in has set in.
a minimum wage part-time job at mcdonalds can afford you a smartphone. how this compares to russians frequently experiencing famines while the russian nobility owned all the farms, i'm not sure.
…that is the not the only thing which the damned of the world have to put up with today. Look no further than the screaming of those whose failed attempts to turn towards the social rituals of hypersexual culture have only yielded utter rejection. Why would they be desperate enough to turn towards violently reactionary ideology? 'Thin skin'? More generally: what about the rampant loneliness which many who come to imageboards like this one here try to offset, which spreads far beyond matters of sexuality and into 'Platonic' relationships? How about being bombarded with the 'keeping up with the Joneses' ideology behind bourgeois consumerism while wages are lowering? And it is getting worse, MUCH WORSE. Suicide rates are spiralling upwards, so is drug abuse. Infrastructure all over the world is failing despite ongoing new construction. Weather patterns are shifting with increasing uncertainty - fuck, just look at Europe with extratropical cyclone Leslie crashing into Portugal and Storm Emma colliding with Anticyclonic Storm Hartmut causing a major snow event in the UK. If this is depressing you, retreat into a corner and read a ton unless you want to remain a worthless fucking shell of a person, practically waiting for the scum of the planet to beat you into further submission.
This is literally a right-wing tier argument that "muh workers have phones so they aren't oppressed and have no need to revolt."
A minimum wage part-time job won't allow you pay rent, utilities, groceries, transport (or, more usually in the US - car payment + insurance + gas money), childcare, healthcare, and buy a smartphone. I worked 2 jobs in the U.S. for a long time and even I went without buying new clothes for a couple of years largely to save money. Most people in the U.S. can't even afford to cover a $400 emergency.
When the next economic crisis happens I wouldn't be surprised if there were riots and street violence due to the inability of people to cover the cost of basic necessities.
don't shoot the messenger. i am simply stating americans are dumb enough to fall for that argument, especially in the red states. they live in a bubble. you are too optimistic about the average american's self-awareness and intelligence.
they put up with living with roommates. i'm not saying they should, i'm say they do.
they put up with ramen, mcdonalds, wendy's etc. i'm not saying they should, i'm say they do.
not true. minimum wage can afford you a shitty used car. they put up with shitty used cars and drive with expired licenses and no insurance & registration very, very frequently.
partly why americans are having kids much later (or not at all, see usa birthrate).
"don't need health care. we're 'muricans. we're strong. damn you obamacare, muh premiums are thru the roof!" is a typical response.
china + android = affordable smartphone
not sure what argument you're trying to make. i'm well aware how rotten to the core westerners and their ways of life are. but none of those points are leading people towards supporting proletarian revolution. on the contrary most of the disenfranchised who visit imageboards have become alt-righters, incels and jewish conspiracytards. hence you're not disproving my point of america tending towards fascism.
t. og nazbol gang
lol, no. Universal Healthcare and other socdem reforms are pretty popular, even among Republicans.
i cant look at that pic with lenin and stalin without thinking about the "muh jewish bolsheviks" thread on /marx/
fucking Zig Forums has to go and ruin cool shit for me
I don't think America will go a fascist or socialist way. Their constitution which is ideologically motivated by liberalism makes it night impossible for a proper revolution. Also just reading many comments the large majority still hold liberal views or off shoots of them. It simply is becoming more authoritarian from both sides. However with the current politicians in place who are all promoting off shoots of liberalism nothing will get solved in the US and they will remain just like the past 300 years puppet of the ones with capital.
Europe is interesting though, fascists are universally despised currently though. Communists aren't, but their ideology has zero penetration whatsoever in western Europe. The leftist social democrats are just liberal disguised as socialists. EVERY TIME one of those fucking parties got elected the wealth gap increased, corportations got more wealth in proportion to its citizenship and capital of the wealthy increased more in relation to what the average citizen owns. The only concern of those social democrats is to push everyone towards an average or modal wage through taxes or other shenanigans. End result is everyone gets kept low, some lower than others but not very low due to the social state. Meanwhile the ones who have a lot of capital keep expanding it. On top of that the social democrats are very egalitarian in that they're mass importing human markets in the form of refugees so they can be exploited for big capital, on the tax payer's dime often. So you get even more transfer of wealth from the bottom to ones owning capital.
It's complete insanity, nobody is seeing how individual rights along with the extra protections from law that corporations enjoy is making themselves of a very low submissive status compared to the ones abusing those rights granted by the law.
This is literally "Our Riches" by Peter Kropotkin
Um guys, this only happens in America. Look at Sweden and Norway where there are basically no ultra rich people, they are proper capitalism :)
🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Wealth Dynasties🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
That's literally what capitalism is tho
Daily reminder that Rothschilds are a tiny drop in the bucket of the bourgeoise and so are Jews generally
Usually when I hear/read that term it also comes from a person who uses "crony capitalism" unironically. It's not rigged, it's not "broken", it is capitalism
Typo or pun? You decide!
America is just a mind boggling country. I was reading a labor history the other day and it was talking about the bonus army (for anyone who doesn’t know or remember, WW1 vets that went to Washington to get an early payout promised them for their service due to the conditions of the depression. It was around 1932). I had never heard much about Walter Waters before that, just his name mentioned in conjunction with the group that marched on Washington. This book mentioned that communists went to the camp outside the Capitol I think after the senate voted against the early bonus payment, and while these soldiers just stood around singing patriotic songs after getting dicked over by the government the communists called on them to revolt. These were tens of thousands of aggrieved soldiers standing around in the Capitol during the height of the depression, so you could see how the communists might find an opportunity. But the “leader” of the group, Walter Waters, apparently challenged them with fascistic rhetoric and drove them away. He later made a short lived fascist movement called the Khaki Shirts or something like that, and the bonus army was violently driven out of Washington by the military even though they put up virtually no struggle that I’m aware of. They just had their camp burned down, some of them shot and others trampled or burned to death.
Like, what the fuck. How is America so fucking dog brained. How could a group of veterans driven to meander across the country from their destitution during the greatest economic crisis in American history be so fucking pacifist and favorable to authority that they just try to meekly signal their patriotism when they’re told to go be flea ridden somewhere else, and then the army just promptly drives them out of the city, and it spawns a handful of fascists who just feel like “unamerican” or “the wrong people” are in charge.
Capitalism is fundamentally flawed.
We don’t have real capitalism because the government intervenes to much.
We don’t have real capitalism because the government doesn’t intervene enough.
Actually in order for Capitalism to work it requires Socialist thought. Market Anarchists in the Bavarian Soviet Republic worked on how Free Markets can exist structured correctly and Denmark and etc's markets are modeled after Socialist principles. The fact that Corporations in the USA have low profit now shows it's not actually true Capitalism.
If you are gonna be opposed to Capitalism it should not be on a IT DOESNT WORK but because it allows Bourgeois to exist.
Money is abstract, just don't believe their wealth and it goes away.
No one will revolt as long as they can buy the newest iphone on a payment plan and post their mundane lives to facebook everyday. The placated are incapable of higher ideals. Capitalism exploits the greed instinct in human beings.
My point is that pretty soon they won’t be able to buy the newest iPhone. It’s not a question of higher ideals, capitalism is eroding basic standards of living for the middle class.
That's good. Change only happens when people become personally inconvenienced. People need to become dirt poor. Opportunities need to dry up completely. Housing needs to be inflated even more than it is now so no one will ever own a home. Once the system has become destabilized then people will get angry and that creates the correct conditions for revolution. That's when the ideals of the individual just so happen to benefit everyone collectively. Nothing in the world can stop that. Revolution will be a certainty at that point.
I'll just leave this right here…
okay, tell me what domestic policy in post-Deng China has adopted Marx’s ideals
pro tip: the answer is “none”
What will likely happen is the entire economy will become rent based. You won't own a home, you'll rent an apartment. You won't own a phone, you'll lease one from your carrier. You won't own a car, you'll use Uber and Lyft. You won't have a career, you'll work gigs in the sharing economy. They'll still have all the things they have today, but instead of owning them they'll only be borrowing them. Once property ownership becomes almost nonexistent among the working class, abolishing private property will seem like the next logical step. They won't even be angry when they do it. It'll just be more convenient to cut out the rent-seeking middle men.
Basically, the Maoist Third Worldists were right. Workers in the West are bourgeoisified. The transition from property ownership to rent will de-bourgeoisify them.
Did you think this up while working at your soft job and dreaming of enslaving the plebs in gulags and fapping to photos of trotsky?
Marx was a greedy man that wouldn't get a regular job to support his seven kids. Why didn't Marx live up to his own ideals?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
lol now the 50 cent army is character assassinating marx himself to try to make China look better
Basically this and its already happening. But the gig economy is unsustainable. It doesnt offer a living wage in a world where everything is becomming increasingly more expensive. Eventually this race to the bottom will end once it finally pushes everyone to the breaking point.
But that's exactly why people will move from ownership to renting. They won't be earning enough from their gigs to own property. They'll only be able to borrow it for limited periods of time on lease. Owning will become increasingly more expensive, but renting will become increasingly more convenient.
get ready to share your dishes on an app because you can't afford to own plates
Marx wrote very successful books about political economy (that were 99% correct). Writing is a job.
It will only de-bourgify the wage slaves. the labor aristocracy can still afford to buy. They will unfortunately be driven further right as the increasing number of poor demand more socialist policies which means more taxes for the few remaining homeowners.