
Why does America harbor the most obnoxious reactionary and racist people on earth ?.
99% of the time when i come across some retarded spook on internet it was posted by an American.

Whats in the US that makes people that mentally deranged?

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The American political system is very insular and has been alienated from continental philosophy; unfortunately, most US citizens are clueless

because the USA is literally fascist state. only here do sports fans get detained for going to the bathroom during the national anthem. only here is Marx demonized by every centrist liberal and conservative demagogue, only here do politicians get away with spouting creationist garbage.
when 9/11 happened everyone got angry at each other for not being more patriotic. all people want to do here is blame each other and sue each other because they know no other form of justice after being perpetually isolated and detached. it's only going to get worse when millennials start to inherit everything.

this tbh

It’s all so tiring

The French and Israelis are far more racist than Americans. France is practically an apartheid state.

It's the imperial core. Americans are bathed in propaganda 24/7.

this country is crawling with baboon

nogs & spics are animals that's why

peak capitalist society breeds the stupidest, most complacent, gullible people because it's good for advertising. makes it easier to sell useless shit.

I wonder, does the Soviet flag in the Reichstag still hurt?

everybody lies, lies, lies. imagine if all of society was a bunch of lies and liars. that's what it feels like here, politicians, newscasters, political commentators, newspapers, etc., all lie. they will knowingly, and without any shame, engage in the most blatant fraud, and nobody blinks an eye at it. honestly feels like there is some sort of mass delusion here. literal blatant lies are just accepted as fact here. people eat bullshit and ask for seconds with a smile.

tldr: america is a literal hellhole, never ever come here.


You haven't seen Europe nazis.

Most americans are just loudmouth, european nazis are gonna skin ya.

Found the American.

Americans are the only people to have existed where conversion or rehabilitation is impossible. They must all be condemned to suffer their own excesses. And as you said, EVERY single American I've talked to online, that wasn't explicitly part of a leftist org/site, was a fascist. Scum, fucking scum.

Amerikkka is a colonialist settler state.

It's not the only one though. Canada, Brazil, Venezuela, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Israel and many more have the same issues. You probably come across American spooks so much because they're in English. Before the election Brazilians were saying that PT was gonna start a government committee to determine your child's gender when they're 5. Israeli media is full on genocidal when its in Hebrew.

Israelis are but France is no more apartheidy than the US. And US ghettos are much worse than France's.

Yeah the ones in Europe seem a lot harder. I was talking to a Brit here in the U.S. (older dude) who grew up in the U.K. and joined the SHARPs after a neo-Nazi gang beat him up, held him down and carved a swazi into his chest. Apparently he got back at them later but didn't go into details. Anyways the Zig Forums Nazis here are mostly geeks. Mostly. What the U.S. has more of are prison Nazis that are mainly involved in the drug game and there's a saying "the only color they care about is green."

I've been on a kick reading about the Troubles and watching docs on it. The Unionists/Loyalists remind me so much of the neo-Confederate types here in the South that it's mind-blowing.

This. There is something about settler-colonialism that retards the development of class consciousness. Only way to defeat reaction there is to castrate the state itself via isolation and violent resistance.

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France too. That land belongs to Gauls

Also went to Austria and Germany as a kid. One of these school ventures. They take us to about a gazillion castles and palaces and one stop was this enormous plaza in Vienna, and the tour guide points out the balcony where Hitler spoke following the Anchluss. Cue a bunch of pimply American teenagers taking pictures of it and going "huh ok." Then I look across the plaza and see this group of full-on skinheads who must have been in their late 20s / early 30s or so in boots and bomber jackets complete with eagle patches also taking pictures of it and having a great time.

And I was like "huh… oh DAMN."

Another funny anecdote from that trip is one of the students dressed as a goth in a sort of fascist way. Black trenchcoat, crew cut. He wasn't a Nazi but then stitched a souvenir Germany patch on his sleeve. Big mistake. Old ladies started spitting at him and he got pulled aside and questioned by cops at this thing we went to.

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lol yeah they're the same thing, Ian Paisley got his doctorate in Theology from a SC Bible college.

The South was populated with "Scots Irish" settlers, they wanted them to deal with the Native Americans the same way they dealt with the Native Irish.

Also like Southerners losing made them nuts. Protestants used to be quite radical (see the United Irishmen), and they used to be quite proud to be Irish and led the Gaelic Revival. Then 1921 happened and they went nuts, and the Good Friday Agreement made them even worse.

Nice. The last part reminds me of when I was a child in Sweden, fishing in the capital city, during National Day. My mom had warned me that a lot of racists would be in town and that we needed to be careful. We were sitting by a dock, with a big bridge behind us, and all the sudden I hear noise and shouting, turned around to look, and saw a massive group of black-clad anti-fascists with red flags chase neo-Nazis across said bridge. Some anti-fascists came down the bridge, walking through the dock area, and I still remember their faces to this day. I think that was the day I started my political journey.

As a brown kid, I remember how scared the idea of racists who wanted to hurt me was. And my moms words impacted me, even she was scared. And to then see those people, in their black clothes, with red flags fluttering in the smoke, roaring with anger as they threw themselves at the neo-Nazi filth, started a fire in me.

Crazy shit. Why did it happen?

But user, most french people are gauls

also most other "native" volken are younger than the fall of the roman empire, all non-norse germanic people, icelanders and greenlanders, pretty much all slavs, hungarians, pretty much every other people as well

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ironically nazis create even more leftists than they realize. I used to be a brown centrist lib until the dumb white autist in my school with no friends tried to argue that the LAPD should be allowed to arrest black kids at random.

It was the 80s and he wasn't white-English is my guess. I didn't pry into details. He was born and raised there but I couldn't exactly determine his ancestry. Fairly light brown skin. If I had to totally spitball it I'd guess his parents were Lebanese maybe. Hard to say. Dude was jacked though and we mostly talked about MMA.

Same here.

The SHARP story reminds me of a story from when I was organized. One of our members was walking home, and he had an anarchist patch on or something of that nature, and a skinhead gang robbed and assaulted him to the point where he ended up in hospital. Our entire local group was mobilized immediately, and we went to the area he was attacked, looking for the attackers. Soon, we heard skinhead music coming from a balcony. There were maybe 20 or 30 of us, filling the stairwell and hallway. knocked on the door, and proceeded to beat the shit out of them and utterly trash the apartment and everything in it, and got our guys wallet and phone back.

my school's local retard neo-nazi was this band teacher's son who would fucking yell at you if you didn't stand for the pledge of allegiance. I always tried to sit through it and he started getting in my face calling me "commie scum"

he definitely pushed me further left cause no way in hell i wanna be on that cuck's side

back when I was in school i was like "libertarian"-capitalist and I just stood and didn't recite the pledge or put my hand on my heart, I thought I was making a statement but in retrospect I don't think anyone even noticed

the pledge of allegiance was always very strange to me, as a non-american. it seems absurd almost. imagine if you told an average american that the Soviets had a loyalty pledge for schoolchildren to recite, a pledge to the red flag, marx and socialism, and atheism, imagine how they would react.

I just finished school and am currently applying for public school teaching positions. I had to sign something to swear allegiance and loyalty to the United States government in order to continue the application. This country is a cult.

It's the quintessensial an-cap story

lmao, halfie

You should watch some of the H.W. Bush funeral:

Held at the National Cathedral in D.C. but there's no state religion, officially… (construction started in 1906)

It's clearly modeled on the funerals of British monarchs, with the Episcopal church standing in for the Church of England.

The U.S. is a weird rejection of Europe but also emulates it in a facsimile, and we treat presidents as quasi-monarchs. Well, they are head of state. But like we'll call people "President Bush" years after they leave office, like a noble title or something like that.

There's also this whole genre of thick presidential "biographies" (more like hagiographies) which is mostly uplifting hooey. But they sell really well. Perhaps the idea is to develop a counter to the Enlightenment values of the founders.

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There was also somebody, maybe Hunter S. Thompson, who wrote that presidential elections are like regularly-scheduled national crises, with the winning side's supporters viewing it as a revolution and the losing side as a catastrophe. The spark that set off our civil war was a presidential election you know. But most people don't vote, and going by election results will not tell you much about people's actual opinions, much to the frustration of the winning side who think they speak for the whole nation; I don't think that might be much of a thing in coalition systems like Sweden or something where you're trying to cobble together a government weeks after the election where the parties each received between 20-30 percent at most.

This is where I think a lot of Atheist leftists failed in their criticism of religion; They didn't account for a new type of religion we've been seeing across America in the 21st century: the religion of Liberalism.
I've actually talked to someone who was involved with American intelligence agencies and their mentality is eerily similar to that of the Missionary during the pre-Modern era. They're aware that thousands of lives are ruined regularly by American Imperialism, but they don't care because at the end of the day "as long as I'm making someone else's life better by defending liberty". These are hardcore atheists I'm talking about too, they don't even realize that they just adopted religion without the blatantly supernatural aspect.
In America it becomes our god-given duty to "serve the greater good of liberty and justice for all", rather than the Bible. that's all. We practice our religion by taking liberties for our systemic sins, like becoming a Vegan or boycotting Israel. we pray to it every time we're obligated to say the pledge of allegiance. but, like Christianity, we're never actually taught about the scripture by which we operate, such as the writings of Adam Smith and John Locke, or their critics…

The Episcopal Church is the Church of England.

I feel like this is new, I don't remember this much hoopla when Reagan and Ford died, and Reagan was popular unlike Bush.

Enlightenment values are all about praising the rich and powerful, even more than aristocracies because according to Enlightenment values their leaders deserved their power. France has a pantheon of dead politicians and scientists lol.

I think France is a lot like America. They're weird mirror images of each other.

It's true tho.
If you live there, you should know.

This is the feeling I have every day living here.
I tried to explain it to friend recently, and I got them to finally agree it was dystopian, "but what can you do about it?"
The other thing I've noticed, is that everyone knows there's something wrong, but because no one can put a finger on it because they are so poorly educated and gas lighted by propaganda, it drives them insane.

That’s part of the reason I think mass shootings, especially school shootings, have been on the rise. Without proper education to point towards what is to blame for people’s shitty lives, they lose their minds and lash out at the world around them.

yep. that's pretty much what Falling Down is all about. people's lives who don't live up to hollywood standards are lead away from criticism and just end up hurting people.

This. I'm going to amend that to say all Europeans though.

Euros are definitely more racist. They put on a good show for a short time then they let their true colors show.

You fags aren't fooling anybody.

boomers get out

What's that even supposed to mean you dumb faggot?

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What's that even supposed to mean you dumb faggot?

boomers are chronically rad centrists who rush to defend neoliberal countries because of their dementia

Also Taxi Driver. Fight Club at least had a philosophy although it was doomsday anprim like U.S.-style Pol Pot

I'm not defending America. I just don't like Euros as well. Why is that so hard to comprehend? The rest of the world didn't forget what you did and what you continue to do. Your histrionics aren't fooling anyone. We know your true colors.

I definitely think Euros are more racists than Americans. Your long history as well as recent history continue to prove that point.

Not that guy but theres no way in hell europe is more racist than the US. Everybody here is horrified at what the US police gets away with. Amerimutts always say this 'Europe is more racist' but its honestly bullshit. Also you have to differentiate between eastern europe and western europe in this regard.

Also on the less-racist front we had a badass civil war to free the slaves starring Morgan Freeman and that guy from Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

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Like let's take Germany for example. They let in some migrants to prove their non-racist credentials. The right wing spews just a little bit of propaganda then what happens? Also UK with brexit? C'mon now.

I'm not defending racist policing and other shit either. I only see you guys showing more of your true inner racist selves which you're currently in denial about, showing more and more in the years to come.

France tho

I mean what the hell do I know? I'm a white dude from Texas. But I was talking to a black woman here who vacationed in Paris and she was like "these people are racist as fuck" and talked about getting profiled by the cops first time she walked into a metro station. Anyways she's just one person and it's just an anecdote.

okay but the shit you replied to is not all about race. America is definitely a more reactionary country in general.
is a true statement.

Why do foreign faggots believe the electric jew? Ah, low Autism Level guy who imagines he knows where anyone is from :) Good thing you don't travel or your head would implode like your delusions.

you crossposters lose your coherency by the second.

True. I'll give the british colonists in canada credit for being the country that slaves fled too though. I was speculating on that recently. How would the history of slavery in America been different if we never overthrew the crown. I dunno. Still doesn't change all the racist colonialism that Britain and France were up to that was probably just as bad into the 20th century and til today.

You mean only counting what? Today? We still occupy a major portion of Europe because of your notable reactionaries.

The absolute mind of leftists.

If France is an apartheid state, what the hell is a non-apartheid state? Fucking China?

counting the quality of life as a working class citizen in the US vs Germany.

We let in like a hundred times the amount of refugees the US has accepted before the right wing propaganda started working whereas if the US accepted like 200 syrian children tomorrow everybody on FOX news would wet themselves for weeks on end about the downfall of the West. Also the Afd is a party that is getting around 15% in Germany whereas the Republicans, who are arguably to the right of the AfD, control all of the Government.

Im sorry, to me American middle class racism seems to be something completely out of this world.

The US has allowed in and amnestied millions of dirty spics.

Where'd all these people come from then?

I will get reflexively burger-patriot when Euros trash talk my country but if you wanna see some ugly American middle-class bourgie racism and classism bound up watch this:

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Oh the irony.

That's unfair. Germany and Japan are the poster childs for American occupation. I heard the people in the former Soviet Republics were living better and got the better shit than the average Russian back in The USSR for the same reasons.

When I was in high school, we all gathered in the gymnasium in the morning (it was a small school of ~400 students) to say the pledge of allegiance. I would never stand and eventually a lot of other kids wouldn't either. One of the teachers went on a tirade to us one morning about how it's disrespectful to soldiers and we would get detention if we didn't stand. I still didn't because I knew there was a court case that ruled schools weren't allowed to legally do that.

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even if you compare it with Britain, workers there all have access to health care which is huge even if you may not realize it.
having a country dominated by sick people is how you get reactionary neoliberal supporters. Britain will get Corbyn while America will see another 4 years of Trump. massive difference.

I'm a vulgar burger Marxist fuck off binch

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t. el goblino

And McDonald's is good too. It took over your country wherever you live, unless it's Donetsk because that one got blown up by artillery I think. Either way, I just want them to be democratically owned and managed. But the Golden Arches stay.

I know you eat that shit don't lie. Lookin' at you Frenchie

You're still not even done with brexit yet.

Also Americans and most people around the world enjoy the basic 20th century perks of AC while British urchins start dieing due to a little 26 degree weather.

been to Frence many times, some people are shit but its part of being French, they're dicks to everyone.
maybe i'm just not brown enough.
also for a country that is supposedly racist they have allot of blacks, especially in the athletic fields (football)

9/11 conspiracy theories are a source of deranged internet culture. People in America were willing to believe their government would kill 3,000 people in a false flag attack. It doesn't matter whether or not the theories are true, people have been intensely alienated for decades.

Probably all the MKUltra and Operation Midnight Climax and what not had something to do with it.

This is funny the guy from the Swedish podcast A Lost Cause tells similar stories about how Antifa had to literally protect non-white kids from Nazis on their school routes because the police wouldn't do anything about it and a lot of them were Nazis themselves.

But if settler states are inherently full of reactionaries then why was the Cuban revolution so successful? Most of those guys are descended from Spanish colonialists, even Castro was the son of a Spaniard who came to Cuba and got rich on the backs of his black workers.
Every country that goes red has the bourgeoisie try to flee, we only see so many reactionary Cuban exiles because the Cuban government didn't bother stopping them from leaving.

Haiti had an anti-slavery revolution, too. Shit wouldn't happen in America.

Well Haiti is a different case because as far as I know, 99% of the population were slaves. But both Cuba and the US had a black slave class, an intermediary class of poor non-slaves (white and black) and an all-white upper class. I don't understand why Cuba could do more with that than the US ever could (I mean, there are obvious reasons, but they have to do with imperialism, not settler-colonialism).

Good strategy, Soviet Support, a weak enemy leader and a lot of luck.Cuba was full of reactionaries, they lost and moved to Florida.

Being descended from colonists doesn't make you inherently reactionary, it just makes it likely

I had a teacher in high school that actually encouraged us not to stand or even sing along if we flat out didn't want to. It was the first time someone with technically more "authority" than me said anything like that. It was a more impactful moment than it probably should have been.

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McDonald's rules and anyone who pretends otherwise is a class traitor. You will take my Hot n Spicy from me on my death bed, cowards.

When you're an American and just watching everything fall apart around you

When does the revolution come, comrades? I'm tired of waiting.

how's Canada? :v)

have you been to south korea? They taught in schools that Marx is literally evil until 80s. Which means there still are shit ton of koreans who are over 40s who believes in this shit. People under 30s are mostly fine though

I mean… it's pretty much this.

People aren't racist due to one's skin color, OP.

I'll give you $9.11 in keks for that, good sir.

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Becausa America was established and built by the most obnoxious, reactionary, racist and genocidal maniacs on earth. By 1870s the system was so well established that immigrants weren't able to change it much. There was some strong labor sentiments, but still, they got destroyed with relative ease.!P3Ij2RxD!C_vUhcH3G4nv5aW0iu_GKQ

What is all of this a result from? Please answer me Zig Forums

Slavery and Segregation were a mistake

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k comrades, going to bed now.

can't keep my damn eyes open

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It isn't, You merely don't hear so much about the racism of other countries in the media and on the internet. Either because the media doesn't report it or due to the language barrier.

Libya is literally enslaving black people.
Italy is forbidding private rescue ships to save refugees from drowning, because they don't want to have black people in italy.
So they rather let them drown. it's just black people. Who cares?
No one.
In the US you get weeks of liberal media outrage before children are temporarily seperated from their parents at the border.

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Hahaha, Americans mutts already yelling about muh racism in other countries.

Faggots, you cannot die soon enough.

The media is fooling you. Europe is way more racist than the U.S.

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Most people on English speaking sites are American due to it being the most populated English speaking country. I've found the worst people to be from Brazil, Israel, Australia, the Philippines and Poland not just America.

I'm mexican and i grew up believing 911 was undeniably an inside job, mostly because that's literally the biggest topic that got brought up when the event was even mentioned, i wondered "gee, even though all of America knows it was an inside job they still won't admit it!"

Regarding racism outside of America, well, what do you expect?, México doesn't have very strong nationalistic ideas but they sure as hell hate indigenas and "indios". I don't know how they feel about immigration, i've heard black people are not particularly welcome at México City, i've never met anyone of an ethnicity outside of the Americas so idk.