Right-wingers are so incredibly stupid!

Right-wingers are so incredibly stupid!
If you look at the comments under the yellow-west protest videos, you can see that the right-wingers seriously think that the protests in France are only happening because Macron has let migrants into France…
Furthermore, right-wingers think that anarchists, communists and liberals are all the same and therefore are all leftists and that's why they consider Macron a left-wing politician…

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Other urls found in this thread:


This has never happened before

Vent in /leftytrash/
polite sage

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What? impossible.

Why interrupt them? At least they're focused on the right target for once instead of shooting up black churches or whatever it is they usually do.

Of course that's obvious. I just wanted to point that out…

Don't take these responses the wrong way, it's just that this has already been discussed to death in the Yellow Vests cyclical thread

Maybe the right wing proles are really brain dead and very conformist. There seems to be a general working class movement and the proles are naturally inclined to support it whether they are right or left. The bourgeois Right wingers are obviously going to claim that this is a movement consisting entirely of communists though.

This is not a question of intelligence. Being a right-winger, one needs a life-changing, I would even say shocking experience to be able to step back from ideology and see that one is actually eating from a trashcan.

it's all so tiresome

No one is saying this. Its obviously due to austerity laid upon the working class (the point the we've been saying this whole time) and if you paid attention you would notice that as well given that Macron literally hiked up gas taxes while cutting taxes for the wealthy. Literally go to the GS thread.

Dumb fuck, there are actual frenchmen (like the one talking to you rn) who actually gets his facts from his own eyes.

Anyone wants to use your "facts" to prove me wrong?

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Wow, how could this all happen? Must be the niggers.

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So… this is the power of structural and socio-historical analysis with the edgiest dialectics the right can bring…

it's about perspective, you think the left vs right is about class struggles, maybe it isn't anymore? Maybe it's about nationalism and globalism. Maybe you happen to be on the side of the alliance between Fabian socialists and large corporations trying to centralize power.


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Goverment bombed it not people of france

Goverment accepted them not people of france

Blatant lie

Goverment caused this not people of france

Prove they cut taxes to wealthy people

You mean jews. Thanks for insight

Because we are. You are just deluded commie with wrists thinner than your dick.

Class struggle doesn't just disappear because you feel it has nigger
Both are (at least how I assume you're using nationalism) capitalism
We've literally been on the side of the protests. Mélenchon, someone who could only really be called left-lite, called for act V while Le Pen called for an end to the protests and a return to "peace".

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the biggest enemies of the working class aren't employers, but leeches, career politicians, junkies, criminals, market fraudsters.
Legitimate capitalists are risk-takers who turn down putting their saving into a fund with a promise of 13%/year return and instead choose to risk their money with the hopes that they may get a 100%/year return, which often fails miserably btw, but at least he's creating jobs, competing, pressuring market prices down. Until it becomes a monopoly then you need other risk-takers to appear. But that's no excuse to centralize production in the state.

Fuck off with your small-business bullshit my man. As someone whose actually worked for "small businessmen" before its the little porkys who treat you the absolute worst–even worse than the big companies who are no picnic to work for

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Capitalist government. Never blamed the french people.
Capitalist government. Never blamed the french people.
Look up French asylum rules before posting.
Capitalist government. Never blamed the french people.
Nigger have you been paying attention? This is what were talking about when we say you're retards who aren't actually looking at what occurs.
Not every business owner is a Jew. It also wouldn't change the problem either if they all were or weren't Jews, they would have massive influence and be getting tax cuts and we would still be against them.
Le Pen literally capitulated like a coward and asked for an end to the protests while Mélenchon wants them to go further.

Nigger are you fucking shitting me right now you never said capitalist goverment and straight out said its peoples fault.

"The new bill aims to cut the waiting time on asylum applications from 11 months to six"

“Why do we want to reduce to six months? Because for those for whom asylum is granted, it is better to be able to begin integrating into French society as early as possible,”

So? Are we reaching the facts and logic yet?

Where did I say the people were doing anything here ? I never once said it was the peoples fault. Can the everyday french civilian bomb a middle eastern country? Can they decide if their money goes to Israel and Saudi Arabia or not? If my statement is somehow blaming the french people for imperialism, then you're post is blaming them for "shitskins and crime". Reading comprehension faggot.
Source? France literally passed new laws doing the opposite and making it tougher while increasing sentences for coming in illegally.
You mind using any?

That version you got is way too small, here, have this one instead comrade.

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Thank you very much, comrade

Apparently you right-wingers do not understand that we have no absolute monarchies in most countries of the world anymore and that today's rulers are no longer Kings but capitalists.
Capitalists do not care about their nation and "their" people.
The capitalists only want to make as much money as they can and privatize everything, that's what's called neo-liberalism and that's exactly what communists and anarchists are fighting against. So if you do not want a mass immigration (which were created by the imperialist wars) you should come to our side and not be against us.


Isn’t that an already established fact? Just fucking look at this fucking bullshit!
With the slow decline in profitability of capitalism and its destruction of the environment, the level of fascist doublethink to justify the status quo is ramping up significantly and there’s no signs of it stopping.

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Yes, these neo-conservatives are the most hypocritical idiots!
Hitler was literally financed by the big capitalists and has privatized everything, but he's got the word socialism in his party name, so he must be a socialist …

now let see how that transform into votes

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and the source