Contra Points is a must. But I've started watching three arrows recently. I enjoy his use of historical context to support his claims.
What're some leftist youtubers you always seem to go back to
Other urls found in this thread:
again a thread on that? isn't the old one still up?
anyway, i just stick to ProletarianTV for my ML needs, related channels and for more frequent but annoying "progressives" content Jimmy Dore, as he's tolerable just enough
People whine to much about e-celeb threads compared to other threads that we have everyday(muh trotsky,muh mtw etc)
Pierre Tru-Dank is always entertaining even though Deleonism is a meme ideology
Rather eat a lead sandwich than watch another of HIS videos again. Why do you like that narcissistic petty-booj moron? Probably because you're one yourself.
You fags should start learning a little bit about basic marxism
For example
Petitbouj=\= any leftist(or wtvr) i dislike
The Deleonism meme is really telling of the sorry state the left is in. When a defunct organizational permutation gains traction because of a video game you have real problems.
Three Arrows is a symbol used by anti-communists in the Weimar Republic. In a Q&A, he also admitted to basically not even knowing what socialism even is, so I doubt he should be considered as on the left. Just because you debunk alt-right stuff doesn't mean you are on the left, plenty of radical centrists do this already.
Liberal with questionable views and a narcisstic personality disorder. Check out the kiwifarms thread about them. Also, constant anti-communist bickering
Autistic nerd with okayish but pretty basic content. It's basically Grover Furr reincarnated in a Finnish metalhead
Heart in the right place, but his videos are cringey despite being well-edited. Known for being an absolute illiterate until he took his break.
Phew, double-edged sword. Has defintely read a shitton of stuff but doesn't reflect on it (this is why she quotes people like Naomi Klein, David Harvey and Antonio Negri). Her videos are definitely good summerizations of important issues. I don't take issue with her appearance, at least she can relate to people who aren't basement-dwellers. Her teacher attitude is pissing me off though.
Mr. "it isn't arson if a refugee does it". He does debunk the alt-right in the most basic bitch way, and he never talks about systemic issues and just nitpicks. He tries to meet the alt-right in their game (identity politics) which always has the potential to backfire. Also talks slooooooooooooow as fuck. I can't stand this low-effort ASMR shit with a picture in the background. This is NOT a video. It's a podcast you fucking bum.
Pierre is a memelord who now tries to be serious by being as edgy as possible. While some of his videos aren't even that bad (like the one against Otterface), everything I see of him on Twitter and his meme videos are fucking cringey. He needs to grow up and don't LARP as a NazBol.
Broke: Analysis of historical conditions and the material conditions today
Woke: attempting to recreate Kaiserreich in the age of nukes
Socialism and Barbarism and Batko for memes
Pierre Tru-Skank for memes and sometimes serious shit
FinBol is pretty good as well
And BadMouse just came back from his hiatus, he's good too.
The dude is some upper-middle class fag, he's the definition of petty-booj you moron. You don't think he's working class do you? Guy sits at home all day occupying his thoughts with his appearance while collecting money from paypigs on patreon.
I like Cuck Philosophy. There's no one else I listen to for anything other than background noise while I shower and shave, and I've run out of podcasts. Read books.
Actually Flea Market Socialist is pretty cool too.
I'm pretty basic, but the political channels I pay attention to are (and I include milquetoast liberals here):
Chomsky's Philosophy
Democracy Now
The Majority Report
The Rational National
Libertarian Socialist Rants
Three Arrows
Reich Wing Watch
Philosophy Tube
David Pakman Show
The Intercept
I agree on ThreeArrows, he sounds like a anti alt-right soft nationalist liberal. The rest are good people, you should stop being so negative.
To be a bouj you need workers
Contra is self-employed
Let me fify
Artistic trannie that mostly talks about liberal shit.
Some people may find her fun
Retard of the Ismael generation of staliNEETs that annoy us with that failure Furr
Also ephebophiliac
Good videos
An actual socialist
I dont wach her but i know many people hate her cause she is vegan and (worst of all) FeEeMAlEee
I dont find him boring
Tho some of the things he talks about are dump
also a kitchen fire is not an arson
jimmy dore
paul penisblaster
Contrapoints is garbage
Underrated and based list.
Stop being pedantic, he is ostensibly petty-bourgeois as he is the CHILD of petty-bourgeois and he lives a parasitical lifestyle off his patreons. Am I hitting too close to home?
I honestly can't tell if the democrat poster is ironic or sincere anymore.
Well then most artist,game devs and youtubers are parasytes
Also are we gonna put up nuremberg laws now
And even if she was petit bouj thats not bad we need all the numbers we can get
dangerously liberal at times
DNC shill
progressives aren't socialist
ok if you can stand the autism
progressives aren't socialist
highlight reel of dumbest liberal philosophy
progressives aren't socialist
progressives aren't socialist
progressives aren't socialist
the rest i dunno
Tho contra is not any real help cause she is a liberal
This, but unironically.
Correct. Art is a side affect of an accumulated surplus somewhere. Most artists live on surpluses gathered by their class enemy patrons or parents.
Are Contra's parents business owners or something?
It's never been clear to me what exactly they do, other than pay for their gay son's hormone treatments.
Can we stop the ideological purism? Most of these YouTubers are still allies even if they aren't explicitly socialist right now. They know which side history is on when it comes down to it. As soon as a viable socialist movement rises I expect them to come to its defense.
Nah, screw opportunist grifters.
Sounds about right.
It could be decided to appropriate a part of the common funds for furnishing art. But it would be because of a democratic decision, not the whim of a patron or inheritance law.
Well thats truth
Atleast they break the right wing hold over utube
And maybe they can work like entry points to the woke left..
He's not gay. He's one of these dudes that try to become a women to hit on lesbians. Same with AnActualJoke, etc.
Ismail isn't a Stalinist and FinnBol quotes more than just Furr.
He did nothing illegal.
How is he "more socialist" than the others?
That's not what happened in this incident. Stop playing this game.
Was Engels a parasite then?
So he's a gay woman in a straight man's body?
Contra is smart and some of their videos are pretty good but none of it is socialist by any stretch.
That would be most of the population. We need these people if we're going to build a revolution. Your categorical rejection of them makes me suspect you don't genuinely want socialism.
I imagine we'd democratically fund a bunch of mechanisms for maintaining artists. It's good to put some options on the table for people. That way there is something that works for everyone.
We'd have plenty of traditional art institutes, local initiatives, and also organize a Patreon-like system. People can then decide on the comparative importance of these things through vote.
Lol big tent leftism, when has that ever worked out? Yes let us invite all the spies, wreckers and deviants - after all, we need everyone we can get!
Youtubers are definitely parasites.
So he's effectively a rapist.
ContraPoints and Three Arrows are both anticommunist. Contra literally created an entire character to strawman the views of everyone to the Left of her whether they be ☭TANKIE☭s, anarchists or whoever and it's about as intellectually dishonest and self-contradictory as you'd think.
Three Arrows is literally a shill for the fucking SDP, not even Die Linke, so nah fuck him to and fuck you for thinking that you'd get away with shilling more stupid culture wars IdPol horseshit here. Go the fuck back to reddit or adapt faggot
She's literally just a liberal Jordan Peterson
What's Wrong with Capitalism engages in some basic Marxist analysis. She's somewhat anti-capitalist in the least, which I consider more socialist than most socialist parties today.
What did this mean?
Not anymore
Tho back in revleft he was not a dengist but a hoxhaist(a very stalinist sect of leftist need i remind you)
And i did not said that he did
Tho erping with teens is weird imho
Kitcen fire is what i remember
Maybe you are right
And workers cant be wreckers,spies etc because?
In fact most revolutionaries were petit bouj
into the trash it goes
Whats Wrong With Capitalism basically concludes with "Don't read marx he's boring and also rich people please instill social democracy to bail yourselves and the petite-bourgs out because working class people are really mad and I can't keep wanking my navel-gazing gender critical theory bullshit for money and attention on youtube if you don't"
FUCK you and go back to reddit
Lol it's so obvious that you're a petty-booj brat desperately trying to cover for your class's failure to achieve anything. When push comes to shove you're going to join the fascists and reactionaries. You always do. This tranny freak you're defending will also drop the farce and become fascist too.
I have to agree that my father has just opened a small office so i am now of petitbouj birth and thus deserving less than the aryan proles
But still i can not realise your point
What class failures do i need to hide?
Are you denying the fact that castro,lenin,trotsky and engels were petit or full bouj?
Horrible as that sounds, it is the ideologically correct thing to do. We have to be willing to embrace the radical implications of our vision.
Exceptions prove the rule, the bulk of fascism hails from the petty-bourgeois. The petty-bourgeois are responsible for proliferating ruling class ideology whether that be through education or the commenteriat. I do not consider petty-booj outside the imperial core to be the same as those within it, and you as well as contra are those very people.
The character is meant to be the kind of thoughtless "smash everything" Antifa anarchist, I think. It doesn't stand for everything to the left of her, but for the haphazard outrage of the mainstream far-left movements of the present.
That's not how the video ends. She literally ends by conceding that we better listen to the cat-girl than her, since Contrapoints herself has no answers to the problem of capitalism.
On a deeper level I think it must be read as a call for some good alternative to the capitalist order. Something with more substance than what is offered by Antifa.
It will be hard at times to redirect funding away from culture, but this can be softened by giving artists the option to do other work part-time and such. Also, as automation takes over more people will be able to pursue a life in the arts. Over time we should expect this section of the economy to grow.
Yeah and then immediately gets frustrated and tells her to leave because "le the only thing everyone who isn't a succdem can do is tell people to read books hahaha xD"
Look dude I used to watch her vids alright, I used to be a big part of the whole "let's get mainstream or psuedo-mainstream Youtube liberals to move Left" but it literally never works. Contra's high water mark was the first part of "What's Wrong With Capitalism" the conclusion was liberal shrugging off of all of the analysis she had done in the video, and every single video she made after that was about identitarian issues and stupid academia shit. If anything she's gotten more liberal since the Capitalist critique came out
She straight up says at the end of "Whats Wrong With Capitalism" that tabby's stupid because she doesn't focus on doing "practical" shit (aka welfarism). I don't even necessarily disagree with this but if there's no class consciousness to it and no radical wing of whatever United Front she's proposing then it's fucked and shit and Contra and all of the other Youtube liberals have repeatedly shown they have no interest in moving anywhere to the Left of the SDP in Weimar Germany. Which maybe would be okay if the planet wasn't about to end due to capitalism. Like I might be okay with Contra making yet ANOTHER video about whether or not trans people are actually just men in girls clothing, "aesthetics" nonsense, and basically masturbating on camera, if capitalism wasn't about to wipe out humanity in the next 10-15 years but I kind of lose respect for someone when instead of using their massive platform to actually spread radical agitprop or at the very least gradually move their audience to the Left as they do, they just give their boring takes on topics that make the Left look like liberal dogshit to the working class in the first place (which is why it's ironic she constructed the Tabby strongman since almost everything Contra has done has been an attempt to get fellow milquetoast neoliberals to become reformists rather than go to the working class and radicalize them or even get them to support succdems)
Anyway, this is the last response your getting from me since this shit thread has been anchored. Next time you want to make this thread do it IN THE GENERAL FOR YOUTUBE PERSONALITIES btw it's called /leftytrash/ and it's on the front page 24/7
Fucking what?
It means I don't want grifters. How hard is this to comprehend?
I enjoy him and Ba'tko for shitposting style videos.
I made this thread with the idea to delve deep into hardcore leftist YouTube. I'm currently in the process of getting deeper into all of it. Ive recently reached Bat'ko and Danov bullshit meme level leftist youtube but nothing on the level of what Contra, AnActualJoke, or Shaun provide. By that I mean I want those kind of well thought out almost essay like videos with extreme leftists/anarchist content.
various Eurasianist Channels
Contrapoints is a shitty pseudointellectual who makes cringy sketches after every statement. If he didnt dress as a woman his views would rapidly drop due to the vapid content he makes
Whats wrong with being autistic, normscum?
You're fucking retarded, jesus christ.
pre-transition contrapoints is cursed as fuck
t. parasite
Some russian communist youtubers (if anybody is interested):
Tubus Show:
Vyhod est!:
Phantom of
Uncle Joe:
Konstantin Semin:
Station Marx:
Myatezhnik Dzhek:
Yeah, Tubus show is pretty good
Dont forget poznavatelnoye TV
Jim Profit. You know he's friends with Ricky Berwick?
Apparently Jim confused Ricky for Hotwheels because they're both cripple and on the internet and fought on discord than when they realized they both hate moderators they became instant friends
Top ten anime crossovers
No, he's a straight man who feels entitled to gay women's bodies. If gender is a social construct, material reality is all that matters. While the dysphoria is real, that doesn't change the fact that they are still a man. Trans people strengthen the gender binary by limiting the acceptable range of gender expression. Men can wear dresses. Women can have butch haircuts. Why do you think Iran, a patriarchal, religious fundamentalist country, supports gender reassignment surgery but kills gay people? Because the idea of reducing manhood and womanhood to a feeling is less of a threat to the status quo than admitting that men can love men and women can love women, and breaking oppressive gender norms.
Wanted to add to this, I just added BadMouseProductions
liberals side with the fascists always because they side with whatever side looks strongest to them
you don't think contra has a team of editors and general staff? you think she does everything herself?
contra makes a fuck ton of money making videos that scratch capitalism with boxing gloves on. most of her videos aren't even about capitalism. tell me why it's in her interest to EVER side with a revolution, should one happen?
she's a grifter, no better than any charlie kirk or alex jones type. you just think she's a leftist because she's trans