
Cybernetics and Cybersecurity General
In light of the board /gnussr/ itself being a dead failure and the regular talk of GNU/Linux, cyber security, and cybernetics that goes on in this board, I think we should have a general dedicated to lefty computer stuff. Feel free to ask questions about security, Linux, and programming, but it goes without saying that I do not have all the answers.

Here's a bunch of links I found that I consider useful. Note that these are really just the basics for anons who want to get more involved, this is not at all meant for intermediate users, or even users with entry-level CS knowledge.
```Computer Science/Cybernetics```
``Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs``
to establish the idea that a computer language is not just a way of getting a computer to perform
operations but rather that it is a novel formal medium for expressing ideas about methodology.
``Towards a New Socialism``
``The Python Tutorial``
``The C Book``
``Prism Break``
``Free Software Foundation``
``Richard Stallman``

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Other urls found in this thread:


dude just use windows 10 and chrome who has time to bother with all of this shit

maybe a neet

not an actual worker

Windows 10 and Chrome use telemetry and adsense respectively. These things are extremely anti-privacy and owned by corporations, so they can and will be used against us if given driven to.

maybe if you're in brazil you should be worried because of memesolnaro but so long as generic neoliberal #23523526 is running the country and the bourgeoisie are comfy they don't give a fuck about infiltrating irrelevant groups

that's because for all intents and purposes the economy is stable right now. if we don't prepare now, we will be easy targets when there is true chaos under the heavens


Fuck off

I love it when a Cockshott thread shows up because of all the dumb circlejerking about him, feels like a flex since I call him up to talk all the time.

Why not take your activities offline? Isn't it easier to cut the cord than to play wack a mole with cybersecurity? You can't hack a typewriter

1. Not having a cellphone etc. isn't really feasible for many jobs. Even with the most brain-dead physical jobs, bosses expect to have a way of contacting you any time, meaning also when you are out of the house.
2. Companies and state agencies that you HAVE TO interact with make data about you available to interested third parties, whether that is legal or not.
3. Even if you don't put things about yourself online, others do. Facebook creates ghost profiles with data they have about people who never used Facebook themselves. Your own party comrades will take photos of you after you ask them not to do that, and will put that online after you explicitly told them not to do that, and they will take several weeks to remove the photo after getting told repeatedly to do that. That's just how it is.

we live in an era of extreme isolation. the machine you're using is the only means of proletarian organization whether you like it or not.

Wasn't there an user around here who was going to test cockshott's planning software?

bye bye baboonanetics

Who has time for all this 8ch?

Maybe a neet

Not an actual worker

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My fucking sides

Even if you're a normie who can't bear to break away from your walled garden of windows or iOS, it's important that those who decide to take the plunge continue learning and applying a working knowledge of linux.
When a revolution scenario comes do you really think your normal communication channels will be usable? We will depend on things like mesh networking and FOSS to host our communications and any sort of offensive activities towards the state/gov/etc. Someone needs to know how to operate and maintain these systems and networks.

Can you imagine how fast companies like microsoft or apple would push patches that prevent political dissidence in an active revolution? You're a fucking retard if you don't consider FOSS and linux in particular to be useful to us in a very material, practical manner.

Why don't you just throw your computer

There's a thread on liberty atm attempting to discredit some of cockshott's ideas
If some of you CyberneticPhiles want to debunk them facts and logic or whateve then there's that…

The people on /liberty/ don't care about facts and logic. Leftypol needs to let /liberty/ die already. The only time even half-way interesting discussions happen on that board is when one of us goes there to debate.

pretty much. the only reason to want free market capitalism after 1929 is because it appeals to your 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧objective morality🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

Read pic related bitches. All the "privacy" stuff is a bunch of honeypots, the EFF/FSF are CIA. Silicon Valley nerds aren't on our side, they want to being monarchy back and have femoids distributes to them, cool anarchist hacker is a meme.

You shouldn't be so obsessed regarding your privacy when it comes to politics either unless you're commuting crimes (and if you're doing that communicate in person). Politics are public by definition, you should be public about it. MLK went to jail 30 times but the mere thought of an FBI agent looking at what meme pages your on is enough to scare you off.You can't program your way to a revolution.

That said mesh networking is a great idea and FOSS should be used because it's a better way to produce software. Also always pirate if there's no good FOSS alternative.

Attached: 51KiBnB05zL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (329x499, 48.44K)

What did he mean by this?


I see.

Stallman is a big supporter of Manning, Snowden, Assange, Sci-Hub, Hugo Chavez, Green Party et al. though.

The FSF is what happens when you're the CIA trying to control the MIT AI lab through IBM and some neckbeard blocks your path and starts rewriting all your proprietary military technology while rambling about recursion and some weird furry mammal

Where my infosec peeps at? Does anyone here use IRC? I guess would be nice to collaborate with others.

Attached: squrrel.png (463x604, 151.3K)

when it comes to Computers I'm more of a theoretical, mathematical guy, but I do want to learn security. the problem is I don't know where to start.

Start by learning linux. Where are your general skills at with a computer at this point?

Another benefit i think to starting an irc channel would be to hlp teach fellow anons. i2p irc used to have /leftsec/.

I already know everything about Linux. I've compiled my own kernel and configured my own init system many times.

Awesome, what else do you know user? Can you write in any programing languages?

yeah I know Python and C. trying to learn Haskell currently. after that I think I'm gonna start studying more abstract CS concepts.
I don't have a college education though so I don't know how far I'll get.

You seem to easily know enough to get into sec. stuff. what kind of things in that area were you interested in specifically? I'll go through my bookmarks and see what informative links i have.

I guess just hacking prevention, cryptography, and general security when it comes to the WWW. I don't know anything about networking protocols or actual computer network security, besides basic HTTP GET and POST stuff. I just know how to run a PC.

that's naive. I think Parenti said that literally all the goverment cares about is our opinions. And now it's not just the goverment but the whole ad industry

this. computers and silicon valley are basically the endoskeleton of social control now. the PC is a technological breakthough which gave rise to the ultimate merger of advertising and government, done far better and more effectively than classic Fascism.