If you can't afford to pay your workers a living wage, you shouldn't be allowed to run a business. - Jimmy Dore

If you can't afford to pay your workers a living wage, you shouldn't be allowed to run a business. - Jimmy Dore

>Minimum Wage BOOSTS Employment In Seattle

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everything else in this city is suddenly more expensive

.t seattlite

Minimum Wage is a Fascist plot to bring about eugenics and also more Government control to controlling the lives of people instead of everyone being able to work and setting the standards of payment via labor unions, striking, and boycotting.

Raising the minimum wage will only increase the prices of things people who earn the minimum wage buy. The prices of fancy clothes, cars, shit like that will not increase.

but rent will, no?

I suppose it will as well. I'm not from Seattle nor american but I guess so.


it's worth noting because rent in seattle is already ridiculous iirc

that's just not how thing works.
to mechanically increase low wages, just reduce competition for those minimum wage jobs by, i don't know, stop importing the browns your faggots fellow leftists like soooo much.
since it's not gonna happen anytime soon as faggots love niggers so much, all you're gonna get instead is low wage workers getting replaced.
i'm not even from the US and i know EVERYTHING that means.

trivia: grand father was metallurgist, tell boss he wants raise, boss decline, grandpa tell him to get bent, and get a job within the afternoon to his competitor. that's what you get when you don't import subhumans.

Increasing wages does not magically raise prices.

get bent

It's not a product of supply and demand, companies deliberately raise the prices because people will think it's caused by the minimum wage hikes.

you’re confusing cause with effect retard. they rise the prices because they think the newly waged workers will just want to buy more of their shit. it will recess shortly.

It's not paranoid if it'd be irrational not to do it.

Humans aren’t inertly rational beings, let alone conspiratorial.

Jimmy "I learned about one big US military base in Syria last week" Dore
Jimmy "Bolsonaro is tough of corruption" Dore

Jimmy dislikes the Kurds and criticized Chomsky for supporting them. Also when did he ever support Bolsonaro?

raising min-wage doesn't necessarily increase prices, and certainly not by and equivalent amount to the increase.

Also, even if it did go up by an equivalent amount that isn't necessarily bad either, but the min wage worker gets all of the increased wage but the increase in price is spread across a much wider population, so the min wage worker gains ground. Everything that people who earn min wage buy are things that lots of other people who earn more than min wage also buy.

are Zig Forumsyps seriously under the impression that western countries go out of their way to search for people in the third world to bring back home?

He doesn’t dislike them and he didn’t criticize Chomsky for supporting them. He criticized Chomsky for saying the US should stay in Syria.

Yes it is how thing works you economically illiterate fuckwit.

People have more money to spend, they spend more money, guess where? Oh jeez, where everyone else spends money, in businesses, and these business then, golly gosh, profit from that. Consider that each business has many more customers than it does staff, therefore customers spending more will always outweigh paying staff a little more.

and you will still have a reserve army of native unemployed pushing down the wages

and you will still have automation pushing down wages

you will still have a falling rate of profit pushing down the wages

On some level, these people literally think nonwhites exist to torment them.

Actually, yes it does. It just isn't magic you fucking tard.

With increases in capital the average consumer does not save. They spend more. As they did not actually work to earn more but were simply given more, they act similar to lottery winners and spend it to feel better about themselves. Basic human nature.

When such spending happens on a large scale, like right after a wage increase across the entire working class, demand increases and the market shifts do to the inflated amount of capital introduced into the system.

Viola, price increases.

Yes, to a brainlet like yourself, it seems like magic.

you don't know the first thing about human nature.
and even if they did spend more the prices will eventually drop because of the nature of capitalist competition.

Bullshit, the reason "stimulus" programs like rebate checks never work is expressly because people hoard the money for later instead of burning it all.

Incorrect. As the capital is already in the market, and is not going away, because the human species rarely decreases in number, the inflated prices remain. Competition doesn't erase supply, as in the supply of capital.

Go read a book nigger. Your ignorance is astounding.

I don't think I disagree. But why isn't there a maximum wage? And don't just respond capitalism. I need something a little more in depth than that.

maximum wage can't be enforced, and doesn't really make any economic sense.

Cant? Or do we just not want to in a place like US? We go around trying to enforce much stupider shit far more often.

I don't agree. If there were no people like Jeff Bezos or Zuckerberg or insert rich asshole here. How would that be a bad thing?

Yes, can't. If you'd say that maximal monthly income is 100.000 EUR, porky will just reward himself with more surplus value in another form - be it cars, real estates or simply shares of company. If you'd make law prohibiting even this, porky would just make new paper company which would be under his complete control and he'd just move money from first company to second.
No, but capitalism would still exist. Workers would still earn as little as possible and so on and on.

Relevant passage by Marx:

>Reply to the first formulation: in consequence of a rise in wages, the demand of the labourers for the necessities of life will rise particularly. Their demand for articles of luxury will increase to a lesser degree, or a demand will develop for things which formerly did not come within the scope of their consumption. The sudden and large-scale increase in the demand for the indispensable means of subsistence will doubtless raise their prices immediately. The consequence: a greater part of the social capital will be employed in the production of necessities of life and a smaller in the production of luxuries, since these fall in price on account of the decrease in surplus-value and the consequent decrease in the demand of the capitalists for these articles. On the other hand as the labourers themselves buy articles of luxury, the rise in their wages does not promote an increase in the prices of the necessities of life but simply displaces buyers of luxuries. More luxuries than before are consumed by labourers, and relatively fewer by capitalists. Voilà tout. After some oscillations the value of the mass of circulating commodities is the same as before. As for the momentary fluctuations, they will not have any other effect than to throw unemployed money-capital into domestic circulation, capital which hitherto sought employment in speculative deals on the stock-exchange or in foreign countries.

>Reply to the second formulation: If it were in the power of the capitalist producers to raise the prices of their commodities at will, they could and would do so without a rise in wages. Wages would never rise if commodity prices fell. The capitalist class would never resist the trades’ unions, if it could always and under all circumstances do what it is now doing by way of exception, under definite, special, so to say local, circumstances, to wit, avail itself of every rise in wages in order to raise prices of commodities much higher yet and thus pocket greater profits.


Maximum wages are easy to enforce, the USSR had one. Federal employees in the US have one, and there was effectively one in the 50s, the top marginal tax rate was 90% (Eisenhower wanted 100%).

Porky gets paid off of wealth, by definition they don't rely on wages, a maximum wage wouldn't effect them.

Capitalism doesn't care about what is good for the worker, but solely what gains the capitalist profit. You shouldn't in a just world, but in the capitalist world this is exactly what is intended to happen.

which had no employment in private companies
which are not private company employees
yes, that was my point, thank you I guess?

Read Value Price and Profit you fucktard.

I'm a brainlet excuse me. But do you mean they had no private companies or just that private employees in private companies had no maximum wage.

I don't know about you but it would still make me feel better. Also, it may not effect them but if those wages could be separated from them it would most certainly effect workers and basically everything else.

I didn't say it was going away. if the bait and tackle shop down the street decides to increase their prices because people are getting a higher wage, they are going to be undercut by the walmart across the street that sells their shit for the same price across the entire country
ironic since your entire shitpost reeks of never having read Marx, Keynes or even Smith. you go read a fucking book.