New militant Maoist bodybuilder movement in Berlin

I can't find any English information so far, but they are a Maoist group in the underground of Berlin. We all know Maoists can be batshit crazy but this group is a beacon of hope amidst a sea of the usual German socialist scene (anti-deutsche pro-zionist SJW anarkiddy smashie types LARPing as socialists).

They are Maoists, call for fighting against Zionists, tourists and Nazis, physically fight against Nazis and Zionists, are anti-gentrification, promote bodybuilding and learning hand-to-hand combat, intimidated a feminist leftist group during the May Day marches, have beef with Antifa, support the BDS movement, consist mostly of males with working class background, many of them are 2nd or 3rd generation migrants from Eastern Europe, the Balkans or the Middle East. They support movements like the Maoists in Peru or India and so on.

Their leader seems to be some underground rapper, he has a tattoo of an AK47 on his right biceps, does Muay Thai and works in a kindergarten.

The police were puzzled as to which group they had standing before them. I've heard a newscast where they said "Leftists aren't this muscular usually, so we thought they were football hooligans" lmao

Their name is "Jugendwiderstand". It's still a bit hard to find reliable information on them and as far as I'm aware there aren't any English sources.

Let's hope movements like these spread throughout Europe.

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Eh, why not?

is it the fabled juche gang?

IRL Juche Gang, yes

This is fucking awesome mate. Not like this yellow jacket shit in France.

Shit praxis.

never gonna make it

now that's fucking based

intimidating Antideutsche is good praxis if you ask me

"We have no theory or strategy, but we have muscles!"

how can a non chinese person be maoist? maoist is chinese ethno centric

not only that but how could a first world urbanite call themselves maoist?thats like the antithesis of it all

*blocks your path*

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Fuck, that's so sick

Heres something from them that i found on their website:

This is why we are adding the slogan "People's War for Socialism!" This year - not because we do not think that elements of the people's war are necessary in the all-encompassing dictatorship of the proletariat and in the Cultural Revolutions on the way to our ultimate goal, communism, but to make clear that even in imperialist countries our military theory - the people's war - is the way of the proletarian revolution; the way to fulfill the legacy of Luxembourg, Liebknecht, and Lenin, break the power of the bourgeoisie, and establish the New Power of the proletariat and the people. The Revisionists and Trotskyists of all stripes can wail as much as they want: The legacy of the red October is not a long-lasting legalism and waiting for the day x after an ideal situation that never existed and, above all, never repeats, but the devoted and sacrificial struggle for the initiation and development of the people's war in every country!

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shit forgot to greentxt the second part

Pick one

Fuck. Germans really are intense people. I like what I'm seeing.

How are they specifically Maoists? They sound like fairly regular Stalinists/tankies.

it literally worked for the Shining Path, the originators of Maoism in its modern form, why the fuck not dunk on social democrats and Guevarists?

absolute brainlet

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Germany is not latin america. This was the same reason why the RAF was a failure. You can't simply copy a tactic 1:1, while ignoring country specific circumstances.


Cult like lifestylism is in fact not the path to the worker's heart.

Right because Peru is a Maoist socialist state. Oh wait…

Why are Krauts so autistic

Germany trough history has been "what if there was a country where everyone is machiavelli and had aspergers", since the romans

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We already had a thread about these guys, and they're shit.

t. butthurts

Uphold Mao Zedong thought with bodybuilder characteristics!

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Change it for butter-coffee or eggs and is good

Wrecking the MRTA and killing APRA guys wasn't the fall of the Shining Path, it was one guy trying to meet Guzman who wasn't careful about being followed that led to El Presidente's capture. That and lack of organizing among their sympathizers in Lima's slums.

I like how some people outside of Germany will now think the JW has any significance beyond scene drama whatsoever

Give them a decade or two, their true colors will show as they develop

/fit/ meets Zig Forums WHEN


You wanna know something funny? The German police was confused about them and labeled them as Nazis because they are, as they literally said, "too muscular to be left-wing".

lmao I just looked at German reddit about this shit. They are crying because JW beats up "hipsters" and has declared hipsters to be enemy of the people

Apparently that's also antisemitic lmao


I don't understand the implication.

Slavo-germanic empire when?

You don’t belong on leftypol

Nice dubs, but for me it doesn't make any sense.Why would children of migrants fight against tourists?

Maoism is ideology born in China.
Same like democracy was born in Greece(?), but practiced' in many countries and continents.

That hurts because it's true

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Imagine thinking the average German would give a shit about any of these fringe retards

Tourists are cancer in a city like Berlin. Most of them are upper-middle class with too much time on their hands seeking for an "authentic experience" in Berlin. The same guys go backpacking through Cambodia to find their "true self" and get kidnapped by the Khmer Rouge. I doubt that JW would target economic migrants or something.

They are getting way more attention as they should. German state TV already did an entire article on them calling them all Nazis. They punch way above their league (no pun intended)

Of course they won't achieve anything but they expose how reactionary German "left"-liberals are.

So wait a second
If they mean they have beef with those antideutsche freaks then okay. But I dunno. If this is anything like RGA then they're going to make a big show about being the only real antifascists on the internet but not do much in reality compared to others who don't talk about it.

I can see the appeal though and it looks like they've attracted men to it who may have gone Nazi instead. So Nazi groups appeal to isolated, lonely young men with a lot of emotional pain by telling them "you're not alone because you're white (or German)" and so on. But there's not much *there* so to speak so the only way to keep the the whole sandwich glued together is to direct violence outwards at "the enemy." So the antifascists have to tell the same people that that's bullshit, and it's better to join us because our community is based on love and actually looking after each other – since Nazis certainly don't do that – while also having the willingness to smash any Nazi who tries to hurt you.

I dunno if JW actually operates that way though. Anyways I send them my best wishes

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Doesn't excuse violence against common people, and only makes left wing look bad. Target ruling and businessmen class.

Oh hold on…

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You know, Antideutsche, post-modern hacks, hipsters etc. are a massive problem on the German left who label everybody they don't like antisemitic

hahahahahahahaHHA WTF hhahahahahh LUL

typical maoist infighting. doesn't make them any worse of a group. left liberalism needs to die and guys like these will help in achieve that goal.

anti-deutsche get the bullet too

Yeah. PR is not German's strong point

That has to be a joke right

look at the third pic in the OP

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German reddit is the most LE ENLIGHTENED CENTRIST shit I have ever seen

What the fuck is up with Germans? I swear as outlandish as Japanese

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Yeah, it totally happened like described.

At this point if you can afford to take your family to Germany from America you are already some kind of professional, not quite petit-bourgeois fucker. The average person doing that is wasting their money. They should be saving it just incase a health issue makes them fucking homeless.

I am assuming "hipster" has a wider meaning in German, like it does here. So it doesn't reference a very specific subculture but rather the kind of urban petit bourg "soyboy" likely to be neoliberal or anti-Deutsche. In that case they aren't very wrong.

I doubt that they are targeting only american tourists. If that was the case I would applaud them. Having said that how does one recognize american tourists from non-american tourists?

How does one recognize tourist?

By the way they walk around the city slowly, look at maps, the backpacks they wear and the giant ass cameras they have on deck

Jugendwiderstand seems to be so small and unimportant, that they aren't even mentioned in the Verfassungsschutzbericht (report for political extremism)

I heard a term once called "Bionade-Biedermeier" that is both extremely long and complicated but also extremely sharp and precise in that German sort of way. They might mean that.

Visiting Germany from America, even I could spot Americans from a hundred feet away. By German standards we're weird-looking freaks who dress in peculiar ways and kick our feet out when we walk while smiling all the time.

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That's very vague. These idiots might even attack German tourists from other towns, and migrants.

An obese Spurdo on a motorized scooter wearing an Burgerville t-shirt is pretty distinct bro.

so it’s like America?

To be fair that is just an utter waste of time

sounds like pure IDpol shite - beating up people for their outer appearance.

also note, what's happening in Berlin never is representative for the rest of germany

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JW is pretty much the complete opposite of IdPol, and all attacks on them have been IdPol motivated.

Why do they all look like they are jacking off?

He's right, though.

They're flexing their biceps you retard

Looks pretty gay.

Stop projecting

Everywhere I look I just see mental images of guys fucking other guys in the ass.

Why is reality so gay?

Because you're a degenerate faggot. Go lift some weights and read more Marx.

All I see when I look at a book cover with Marx on the front is a hot daddy that wants to treat me right. Why were photographers back then so gay?

your a failure and your parents are disappointed


Smooth move gayboy.


wonder how beating up hipsters and tourists will make germans class conscious again

wonder how accusing other german maoists of being porky and beating them up helps their overall cause

Those are things only a bourgeois would point out.

never gonna make it

haha, ☭TANKIE☭s

the dialectic truly truly works in misterious ways…

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Maoist? I think you Muslims

Enjoy being crushed beneath the boots of the proletarian dictatorship, you undisciplined peasant.

it is a statement against the fucking German soyboy left, it is the right thing to do
"Other German Maoists" are literally all cults or money laundering schemes

Blackimir Lenin

Black Lenin is 50 Cent
