What goes through nationalist/traditionfags minds? Why do they cling to the actions of their ancestors and have pride in something they have no control over? Why do they partake in cryptonostalgia?
What goes through nationalist/traditionfags minds...
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It's sorta like the ending of that book heart of Darkness
It's a lot easier for most of these people to just believe a happy (Idealist) lie then accept a sad (Materialist) Truth
Literally, that's it. Nationalist politics do rely a lot on populism for support from disenfranchised people, but nationalists themselves are usually petite bourgs that make a lifestyle out of being the specialest of snowflakes.
Because a man is nothing more than a composition os ancestors' DNA. Your genes determine everything you are capable of. Your physical and intellectual potential are determined the moment sperm meets egg.
It's easy and socially acceptable.
most things people do only exist to this end.
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It's the truth. Your intelligence, your personality are all pre-determined.
Reminder to any naive people ITT, this is an emotional claim not a factual one, trying to 'prove' this claim wrong is futile because its content does not pertain to reality but a spiritual profundity on which their worldview depends.
How is genetics emotional? You inherit your DNA, the stuff that determines your physical and mental, traits from your ancestors. You are literally your ancestors.
Can’t speak for other places, but I know in America “patriotism” a lot like a religion. Academics have even called it a “civil religion”. And a lot like religion here, being a good patriot and have quasi-religious reverence for the founding fathers is a way of signaling that you’re a good, moral person. Good people love America. It’s why Obama seeming to admit that the United States may have done anything wrong ever and implying that other countries *might* be as good as America was seen as a political blunder, at least among conservatives.
You do not owe shit to them. They are dead and you concern yourself with what they would think.
You cant be "literaly your ancestors"
All scientists agree that nurture has either equal or bigger effect than dna
Also humans are free thinking autonomous individuals with the ability to learn and make their own decisions.
They are nothing but shills for capitalism, they can dress it up anyway they like, ie. anti-political correctness. They know modern capitalism is in crisis, and want a cultural revolution to reaffirm its position. These people think that if they can replicate the social realities of the past (ie. all white neighborhoods, nuclear family) they can bring back the economic conditions.
Twin studies disagree
because they have nothing else in their lives
For /po/ it's pure LARP, since they're mainly lower middle class mulatos/mestizos. For bourgeoisie and petit buorgs, I would think it justifies the class system and economic exploitation. A typical thought in my country is that poor people "are [fundamentally] just not the same" as rich people. This is espoused by rich and many times by poor people as well. A big traditional value here is seeing rich people as elegant and refined, while everyone tries to pretend to be rich as much as their class permits. This permits the whole new rich vs old rich shit. Since whiter people have traditionally been "old-rich" this creates the "white american elegance" traditional value (or whatever country). It is important to note that this "nostalgia" is pure fantasy. The rich class merely puts on a facade of decency while being degenerate (according to their espoused values) in their private lives. Americans have been force fed fake images of it's own culture for decades. I wouldn't be surprised if their idea of their own cultural heritage is a complete fabrication.
Counter-evidence: your capitalist shithole country's education system didn't give you the mental faculties to understand materialism. What good is your (self-asserted) race and traditions if you have the mental capacity of a child?
Methodology of twin studies has been criticized for decades since other angles of research have had outright contradictory results at times.
In reality, "nature vs. nurture" is now considered a false dichotomy. Epigenetics is a major example.
don't want to live next to the boon people boon people shit up the place
it's really fucking simple no boon people bye bye boon people it's so simple a boon person could understand it
Mostly overblown,and a non issue in most cases
Oh cool the boonposter is still here.
It’s sad how yours turned out
“The twin method has been subject to criticism from statistical genetics, statistics, and psychology, with some researchers, such as Burt & Simons (2014), arguing that conclusions reached via this method are ambiguous or meaningless.[40] Core elements of these criticisms and their rejoinders are listed below.
Criticisms of fundamental assumptions Edit
Critics of twin studies argue that they are based on false or questionable assumptions, including that monozygotic twins share 100% of their genes[41] and the equal environments assumption.[42][43] On this basis, critics contend that twin studies tend to generate inflated estimates of heritability due to biological confounding factors and consistent underestimation of environmental variance.[40][44] Other critics take a more moderate stance, arguing that the equal environments assumption is typically inaccurate, but that this inaccuracy tends to have only a modest effect on heritability estimates.[45]
Criticisms of statistical methods Edit
It has been argued that the statistical underpinnings of twin research are invalid. Such statistical critiques argue that heritability estimates used for most twin studies rest on restrictive assumptions that are usually not tested, and if they are, they are often contradicted by the data.
For example, Peter Schonemann has criticized methods for estimating heritability developed in the 1970s. He has also argued that the heritability estimate from a twin study may reflect factors other than shared genes. Using the statistical models published in Loehlin and Nichols (1976),[46] the narrow HR-heritability of responses to the question “did you have your back rubbed” has been shown to work out to .92 heritable for males and .21 heritable for females, and the question “Did you wear sunglasses after dark?” is 130% heritable for males and 103% for females[47][48] Critics also contend that the concept of "heritability" estimated in twin studies is merely a statistical abstraction with no relationship to an underlying entity in DNA.[49]”
Non falsifiable pseudoscience. Basically secular talmudic spirituality.
WHAT is so difficult to understand?
don't need boon people don't want boon people bye bye boon peoples
“Responses to statistical critiques Edit
Before computers, statisticians used methods that were computationally tractable, at the cost of known limitations. Since the 1980s these approximate statistical methods have been discarded: Modern twin methods based on structural equation modeling are not subject to the limitations and heritability estimates such as those noted above are mathematically impossible.[50] Critically, the newer methods allow for explicit testing of the role of different pathways and incorporation and testing of complex effects.[36]
Sampling: Twins as representative members of the population Edit
Results of twin studies cannot be automatically generalized beyond the population they come from. It is therefore important to understand the particular sample studied, and the nature of twins themselves. Twins are not a random sample of the population, and they differ in their developmental environment. In this sense they are not representative.[51]
For example: Dizygotic (DZ) twin births are affected by many factors. Some women frequently produce more than one egg at each menstrual period and, therefore, are more likely to have twins. This tendency may run in the family either in the mother's or father's side of the family, and often runs through both. Women over the age of 35 are more likely to produce two eggs. Women who have three or more children are also likely to have dizygotic twins. Artificial induction of ovulation and in vitro fertilization-embryo replacement can also give rise to fraternal and identical twins.[52][53][54][55][56][57]
Response to representativeness of twins Edit
Twins differ very little from non-twin siblings. Measured studies on the personality and intelligence of twins suggest that they have scores on these traits very similar to those of non-twins (for instance Deary et al. 2006).
Separated twin pairs as representative of other twins Edit
Separated twin pairs, identical or fraternal, are generally separated by adoption. This makes their families of origin non-representative of typical twin families in that they adopt their children away. The families they are adopted to are also non-representative of typical twin families in that they are all approved for adoption by children's protection authorities and that a disproportionally large fraction of them have no biological children. Those who volunteer to studies are not even representative of separated twins in general since not all separated twins agree to be part of twin studies.[58][59]”
Every field of science is "overblown" by media, that doesn't mean anything. Claims that epigenetics are irrelevant are a mix of academic politics and a false belief that they are founded on Lamarckian, not Darwinian evolution.
Absolute brainlet.
Detection problems Edit
There can be some issues of undetected behaviors in the case of behaviors that many people keep secret presently or in their earlier lives. They may not be as willing to reveal behaviors that are discriminated against or stigmatized. If environment played no role in the actual behavior, skewed detection would still make it look like it played a role. For environment to appear to have no role in such cases, there would have to be either a counterproductivity of intolerance in the sense of intolerance causing the behavior it is bigoted against, or a flaw in the study that makes the results scientifically useless. Even if environment does play a role, the numbers would still be skewed.[60][61][62]”
Elaborate and humor us
Oh, now I see why you're being a deliberate obscurantist.
The overwhelming scientific consensus is that whether its intelligence, personality or susceptibility to disease the split between genetic and environmental factors is about 50/50 and even with traits that can be traced back to a single gene, environmental factors determine whether and how the trait is expressed.
The nature/nurture debate is dead and only kept alive by cynical policy makers.
Communism is literally just secular tikkun olam
How so
Yup yup, thanks for your input, buddy. You could've just opened with, "I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, but I believe strongly in it nonetheless" and saved us a bunch of time
Yes, which is why siblings, who share all of the same ancestors, are identical in everything, they are all equal in every regard and are basically indistinguishable. This is also why identical twins who share the same exact dna are literally the same and follow precisely the same trajectory in life. This is totally a view grounded in reality and not a fantasy i've convinced myself of to justify my retarded beliefs.
We'll then show us how then
To reject Materialism is to literally reject reality as to reject the Material in favour of the Spiritual and idealistic is to abandon belief in the realities of this world for belief in that of a next
More spooks
An okayish conclusion in pop science terms, but statistical heritability is technically variable.
A better way to put it is that while downplaying hereditary traits in people is denial of evolution, to try to handwave their non-hereditary aspects is to deny the laws of physics.
How about you explain it if you are such an expert on Judaism and communism
how about you actually make an argument faggot? we all want to hear about your colossal genetic intellect and understanding of marxism and obscure jewish theology and how they're actually the same.
Yay or nay to keeping this thread unanchored? Seems like dipshit here is just aiming it into another "Zig Forums comes to visit" episode
yay to unanchored, it’s entertaining
You're a proper idiot.
Except that no one claims it is a science in the contemporary sense.
If anything it's Hegelian protestant spirituality. Where did you read this nonsense?
But please elaborate.
pocs are nothing but a drain on our societies send them back to their brown reggaton jungle shitholes
Tikkun Olam is the end goal of Judaism. A stateless, "classless" world. They even blatantly admit it
But shitting on Zig Forumstards is fun and helps keep the board active. Keep it unanchored.
Since the big brain Zig Forums genius on Judaism and Communism can't even link right I'll give a basic explanation on what Tikkum Olam actually is
Basically Tikkum Olam is the Judaistic version of the "Rejection of Idols" similar to that found within Islam and the Reformed schools of Christianity
He's basically attempting to say that because Judaism rejects Idoltry and Materialism Religion and its spawn in general that makes Judaism and Materialism linked somehow
Using this logic you literally might aswell call Materialism Islamic
Read Marx or read Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
That's the case for Christianity as well.
we don't need reggaton
No. Tikkun Olam is building a perfect world. It literally translates to repairing the world.
Nay. Thread is already derailed
They’re not wrong (though they have their own set of spooks). That still doesn’t tie Judaism to communism.
That sound almost exactly like what the jew in the linked video said.
Holy shit, it's the Zig Forums equivalent of this
Grasping at straws with the video, and a brainlet understanding of religious doctrine. Kinda surprising considering you, too, are a fideist
Yes a part of it beyond the rejection of Idoltry is the idea that all Jews must act in a positive way for the community and society at large
But this idea is not unique to Judaism and is also found within Islam and Christianity
Once again you might aswell literally say Materialism is Islamic because the Quran tells the believers to care for each other
This guy in your dumb video is yelling about false gods, not communism the result of premises already in exist. Man, you are dumb
Except for the fact that what the Jew said had literally nothing to do with that quote from Marx.
You could make the same sort of claim about the kingdom of god and new jerusalem. So is communism jewish or christian? Or is it any one of many other utopian visions that every other religion has?
Besides from what i can tell the concept of 'tikkun olam' just refers to the idea that jews should improve society and have a responsibility towards it, again like most religions. It says nothing about statelessness, classlessness or economics.
You're basically saying "look at these jews believing they should make the world a better place, if you believe the world should be improved somewhat you're basically a jew" even though 99% of religions and political philosophies take the same approach because improving society is a universal goal of human societies, something that isn't unexpected given the material interest people have in making things better for themselves.
So basically Tikkum Olam is
A. Rejection of Idolatry
B. A vague religious call for a "Better world" in form of the adherents of the faith acting kindly to each other
Obviously these both have nothing to do with Materialism if this Zig Forumsyp continues with this nonsense I advise just ignoring him
nazis are the biggest kikes around i swear
It isn't quite so often you find someone so proud and cocksure about the fact they don't have any idea about that which they project against
Holy fuck. how is telling people to be nice to eachother the same as dismantling society?
The false gods being nation states and borders.
Except for that fact that his views align perfectly with Marx. You'd have to be an idiot to not see how tikun olam and communism. Marx was Jewish
No,they did not. Jews do not convert, they just pretend to to convert while still practicing Judaism in secret. It's obvious he's had some rabbinical tutoring. Plus he has jewish DNA. The brain is formed based on instructions coded in the DNA. So the ideas produced by his brain would still be jewish.
It took me 33 years for me to see the truth
Ever so clear I was too young
I couldn't articulate myself the right way son
But now let me break it down, pass it all around
This is not a theory, lift the spirits, see his spirit
They wanna put me in a straightjacket in a padded room
And tell the world there's 12 monkeys so they can be confused
Illuminati want my mind, soul and my body
Secret Society trying to keep their eye on me
"Reparing the world" can and has basically just been interpreted by most Jews throughout history as a call to build a model society and or a better world or some utopian shit down that line
The only Jews I know about who believe it means to literally unify all matter and all concsiousness and all that shit into one unity are insane funnies
That isn't to say Judaism isn't flawed and retarded anyway because of their holier then though chosen people sthick
you're all going to the oven same shclomo
How did you draw that from that video? Seems like you’re actively searching for things that confirm your caricature of Jews as agents of evil
Less than half. Not to mention the fact that Marx hated Jews
You people just don't care about facts, do you?
Anti-semitism is pathological and unfalsifiable. The truth doesn’t even matter
Are you only finding out about this now?
Culture is a byproduct population genetics. Ideas a product of the brain, and the brain is a product of DNA
Calls to "Dismantle society" exist nowhere in Judaism
In the extreme old school / fundie sense Tikkum Olam literally means to attempt to "Repair the world" by unifying with god and all this shit
But once it became obvious (Because of Materialism) that God well….logically Didn't exist
It was mostly retconned and was used from that point as basically a generic religious call to better society in a Utopian matter
yeah, and books are a product of the printing press
You are historically illiterate if you disagree with that. Jews have often been threatened to convert under threat of death or persecution. So they just LARP in public and practice Judaism secret to avoid punishment. They'll go to church on Sunday, but then go home and read the Talmud in the basement.
Tikum olam is mainly used by right wing jews to boost there activism
Also the marxist utopia has been conected with
-the liberal values of europe
-the islamic laws
-christian monastic orders
-jewish utopias
-shamanistic pan-human principles
What is it?
I've never tried to use a scientistic approach to push vague, obscurantist pseudoscience. While you're here, I'm sure you should go over how relative physics and cosmology is a product of jewishness - and how Hillbert was also a secret jew
What, that they’re both vaguely skeptical of nation-states? Your response shows that you couldn’t even be bothered to read a fucking two sentence Marx quote.
because progressive policies like letting trannies into schools, forcing healthy people to subsidise the health of fat-asses who abuse their bodies, letting fags marry and adopt little boys to molest etc. are shit
You realise that in Judaism choosing not to be Jewish anymore and converting to something else is considered a Islam tier betrayal of your Muh People basically right?
So you're easily offended?
You are a prize, grade-A retard. Besides all your nonsensical extensions into the plane of genetics, you just keep spewing more shit . Do you know what the talmud is?
Fragile wh*toid
You're delusional to think that everyone actually cares about dumb shit like religion so much to bother, religion is 99% social performance, most people aren't insane enough to maintain their religion in secret. By that logic no one ever really converted to christianity or any other religion because they would actually secretly continue practicing whatever the did before conversion. But you wouldn't claim that greeks continued worshiping zeus or egyptians osiris in secret forever. People don't care enough about religion to do the shit you accuse jews of.
If you knew anything about either of those religions you'd
know it's acceptable to falsely convert to avoid persecution. Read up on taqiyya .
degenerates like you belong on a cross tbh
It's not even that
Said it's more this idea that right wing fundie Jews use to talk about getting closer to god and "Repairing the world" so fucking doomsday can happen or whatever
Totally utopian and not at all logical or Materialist
Do Zig Forumsyps picture Marx hunched over a table wearing a yarmulke and copying down selections from the Talmud and making this into his analysis of capitalism or what?