are the best and brightest always at the top?
to me it seems to be reducing the complex process of acquiring power in favor of an excuse for any wrongdoing of those at the top
Is power really naturally concentrated?
Other urls found in this thread:
What is power? What does power mean to the king, now what does it mean to the hunter gatherer, now what does it mean to the contemporary statesmen?
Ponder this and review the history of human societies, and how "power" has changed form with each epoch, then you will have your answer.
gg Bill
Heritage will always make sure it doesn't.
here in my garage
meanwhile the majority of rich families lose their wealth after two generations
clever trick
Even if that were the case, that wealth is only being concentrated at the hands of even richer families.
Even if all capitalists were smarter than all the proletarians, it's still not an argument. I'm sure clever psychopaths with a high Autism Level and a charming personality can bring it far in the Russian mafia or in the Narcos in South America. I'm sure many successful feudal tyrants who slaughtered hundreds of peasants in medieval wars certainly also weren't dumb, otherwise they wouldn't have won the war.
The question is rather, how many intelligent people have been prevented from joining the elite due to capitalism, especially due to the capitalist education system. If you are the kid of some Haitian immigrants living in the Ghetto, how high do you think is the chance that you will be able to fully develop your potential? Your mind will already be so crushed and poisoned by your toxic enviroment that your cognitive and intellectual skills will be underdeveloped by the time you hit puberty.
Haitian nigger minds are pure slush chiefly because of evolution
wrong. it's because of capitalism. intelligence levels have to do with reproduction rates and other health-based genetic factors. a pregnant lady who has to eat mud cookies all day is definitely not going to birth an intelligent child.
Wow could we get some more nebulous terms up in here?
No dummy.
You can't even say this is wrong because it doesn't mean anything. Whatever qualities that make the most effective porky will rise to the top, and those things are then retroactively defined as noble traits. In reality these are traits like callousness, aloofness, risk tolerance, autismal number-maximizing OCD, and an ability to speak with pathos that makes investors think you are wise or clever.
a women who had to resort to eating mud cookies wasn't intelligent to begin with
negros brains are smaller and less convoluted than European brains deal with it. it is science.
yet negro people in developing countries have an increase in Autism Level with every generation.
what does that have to with anything going from 70 Autism Level to 79 Autism Level with optimal nutrition isn't anything to write home about
I never claimed she was you sophist
it's still ongoing. and the gap between whites and blacks of similar socioeconomic backgrounds continues to close in developed countries.
this is incorrect
again, that's not what I said. can you read?
You’d have to be more specific, this kind of thing is disputed. There are studies showing moderately wealthy families (small but successful business owner types) can lose their wealth pretty fast, but the mega wealthy can retain wealth for hundreds of years.
it's wrong
the racial Autism Level gap persists even when controlling for ses and there is not a single study that claims otherwise
I just linked one, in that post
the 1 SD difference continues to persist even in that pdf
pol can't statistics
even if there was a SD difference, standard deviation is not the same thing as average. at all.
nice post the rest of the tables now
do u even understand what statistical significance is
this post is nonsensical what are you even TRYING to say
if whites had a higher standard deviation of intelligence than blacks, that just means the bell curve is wider. not that they're different.
Sorry, little busy. I probably won’t be able to sauce for a while.
oh. well that is wrong as well. not that we are even talking about this
we're talking about the entire sd of difference not going away
the table where the av Autism Level difference does in fact have the largest sample size
you're not doing yourself any favors lying like this, but keep it up
literally how new
Power 'naturally' concentrates in every social order we've held so far, but this isn't due to competence hierarchies or any other just-so story about why it's a good thing. It's simply an effect of the system. In example terms: An absolute monarchy must always have a king, but that does not in itself justify monarchy as a system, or justify the rule of the present king.
Counteracting this tendency by creating institutions that decentralise power is highly desirable in day-to-day management of affairs.
Your pic proves the oposite.
Rich as in? Most people who can be considered rich are not powerfull.
The overwhelming majority of millionaires dont have more than 10 million. It is a substantial ammount of money but people in thi bracket will have power on a small town or neighbohood scale.
You realize that you're posting Richard Lynn, whose work is of equally dubious scientific value and is also a great poster-boy for Zig Forumsyp racial pseudoscience
It's goes against CWT though.
CWT posits that evolution is behind the I.Q. difference, but this study shows that temperature correlates with intelligence even when race is controlled for when examining the U.S. The U.S. is an interesting case, because there hasn't been time for these groups to evolve, yet temperature is still a predictor.
But it is another point of negligible explanatory power, which, even if we account for the potential of negating the hypothesis of racial correlations, still accounts for a didactic disposition, in that it concretely relates geographic and temperature aggregates to mental faculties, which is as much a dubious prospect as the racialist conception. Neither of course to reject the contemporary understanding of psychometrics, they're mostly just ideological forms to interpret statistical data in a preferable and integrable manner.
Don't get me wrong, the incorporation of data sciences into a more comprehensive understanding of the development of human capacity is a well-meaning endeavour, but one that is immensely fraught with the potential to play into the hands of the vulgar racialists. Don't beat one Zig Forums-tier pseudoscience by resorting to an equally detestable Zig Forums-tier pseudoscience. No need to win debates with the wrong arguments.
Well, yeah. The correlation could be entirely spurious, and there are lurking variables underneath.
I'm mostly pointing out that you can play the same game with temperature as you can with race, because each have about as much evidence for causation. In both cases, it's wrong headed to jump to conclusions, when there are so many unanswered questions. I don't think you would ever get polyps to admit that though.