Reminder that it's veterans day, Zig Forums...

reminder that it's veterans day, Zig Forums. don't forget to pray for all the boomers that cucked us with their neoconservative indoctrination (not really).

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Other urls found in this thread:Интервенция_(фильм)

This shit genuinely gets me angry. I know very ewll the intricate story of what WW2 was; a clash of empires
but how the fuck does that make the soldiers involved in the wrong? They were sent off to a war, and were shot for desertion if they tried to refuse. They slaughtered, maimed, gassed and killed each other, violently for years. Never a days rest, fleas everywhere. Some came home worse than crippled. I've seen and read of some fucked up shit - mangled corpses being the least of it - yet when I first read and saw the photos of those who came back less than whole, I will never forget how heart-wrenching and chilling it was to imagine WHAT they had suffered. This is why I would never be the person who would insult a Vietnam Vet, they were just pawns, just thrown in to survive. They may have served an imperialist cause, but not of their own will, not usually.

I meant to say WW1


Fuck them. The true heros are draft-dodgers

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No, that's not it at all.

Watch this:

This is a near exact reacreation of a vietnam war ambush. What do we see here? DO we see macho americans shooting hundreds of those "filthy commies"? No. Do we see the Vietnamese treated well? No. Do we see Soldiers happy that they BLEW UP A FUCKING BABY?! NO!!!! he fucking goes nuts and moans in fucking misery, because he's had enough, but the ride won't end til his time is up.
Fuck off, draft dodgers cared about their own skin more than anything else. They weren't heroes at all. The Heroes were those who tried to stop the war actively. Draft Dodgers did no such thing.
Go fuck yourself

You know what the alternative to that was in WW1? a court martial ending in an execution. The scared, youths who were called up to fight would rather take their chances fighting the enemy and hopefully surviving, rather than the guns of the firing squad, because in the trenches they had the chance to hide and shoot back.

You have no idea what you are talking about… you are precisely the pathetic excuse of a human being who deserves to be dropped in the middle of such a battle field, just so you could understand the full horror of it.

Mods fucking anchor this thread. it is the worst kind of bait; bait that intentionally tramples on that which should not be touched. It is this kind of contrived shit that makes people see leftists an think "sociopath", because it isn't an objective pointing out of imperialism by a country, or that soldiers are being used unwittingly for a inhuman cause. No it goes for the lowest, meanest, yellow-bellied thing and attacks the veterans. This isn't muh "just following orders" rubbish, it is far more, a war is a serious and traumatizing thing and many socialists 'holier than thou' - so to speak - were averse to such mockery.

For an objective example I will take Stalin. He not only did not ban content that had White Guard main characters but made sure that they were not unfairly scorned.

A prominent example is Sholokhov's Quiet Flows the Don. It's hero was not a Komsomolets or a born communist. NO he was a man who went from Tsarist, to White Guard, to Red and back to White. And he remained the hero of his story… why? Because at the end of the day the soldier of either side is a human, a human who is weak, who fights for what they think is right or for what they think will let them survive. Stalin not only did not ban this but gave Sholokhov the Stlin prize, which was paid for out of Stalin's PERSONAL financial accounts, and not the government's.
Another work in similar light is The Intervention, also made in the USSR, telling the story of the foreign Intervention in 1918:Интервенция_(фильм)
What we see in the film is that the soldiers, foreign or not, are also people, some fight honorably and are decent human beings, others are not. But in the end they serve the porkies, who command them, and they are either forced to or tricked into it. Again this film is not saying that what the interventionists did was good, but that the soldiers were not to be dehumanized and were to be understood. Because war does not choose sides, it ravages both and the ones mashed in the gears are usually the people. Enemies in arms, brothers in death.

I can cite numerous other works but the point is that scorning veterans is ignoring the importance of historical context, and the fact that, as Marx said, the ways man can change his destiny is limited by the social medium he is in.

This. If someone told me to turn a communist revolt into another neoliberal corporate landscape I'd rather go AWOL.

It's better to be shot for desertion than to be so much of a coward that you mass murder others just because you don't want to die.

I've heard that statement before. Your argument is heroic nonsense. I would LOVE to see you have to make that choice, because I'm damn well sure that 90% of you LARPing faggots wouldn't have the guts to do that. You are the worst kind of snobs.

If you're not willing to do anything it takes to avoid serving in America's death machine, you deserve everything that happens to you afterwards.

t. npc who can't comprehend that other people actually have a conscience and don't just take the path of least resistance

>>>Zig Forums is that way
Big words… and that's all your smug shit-posting is.

1) you assume every soldier is wholly conscious of the imperialist aspect and is 'woke'
2) You assume that everyone is just going to do that. Sorry but with that logic, every current proletarian in the world deserves to die because they aren't causing revolution… Something that ignores the fact that people aren't looking to die, and the idea of being a martyr is not for everyone, that is what makes a martyr special.
Take therapy and learn what compassion is you apathetic, ignorant fuck.

You sound like typical Rad-libs. Fuck off.

Cowardly people generally don't sign up for military service to begin with.

Ironic coming from the person who shows zero sympathy for people who are also victims of the war, soldiers or not.

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They didn’t sign up in WW1, they were drafted.

There’s a difference between acknowledging that soldiers from imperialist countries are themselves victims of imperialism and liberal shoot and cry bullshit. The latter is doesn’t have any actual critique of the war itself, whereas the former recognizes that a prole who gets drafted and sent o Vietnam to kill others or be killed themselves is a cog in the capitalist war machine that chews up human lives and spits out profits. It’s not as if they are receiving any benefit to their position, or that they even have much of a choice in the matter. Sure you could dodge the draft or go to jail, but that assumes a certain level of political education and awareness that most proles just don’t have. Imo sitting on your high horse and judging these guys instead of seeing them as victims is some serious ivory tower bullshit.

because Trench warfare is EXACTLY the same as Genocide, yeah.

Fucking ignoramus:

And all the more reason not to be so fucking happy to jump on their case about facing the firing squad. To do such as thing is brave, but foolhardy in terms of sense. You're pointlessly getting killed and achieving nothing. And if soldiers do it en masse that won't stop more soldiers from replacing them and just means that you die. THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of soldiers were executed for refusing to fight, and that achieved nothing.

To clarify I am not attacking you, just adding more. Your post makes it perfectly clear that you are no fool.

I was talking about Vietnam you numbnuts, but even in WW1 the Turkish soldiers if they had balls would've refused to slaughter the Armenians

This thread is about WW1. I mentioned Vietnam because they're the vets who are still alive.
It had nothing to do with balls.
1) "to kill others or be killed themselves is a cog in the capitalist war machine that chews up human lives and spits out profits. It’s not as if they are receiving any benefit to their position, or that they even have much of a choice in the matter. Sure you could dodge the draft or go to jail, but that assumes a certain level of political education and awareness that most proles just don’t have"
2) The Turks have always hated Armenians and considered them the Jews of their country. They didn't see them as human and thus killed them.
3) The Armenian Genocide is a genocide, not a war. There is a difference between fighting on the front and actively rounding up civvies and mass-killing them for no real reason.


The war occured for economic, anti-communist, and imperialistic reasons. I don't "hate" the people, mostly young people, who got caught up in the propaganda or were forced to fight in Vietnam, just like I don't "hate" the individual Germans who were caught up in propaganda or were forced to fight in WW2 (Order of the day No.55 makes good points on this). I'm also, and this is important, not going to object to the Vietnamese killing those soldiers in the defense of their country and the revolution, just as I don't object to the USSR doing the same in the defense of theirs. Is it unfortunate that a population was tricked and/or forced into fighting a pointless imperialist war? Yes, and I don't think anyone would disagree its useless waste of people who could have been put to more constructive work. But I make sure that I don't take my understanding of this to the point where I'm defending the actions taken or those war crimes willingly committed. Admittedly some of the Veterans of the Vietnam war went on to protest the US's involvment in Indochina and call for it's immidiate withdrawal from it like the VVAW. Also admittedly, many Veterans doubled down and defended it. I don't hate those people, they are very much a product of their conditioning, but I am also completely and, if necessary, violently opposed to them. There are "good" liberals, there are "good" soldiers, you could even say there are "good" cops. But ideologically I'm opposed to all these people, and if the time comes and they oppose the revolution or engage in actions which are directly in conflict with a communist movement or in support with a force which is against such a movement, they may very well have to be permenantly removed.

That's outright false, Armenians were considered to be the loyal minority prior to the 1890s.

I don’t think anybody is suggesting that perpetrators of crimes in these kinds of wars ought to be excused or whitewashed. More that they should be recognized as victims at least to some degree, and that those who change their views and come to oppose imperialism should be embraced.

Nigga I AM Armenian, I know the history pretty damn well, Armenians were treated in the Ottoman Empire similarly to Jews in Europe. And the result was that; similar to Jews in Europe, Armenians would become Jewelers, Bankers, Doctors etc. and this brought prosperity to some, eliciting the same "le clever Jew" meme except with Armenians.

That was literally my default. The reason I didn't mention it was because my point was about Part 1. There is a human element, and prescribing the crimes of a few, to the whole, is wrong. Yet this thread is made to outright scorn people who were little more than pawns.
Don't give us the "morality is a spook" bullshit because Empathy and ethics are not spooks.

You know why you are liberals? Because you Sneer at the suffering of one group of people and shield yourself with the claim of having a moral highground. You mock and jeer these people yet provide no solutions, just bravado filled phrases that are meaningless and easier said than done. You people are the worst cancer.

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That said I agree with the rest of your post.

I agree with this and it's very much in-line with Lenin

Define "human element". Do you mean fault or something else?
Agreed, but more that such a thing would be irrational.
Should have probably been worded to talk about how Veterans Day is used as pro-status quo indoctrination, but yeah this was a pretty low-effort complain thread of which we have several already.
I'm not using Stirner here. I'm using the Marxist and Marxist-Leninist view on morality and moralisms. I base my views and decisions on revolution, socialism, and anti-imperialism on historical necessity, nothing more. Anything else just muddies the water.

Also, if you're Armenian would it have killed you to answer some of the questions about how politics in Armenia work in the thread about it? Kind of interested still.

avoiding the draft meant you were giving the U.S. military one less soldier to fight their wars, and weren't going overseas to kill people. i have more respect for draft dodgers than i do cuckolds who just go "oh well better go do what uncle sam says and kill some people"
not to mention that most veterans are assholes who still think they did nothing wrong and that they SERVED MUH COUNTRY AND FOUGHT GOMMUNISM
also anchoring this thread because it's shit

I did provide a solution you fucking brainlet. It's called desertion.

Also lol @ implying that desertion is liberalism. If anything, it's liberalism to do as you're told and to follow orders and be a good little soldier. Kys liberal.


Y'all cowards advocating for "bleep bloop just follow orders" need to die.

Ah yes, because America in 1917 is total comparable to Russia in 1917, not a false equivalency at all. It’s not as if one country was a literal failed state experiencing mass political upheaval and collapse while the other, you know, wasn’t.

Your solution implies a certain level of political consciousness that the vast majority of proles don’t have through no fault of their own. The average worker who doesn’t even possess class consciousness isn’t going to risk taking a bullet to combat imperialism, a concept they likely don’t fully understand. Sitting here and going on about how they “should have done x” is bourgeois moralizing completely removed from the actual experience and realities of proletarian soldiers.

Not to be that guy, but that point kind of derails the comment you made before about "conscience" and "path of least resistance" because soldiers only began doing that as the war prolonged in length and the conditions changed for the worse. Going through the commander at that point was the path of least resistance, their "conscience" only changed when their material conditions changed.


Theres no need to be upset

The russians were hardcore

I don't think criticized opposing service, he just said
which is true, you're moralizing the situation and ignoring the conditions. Your average workers was in fact fed propaganda and restricted from information regarding the reasons for the war.
No one did this. At the very worst they're stating that they are blindsighted victims of circumstance and societal conditioning. I'm certainly not calling for "sucking imperialist dick" when saying such here , in fact I'm calling for strict historical necessity and realizing the necessary cost that comes with it.

Yes everything what that user did, you didnt like is what bourge liberals do.

The true heros were the vietcong defending their home from amerifats.

Well fuck, literally everyone is a product of their material conditions. Fascists are blindsighted victims of circumstance and societal conditioning as much as soldiers. Hell, the bourgeoisie themselves are merely products of their environment! That doesn't fucking excuse them from being put up against the wall.

That's literally what I said.

Just stop being so butthurt

I'm… not? I've mostly just been stating my view on moralisms or correcting things.

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Soldiers are workers and officers are bourgeois that directly own labor instead of capital. Remember the Kronstadt and plan the murder of a military officer today

But seriously unlike cops, who enforce the system of capitalism directly, soldiers are laborers that perform a (brutal, and almost totally unnecessary) labor for the liberal state. This means that soldiers are working class, generally, and like the working class, have varying levels of class and revolutionary consciousness. At least soldiers have the benefit of being able to say 'well, its a war on terror' when they kill disadvantaged third worlders. Cops at home have no excuses for blowing away teenagers or all the completely insane shit they've done over the years, like torture people at a black site (Chicago PD), murder people at complete random in an attempt to scare out at-large criminals (LA PD), or my personal favorite, threaten an illegal immigrant with deportation if they won't let them rape their daughter (ICE)

Yes but that doesn't makie them heroes, with that mentality everyone who hasn't been in the US military is a hero even if they aren't. Draft Dodgers were just looking to hide their own skin and had no higher motive usually. No-one said that these vets were heroes, but they also weren't fully responsible for the war.
Keep sitting on your high-horse, lib.
I know plenty of vets personally, I doubt you do.
Yes, which is called a lack of class consciousness due to the constant brainwashing of American Society. I can assure you most draft dodgers thought the same thing, they just cared more for their own skin than for the communists. That's sort of why Western leftists are antisoviet shills.

I keep out of that shit because Armenian politics today are a jumbled fucking mess, that is unintelligible to me

What I mean is that at some level we can sympathize and empathize with what they went through. We may not ideologically agree, but they are human like you and I and going through that meat-grinder is beyond what any average person deserves. They may not be our allies, but we can respect them as human beings; flawed and scared and fighting to survive in a war they got thrown into.
I'd say illogical, rationality is a social spook
Ah alright then, It's just that I keep seeing people through around the world Maral-fag and moralism so much it's retarded.

this is akin to "the workers just need to be innovative and start their own businesses"

I’m not American, and I never said that people shouldn’t oppose service. I applaud people who dodged he draft or went to prison instead of go to war, I think they’re paragons of courage and excellent role models. However I also don’t condone the demonization of ordinary proles who complied with conscription or even volunteered, since most people are indoctrinated by bourg ideology and through no fault of their own lack the political knowledge to oppose these kinds of wars. Ultimately these people are victims, they’re regular proles who are brainwashed and fed to the meat grinder of capital. Instead of attacking and alienating them we should be sympathetic to them and try to recruit them.

Except the bourg have economic interests rooted in capitalism. American proles don’t have any interests that are supported by dying for porky.

Underrated. This is a good perspective and one that I think Leftists should adopt if not for moral stance then for pragmatic purposes.

modern leftism everyone