Vendors under socialism

Just wondering what you guys think about small-scale vendors under socialism. Nothing big obviously, just things like street side merchants. Or what if someone wanted to open a restaurant? How would things like that work? Would they be allowed?

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barter is allowed under socialism retard

Long as they don't employ anyone.

Read Marx

Selling stuff you created is fine I guess, but hoarding goods and then dealing them out to those with money is bad.

If you could somehow open a restaurant with no employees go ahead, but I don't see how that'd work. Restaurants didn't exist pre capitalism and shouldn't exist afterwards, if you ever worked in one youd know how shitty it is. People who like cooking will cook for their friends and community.

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It really depends about how much the socialists system is advanced.
If it's just the beginning with companies replaced by coops everywhere and money still used, then it's fine.
But if the whole economy is planned, then there's no place for independent vendors, even small-scale. But there would still be small-scale "distributors" working in a federation and remunerated with labor vouchers.

The restaurant was invented in 18th Century Paris.

Restaurants and all sorts of eateries were always closely tied to the development of the bourgeois class in any society tho.


Not him but before modern restaurants there were inns and taverns with food.

If you could somehow open a restaurant with no employees go ahead, but I don't see how that'd work

The nuclear family won't exist under socialism.

If historic communes are any indication, the socialist conception of a restaurant would be the communal soup kitchen. Good luck opening a restaurant when you're competing against the local grandmas for business and their food is free.

It's shit because of capitalism, if the workers could organize their work themselves and be remunerated fairly, then it would be fine.


Pick one, your hate for your job comes from your alienation. Hate the boss, not the job.

Obesity is bad enough as it is, Socialism would never work.

These were always intrinsically tied to the bourgeois class tho. Capitalist relations of production and the capitalist mode of production predates its dominance on the historical stage.

lol who would eat at restaurants if there's no more fat bourgeois assholes.

I guess there could be some kind of restaurant co-op where you take turns waiting on people, cooking, dish washing and being served but who would go through all that for a fancy meal once in a while.

Yes as we all know its grandmas making unhealthy food and making people obese, not McCorp and their two dozen associated high fructose corn syrup-based eateries. Thanks for letting us know porky.

This tbh. In a way the meme that capitalism has always existed is true, in the sense that there has long been small urban manufactures and merchants. But they were a small part of total production before relatively recently.

Do you go out sometimes? There's a lot of proles who likes to go with their family or friends, or in couple at the restaurant once in a while.

I do but its either because I'm too beat from """"working""" or because my social life is molded by capitalism and restaurants are one of the areas of social life available to us.

My most enjoyable eating experiences were in school cafeterias and the dining hall in college. I'd prefer that over restaurants. I don't see the value in someone taking my order and handing me food, not having to clean up after myself is nice though. I was a waiter before and I would never do it voluntarily and I don't know anyone who would.

The entire mentality behind going to restaurants is bourgeois, getting people to serve you while smiling and pretending you're the greatest person ever. No working class people went to restaurants pre 20th century, and those who go to fancy restaurants today are all 'imitating' the rulling class, pretending they are living "the finer life". There's absolutely no reason to go to restaurants, it's not like you actually meet new people, you go with people you already know that you might aswell just eat with at your house.
Fuck that shit and fuck everyone who does it.

Just like the cooking and the cleaning, you don't have to do it yourself, it's valuable as any service.

If it's really that bad for anybody maybe we will have to wait for robot waitress to have "classic restaurants" in socialism.

Cooking is a skill and some people love doing it. That's not true for serving or cleaning. People should serve themselves and either clean up after themselves or get assigned periodic KP duty since its easier to do it in bulk. Getting your own food is such a slight bit of labor that there's no reason not to do it yourself. People like waiters because they like having someone below them, I don't see it happening in any free society.

Most food preparation is done outside of capitalism, my friends and family never put food on a plate and handed it to me if I'm eating with more than two people.

Robot waiters would be cool though.

Not that guy, but being a waiter was easily the shittiest job I've ever had. I assume it depends on where you work, but even with a relatively nice manager the entire experience was incredibly stressful. People are huge dicks in restaurants, and the pressure at peak hours to not fuck up can feel really heavy because not only do tables start getting snarky with you, possibly even aggressively confronting you in a very demeaning way, but kitchen staff and other waiters can get agitated because there is an interdependence that sometimes draws them into the problem. Basically everybody at a busy restaurant can easily be driven to resenting each other. I've worked at two, bussing was a much easier job than serving. Just have to clean people's shit and sometimes poor them water, rarely does anybody have a reason to be mad at you and sometimes people at tables will appreciate you because you do some small thing for them when their waiter is too busy or has forgotten them.

Just to add, almost every time a waiter would drop a glass or a plate or something in the last restaurant I worked at (this was like, a decade ago) every shit head in the restaurant would invariably clap and people would shout something like "nice job". It's like some mass psychosis where nobody realizes or cares that they're being a huge dick to somebody who is probably in a rush to serve THEM, made what for any individual server is usually a rare mistake (dropping shit) and now the whole room is staring at them and making fun of them.

Holy shit this is a nuclear take
the reason people go to restraunts is because they make nice food, retard

No it isn't. They may like it better, but it isn't. You can put a pile of shit on a fancy plate and if it's expensive enough dumb consumers will think it's delicious.

Most people have very little power in their life so they exercise what they can on the lowest. Being a cashier at a supermarket was almost as bad as serving.

People make fun of you when you break a glass at home, I think it's just a natural way of making you feel like everything is OK. But a restaurant isn't your home and the patrons aren't your friends so it ends up being a shitty thing to do. The "Job opening!" jokes are the worst.

This makes me rage.

what about the hobbits

Small-scale private ownership will probably be around in a limited capacity for the foreseeable future. I don't think collectivizing literally every mom and pop store is the way to go, but I think they'll just eventually become obsolete and wither away once newer methods of goods production and distribution become available. Small vendors are already becoming scarcer and scarer as big multinationals like Walmart and Amazon get bigger and bigger. Eventually, most luxuries and consumer goods will probably be able to be manufactured in the home by personal 3D printers with open source online-based object files. That would leave production of large, complex consumer goods, raw materials and industrial equipment to nationalized enterprises, which would then distribute their products on an as needed basis. That's just my conception of the pre-full-communism socialist future anyway.

That is true, and some of the times that that would happen it wouldn't seem so mean but more like fucking around, like you said. But I remember a couple of times some suburban thumb looking kinda guy would make one of those comments with what sounded like derision and I'd always get so mad.

Hobbit society is an entirely bourgeois society with a lot of the trappings of feudalism as illustrated by the dominance of the gentry, which is appropriate given the Shire being based on the english shires.
Ever noticed that of the four leading Hobbit characters of the lord of the rings three are aristocrats? Meriadoc and Peregrin come from two long aristocratic lineages, Merry of the Brandybuck family who dominated Buckland and descended from the old feudal aristocracy appointed to rule the Shire by the king of Arthedain (also to be noted the Brandybucks like all Hobbit aristocratic lineages belong to a specific ethno-cultural 'strain' of Hobbits, the Fallohides, distinct from the Bucklanders over whom they rule).
Pippin is of the Took family, the current ruling family of the Shire which owns vast wealthy estates in the South Farthing and holds the hereditary Thainship of the Shire.
They're also both the heirs to their families' hereditary holdings and offices and at the end of the story do go on to inherit and hold these aristocratic offices while enjoying the patronage of the autocratic monarch Aragorn who gives them favours and has their sons and daughters raised at his court as retainers, no doubt entrenching their loyalty as his vassals. Moreover they become members of the King's northern council, becoming entirely complicit in maintaining the ruling order.
Frodo, the protagonist, is an orphan but his parents were of the Took and Brandybuck families respectively, those two powerful aristocratic lineages coming together in the person of Frodo, who thanks to the patronage of his maternal Uncle, Bilbo (himself of the Took lineage), is raised in immense wealth which he goes on to inherit and lives a life of the leisured gentry. At the end of the story he continues living this life until his departure into the west.
But what of Samwise, the single working class character with any meaningful role in the story? Well, his constant slavish devotion to his paymaster (enforced also by fear of divine retribution in the form of Gandalf) is at the end of the story rewarded by him being elected Mayor of Michael Delving, the sole democratic representative of the hobbits of the shire, elected for seven year terms he is reelected seven times, clearly the shire has no term limits. His children are also sent off to the royal court and he too is made a royal councillor, while also inheriting Frodo's estate putting him firmly among the ranks of the Shire's powerful landed gentry. Not only that but his daughter's husband is granted reign over the Westmarch, lands newly granted by the King to the Shire which Sam's son-in-law promptly sets to colonising and elevating their family to the ranks of the fully fledged aristocracy.
So it seems that the hobbit protagonists of the lord of the rings appear all to be members of the ruling class, or slavishly loyal to their masters and for this rewarded by their heirs joining the ruling class, all engaging in cronyism and entirely monopolising political power in the Shire, all in the interest of a human king.

If this is not a pasta, that's a really good post.

its not, i've just never gotten out of being autistically into Tolkien

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Having such a good understanding of both marxism and Tolkien is kinda autistic but fucking great.

also it might as well be a pasta im pretty sure i've recited this 'have you ever noticed that all the hobbit characters in lotr are aristo cronies' rant to every person who i've been left alone in a room with :-¦

This is a pretty interesting rant and I imagine it's a good thing to say while drunk among other drunks

I also will like to say I appreciate your autism too my friend.

This makes me depressed because in this case the waiter is fucking me!

I personally don't see a problem with a Cockshottist communist economy where some corporations are nationalized and others are basically semi-private worker-owned cooperatives that are funded by voluntary taxation.

You could even imagine a framework for incorporating a business where people request funding in labor vouchers from other citizens and a national investment bank. No profit is made as the funding must go only to the firm's purchasing of capital and operating expenses.

Personally I think this would be a decent way of retaining perhaps the one good thing of capitalism, extra innovation that comes from corporate dynamism.

I didn't mean to sage.

kek. gave me a chuckle user

Vending has existed long before capitalism and will always exist as long as barter does. If someone isn't exploiting someone else's labour, like many New York hotdog vendors do, I don't see why someone can't exchange shit.

Would you count vendors, inns, and those Roman bread bank things restaurants? I think he means in more of a sit-down and leave thing. Which only exist as a social setting and are totally useless for anything but accumulating capital.

Google thermopolium brainlets

Often vendors are subjected to super exploitation by crime mobs. Socialism will liberate them.

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Thank you for addressing this ahistorical buffoonery. You must be lurking here too.

Never seen one of those automated Japanese restaurants?

screencapped this

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