this is the gayest article I've read all year.
There’s Nothing Egoist About Rape.
some dude raped something, and that was against his best interest.
This is the gayest article I've read all year
Americans need to die.
too big, I will not read
Also lol at the dox
I agree
What the fuck is this?
Fucking Trannies are mentally ill.
Why would you post a picture of yourself, radfem? Is it because you want us to white knight you? Sorry, but you're a 4 in that pic. Try losing some weight.
Jesus christ OP, spoiler that shit. You almost made me puke.
Keep the trash in the trash thread faggot
Nobody fucking cares about your eceleb shit
This sort of shit is why I wish I had a low enough I.Q. to be a right-winger sometimes.
People tried to post about this on the trash thread and the circlejerk bitched for hours because they were interrupting their ERP.
I warned everyone about avatarfags, I saw this kind of shit happen on /vg/ far too many times.
fuck anarchists and fuck americans tbh fam
Pic related looks like a tranny scum though.
So like why are you guys so quick to say it wasn't rape?, i'm asking seriously, i don't use twitter and don't know who Bones is.
Might have been rape. Might not. The real question is why we need to discuss this particular possibly-rape to death when it's one out of millions of rapes happening all the time. Oh, it's because they're marginally famous twitter attention whores.
E-celeb drama is shit-tier and unecessarily divisive when people actually take it seriously.
Well if the problem is you don't want this shit in the frontpage maybe the mods should start banning all celeb drama. I also think it doesn't belong here.
Having sex with someone drunk isn't rape. Sorry dumbass.
Yeah, they can start with the aspiring celebs in the relevant thread.
Shit looked like the "we fucked and I regretted it afterwards" kind of rape from the screencaps, embelished with shit like "grooming" adult people.
I think if she was drunk it could be rape, however very differently is the punishment the abuser gets, i don't think he should get a life sentence.
I read the screenshots (never understood why screenshots are taken as infallible evidence when they don't provide the entire context and can be selectively shown) and I don't see how this is "grooming", it /could/ potentially have been rape we can't really know but it sounds like 2 people who were interested in each other and had irresponsible drunken sex. Bones sounds like a complete piece of shit for what seems like aggressively pursuing someone else in an "open relationship" his wife was seemingly uncomfortable with but I don't know if that's exactly enough to indict him for rape.
She wanted his dick, got drunk with said known alcoholic, and fucked him. It's not rape.
You'll never make a mass movement of good people.
People make mistakes such as involving themselves with dangerous people, doesn't mean they weren't wronged.
Kek, I love his appearances on revleft radio. I always knew there was something wrong with him, especially his substance abuse.
And for your second point, yes, i'm aware there will probably be rapists, murderers and other undesirable people if a revolution ever happens. They need to be held accountable tho.
Regretting something isn't being wronged, if the only part of being wronged is you regretting it.
This guy isn't a rapist, he fucked a mentally incapable person (woman).
Where did I say complete pieces of shit weren't neccessary? You'll also never make a mass movement with predators in public facing positions, that's for sure. Bones doesn't even really believe in mass movements either. if he did do it, and I can't say I would be surprised if he did, then he'll do it again, and again. Not just within Communist & Anarchist movements but perhaps to many others if given the opportunity. Revolutionary situations, if they occur will certainly provide him with a lot of opportunities to move onto more explicit methods.
He's not a predator you retard.
Yeah hence why it was qualified with "if", it's a very big IF, as I said in my earlier post I doubt he did, but his behaviour does show some kind of issue with sex & relationships, it's just anyone elses responsibility to solve that.
There's no issue, he may be crazy but he didn't violate anyone.
I'd just like to add, if certain histories show anything about how confirmed rapists get outed that this is more likely to be a wrecker attempting to pillory someone who was known to have serious problems and was an easy target. It doesn't matter how many screenshots you get shown or how many #wokebros tweet their solidarity, ultimately without any corroboration from any person around them it could well have been this individual who "groomed" someone who is clearly struggling with their marriage and substance abuse. It's also entirely possible they could have been manipulated & gaslighted into believe a shitty situation and mistake was actually a crime by their peers, there have been occurences of even publications doing so in the wake of #metoo There are a lot of spooks out there, after all.
This is the best take I've read on the whole scenario.
I think this has relevance beyond being eceleb trash. Spurious rape allegations (and allegations of sexism, racism, ableism, …) are a favored tactic of idpol radlibs, and have to be recognized as such.
Being treated shabily does not rape make suggartits.
Possibly, or this was learned afterwards. The person who was the "victim" seemed positively gleeful about describing it, even advertising it ahead of time. Not only that, but the "rape" comment didn't come from her but rather was attributed to the situation by other people, each person seeming to come in to exaggerate the original one-sided and self-serving exaggeration.
compost a mandrake today
Lmao what the fuck, never do liberal idpol kids
The alleged victim isn't calling it rape. We already have a discussion about this on leftytrash (that's also the general thing for e-celeb drama, newfriend). The innovation in this case is that the alleged victim didn't accuse the other person of rape, but consented to other people interpreting it like that. That way, you can bask in affectional consensual asspats for being a (sigh) survivor without possibly facing consequences for making up shit because, technically, you didn't call him a rapist. He didn't fuck her while she slept, she was drunk, but so was he.
Mindfuck? Is he a telepath? Or are you ofloading the responsability of one consenting adult onto the other because of other awsome mind powers?
libs, feminists and trannies should be dropped into an active volcano
And Brett was only too quick to throw him under the bus lmfao, absolute joke
Aren't you edgy and cool? You should teach me how to be so cool!
OP here. I don't care about e-celebs or the context. as a Stirnerite, the article was very amusing and stupid, filled with intellectual dishonesty and medal-worthy mental gymnastics.
hhhhhhhhhh. what are you gonna do about it? me asks.
She could've just stopped talking on the phone to him prior to meeting him. Or just not meet him. It was that easy.
Is the idea now that people are so mentally fragile that talking over the phone about sexual bullshit can be so damaging that it "mindfucks" someone into sexual submission? Is that your theory?
t. would fuck someone who passed out and then say you were drunk too
Are you delusional or just trolling? Neither of them passed out.
Oh, and the "girl" was blackout drunk? She definitely recalls having the whole encounter, is that blackout drunk? You disingenuous fuck.
Reminder to follow the Pence rule and never spend any time with girls or t-girls without a witness
sounds just as stupid as I thought it was
Whole situation reeks of opportunism.
Don't think that is that bad of an idea by him tbh.
Fellas, all sex is rape even if your partner doesn't call it rape. Make the right choice and choose masturbation.
I could believe the story is fake or it isn't rape, but if either of those is the case then why would le goblin man not say so? The speed with which he cucked out suggests he really did abuse her(?), even if it wasn't outright rape.
what the fuck is egoism? it sounds like the most american libertarian rich white girl bullshit ever "only care about yourself nothing else matters" garbage.
who the fuck would think this is a competent ideology to cling to?
His deleting everything seemed more like an effort or precondition for preserving his marriage in that last post. The last post was almost entirely concerned with the wrong done to his wife by the affair. "Rape" didn't even come up until later, after other people started attributing it to the situation. He didn't have that accusation to respond to originally from the person it involved. Logically, if you didn't perceive something to be true of the situation, nor did the other person, there would be no reason to respond to it.
I don't think we should go down the path of "not responding to an accusation is equivalent to being guilty" either.
a hyper-individualist response to hegelianism. it's distinct from ayn rand and libertarian thought
/lit/ shitposters from four years ago
a kid stuck in his hunter thompson phase
libs who want to throw around social construction without sounding too dorky
Wait so was the trannie bones boned hot?
It depends, really.
There's different types.
Nah, but I can see how you might get that impression. If we're talking about Stirner, then it's more complicated.
clinging to it would probably be anti-egoist, because it sets up egoism as a fixed idea. Which is why I think it's fucking hilarious that this blog brainlet thinks it can speak for egoism as some kind of moral system, when really it can be anything.
I'm not 100 % sure about the following but as far as I know she's a straight woman who was born with standard ladyparts, but who wants to be special and so uses one or several of these hip tumblrsexual labels; and she also promotes selling nudie pics of herself on twitter, so the attention she's getting right now very directly translates into more $$$ for her.
Land of the free. Is there anything that more typifies the American left than this, though?
Only if you mean actively stealing money from them or locking them in the house. If however you mean some kind of "mental manipulation", which amounts to the "victim" choosing to believe all the sweet little lies, they are just very stupid for choosing to do so.
Same applies. Unless you are dependent on them for having a roof over your head or something and cannot remove yourself from their presence, we can simply state that Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha.
t. onanist gang
Masturbation is self-rape
Further confirming my theory that trannies and chasers are adult children
What sort of idealism is this?
Also not a Stirnerite, but Stirner solved that one. Workers acting in accordance with their self-interest would act to overthrow capitalist exploitation.
literally what