Give me some good info on imperialism

Not on the left, a special snowflake type of reactionary, but I've pretty much always been very anti military. Can call me a dipshit who doesn't know the true way or whatever I dont care, but I would like some good ammunition to use against the idealistic neoliberalism who think capitalism is a high tide raising all ships (even if unequally). Also think it could be good ammunition against those who think we just need to make all the world like Sweden or Norway

Attached: oy.jpg (600x411, 88.87K)

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But all we have to do is make every country like Sweden or norway and we'll have achieved utopia.

Succdem poster has a point [War Is A Racket] [Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism] [Confessions of an Economic Hitman]

Explain exactly how much we depend on the imperialized third world to support ourselves and how much we gain from Africa and SA being undeveloped and poor. I have heard that Africa has more net outflow than inflow, but then again more products are exported from Netherlands alone than Africa, and most of our resources come from developed countries.

You should read some Lenin, very good material.

As a first worlder why should I not support imperialism?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Because it inherently distorts your economy, politics, and society towards the will of the imperial elite. WWI is the best example: over a million britons died so we could get a few more colonies and defeat a rising imperialist power.
"When a man because an imperialist, he puts on a mask and his face grows to fit it." Orwell, Shooting an Elephant

but if im also benefiting from this why should i care?

Because actually you don't: your country's elite might but wealth doesn't trickle down, it never trickles down. Take the US for example, premier imperial power in the world: it goes through and uses up bodies to preserve its sole superpower status and doesn't give a shit about them. You don't even have universal healthcare for fuck's sake and yet you have the ability to extract resources from around the world. Imperialism corrupts your economic and political system into benefiting the imperial elite while the average person gets shafted regardless. You'll notice that the strong social democratic states weren't imperial powers but either neutral or even briefly anti-imperialist (Sweden in the 1970s is a good example). Also if you are a lesser imperialist power or an auxiliary nation, you are at the whim of your imperial master: like Canada is at the whim of the US, Kazakhstan at the whim of Russia, or Mali at the whim of Europe. Anti-imperialism is the only way to ensure national sovereignty, and ensure decent living conditions for the labouring masses.
Basically, Armed Neutral Anti-Imperialism is the best course for a country and her people. We all need to be Tito Gang.

Attached: c598152083d253dd340ed3dc01d71246d598772fa0f503d2c2bbf26391ff0820.jpg (351x480, 40.76K)

The absolute state of first-worldism

kys mods

apologizing for imperialism has always been bannable you tard


I live better in the US or any imperial nation than I would in a nation being imperialized.

I'm not saying its a utopia but its better

How does "not imperializing" effect anything? Sweden was sucessful in the 1970s because they were almost 100% European and it was a slow decline as they let in non europeans

Hello Zig Forums

hello /liberalpol/

Muh even brown people are destroying Europe REEEEE

From a leftist standpoint, not in a retard wandered in and has no idea what's going on standpoint.

Okay, so do I. Doesn't mean I want to drag the whole world down to third world level. Or continue to not have health insurance, falling wages, falling quality of life as that wealth is continuously hoarded by the capitalists, more precarious work, suffering through boom and bust cycles, increasing housing costs, larger tax burdens, a melting world of more extreme weather events (I fucking prefer cold weather and I don't want 80 degree snow-less Decembers), the stifiling of my own potential because of the logic of capital.

You don't make a significant point to tell me as a proletarian I should not be a damn commie.

Everything any country to the south of italy and/or the east of germany is good. except for poland and ukraine. fuck them.


Migrants don't benefit Europe

we have better health insurance in the US than any Marxist Leninist states today

Whats wrong with Poland?

We hate Poland more than any Nazi because it is literally why the World isn't Communist.


Lol I assume he's butthurt about Solidarity

Poland defeated the USSR when they were going for Germany. Poland is why the Nazis took over Germany. Poland was best buddies with the Nazis. Poland is why World War 2 happened. Poland is worshipped by Reactionaries.


Not to mention how fucking obnoxious they are about how gommies ruined their country.

at least post the actual images, and in english

But seriously, reactionary Eastern Euros are pretty terrible but Russia itself isn't exactly helping that situation

Attached: poland eu immigration comic.png (1278x2407, 154.75K)

really makes you thunk


Fucking kek. Literally every developed country has better healthcare then the US. Every ML state has free healthcare.

Fucking Cuba has better healthcare than the US and they have like 1/10th the GDP per capita.

But user, how would the US afford healthcare with a public option provided by the private sector? It would cost TRILLIONS


maybe the ussr shouldn't have tried invading poland>>2781458


long wait times

Facts don't care about your feelings

Attached: cuba vs usa health stats.png (1600x1815 27.91 KB, 761.05K)

Oh and Poland is why Eastern Germany failed too.

Prussia and Silesia were the best parts and Poland was given them. Had not for that Eastern Germany might've survived the downfall of the USSR. There would still be a Communist European nation. The USSR should've given Eastern Germany all the lands that were German before WW2 because they actually put effort towards fighting the West and were the best nation other than the USSR in the Eastern Bloc.


Pretty spooked ngl.

try again feelingsfag


Maybe Poland shouldn't have tried invading the USSR.

You don't even know what words mean Americanigger, you disgrace yourself.

Attached: usa ball.jpg (500x622, 64.91K)

most of the medicine the world has is thanks to the US so why don't they help fund our Universal healthcare

What's the matter, does the free market not work all of a sudden? US pharma companies get paid more than a fair price for anything they actually invent, not our fault if they don't feel like sharing it with you.

Wow so much for freedom

Yeah and the quality is better than any where else in the world

Yes love to pack my belongings into the foreclosure van for $50 while recovering from my back surgery.

At the top tier private hospitals maybe, at the hospitals 19/20 people go to? No way. I've just shown you how Americans have much lower life expectancy despite paying far more for healthcare, what other metric could be more important? I know some of that can be attributed to clinically fucktarded Americlaps like yourself falling of your ATV while carrying a rifle and drunk and ending yourself but you can't tot it all up to that can you?

Attached: america hell.png (383x666, 306.66K)

then get insurance idiot

then buy the quality of heathcare that you want

Americans have a low life expectancy because people don't take care of themselves. The amount of fat fucks america has is almost non existent in the rest of the world and Universal Healthcare won't fix that unless we punish fat people

Attached: America Inarticulate Yelling.jpg (495x375, 54.65K)


Because it reinforces capitalism and home (just fucking look at America) and often doesn't even provide benefits to first world workers. It also invites the judgement of History.

Yeah like every other first world country. Oh but it's impossible for the US because you're too special.

But wait, if America’s capitalist healthcare system is good then surely it’s agribusiness must also produce a good diet at a good price for the average citizen

Also, obesity gets overplayed. The vast majority of the recent fall in life-expectancy can’t even be attributed to obsesity: alcoholism, opioid addiction, suicide and liver failure seem to be the main drivers