The absolute state of the far left in America. This is just incredibly embarrassing and kind of sad in a way

The absolute state of the far left in America. This is just incredibly embarrassing and kind of sad in a way.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Heejeebeejee to you too liberals

Beats having them shitting up the internet.

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they do both, though

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Zig Forums irl

almost as bad as the nude dancing unicorn man

Reminder that these are the people who constantly cry on Zig Forums.

the neon ski masks are a stroke of genius, totally wouldn't make them an easy target or anything

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Full vid btw

Attached: savetweetvid_jMjpr3uBFHRH994B.mp4 (1280x720, 10.32M)

I mean, I like Rójava as much as all socialists should but holy fuck. Couldn't watch past the 15 second mark.

dude's got the cop face

Eeeyughhh. Man, I can appreciate that they want a better world, I can even believe they want to eliminate class society and wage labour, hell, I can just about forgive them for probably not knowing anything substantial in the way of Marx's critique of capitalism or having a grounding in modern materialism, but god damn! Can't they at least try to project a semblance of strength and militancy? Fuck me, it really does make "leftists" look like limp wristed children.

Yeah that was my thought as well. Like maybe the pause is some kind of tell for undercover guys.

Why can’t they not look like washed up losers? Fuck this video makes me want to start lifting. You don’t have to be an “ubermensch” but they look fucking weak. They should look more militant and serious, these are like 99% degenerate bourgeois kids

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leaving aside fitness, their body language, clothing, and speech is awful too.

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national posadism is a good idea

holy fuck kirsten is on meth

This is the worst part, imo. While they would ideally be more fit, they don’t sound motivated in their positions at all. If you truly support them, sound like it at least. Damn if I supported one big US military base in Syria enough to be in a video like this I’d be fired up in my support. Half of them sound like some sleepy high-school kids

Well, they've got at least one handsome lad.

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It's all so sad.

they're in a fucking yurt too lmao

Let’s compare:

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I would unironically rather everyone I know, from my parents to my boss, understand that I am a militant communist than a "leftist", a "socialist", or anything that could be perceived as a pathetic rad lib.

I can stomach almost the whole video but come on, didn't they think they could have, I dunno, reshoot that? Would've taken them like three more seconds.

I unironically want to know why the American Left is like this. My only guess is that the people in the pic from the video aren’t really into politics beyond some sort of social club / hobbyist-mentality while the serious leftists in the other pic were ready to fight and die for what they believed in. We need more groups with that mentality, one needs created that isn’t filled with these utter weaklings.

Looks like a move actor from inglorious bastards.

I think this is probably right. Serious leftists in America get killed. America is a crypto-fascist police state. I would not be surprised if one or two of those people in that video were cops. I think the problem really is the lack of union involvement. The labor aristocracy is still extremely strong, but that is changing as things get more dire.

Why did paramilitary stop being a thing? Going door to door spreading ideas of Marx,Kropotkin, Engles etc etc? I mean they used have their own little pubs and cafes. Why did people stop doing it? Not to mention fighting in the streets, In Spain party's will have literal patrols going though the streets beating up rivals. Or is there a better way? Cause while I'm typing this, it's starting to get a but larpy

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I want to die

This, and related to it, the lack of contact with real working people in general. I can almost guarantee that the people in that video don’t do anything more than intellectually masturbate themselves in meetings, show up at demostrations to protest peacefully and just impotent bitching at Trump. If I ran a group I’d be a lot more militant, put a lot more emphasis on community involvement and actually helping people in shitty living conditions. This hobbyist-pseudo politics disgusts me and eventually I’m probably going to be driven to try to remedy it in my area at least. Like you said I’ll probably get killed if that happens though

I mean you can have both in a certain way, see
though I get what you mean.

I ask myself and others the same thing. If I were to make a group, and I’ve discussed this casually with somewhat sympathetic friends too, it would be a paramilitary group and we would spent more of our time going door-to-door and engaging in community service than intellectually masturbating ourselves in isolation disconnected from reality. If there is one thing I hope to do in my life it would be building something that isn’t completely shit. I’m sure I’d be shot up eventually if I ever tried though

Nah fam, this ain't 30s Spain

Well, the BPP understood this well enough. If you aren't a target of some sort, you're doing it wrong.

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If anyone got serious enough in America and began getting even a little support the US government would not hesitate to kill you, especially if you’re adopting a militant posture



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Both the far right and the far left in America is made up of cringey larping retards.

A little bit of combat goes a long way comrade. Don't let their current pudginess fool you. I see tremendous potential in every single man and woman in that group photo. I'm somewhat of a recruiter, and I can tell I'd have good quality material to work with in these youth. Thanks for sharing. Gives me hope.

at least four activists in ferguson have been assassinated lately

lolno, combat would trigger them

I hope that you don't actually believe this. Sure, there are many larpers, but that's only because you pay too much attention to the forgetful things.

The America government kills children and adults every day. Do you think they give a shit about killing some leftist upstart at home?

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Yes, combat is "triggering" you fucking idiot. That's what it does to the uninitiated. And that's why I see their potential. What do you think humans are descendants of?

The problem is that the "something" they believe in is yet another anarchist experiment that requires foreign state support in order to survive and will eventually collapse or become ossified when things settle down. They are basically LARPing as le brave one big US military base in Syria/YPJ fighters from the safety of their yurt. That's the cringe.


Show me an actual group of Americans either on the far right or left who aren’t autistic blobs or bourgeoisie larpers

A fucking Rose, lol, they are pathetic.

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lmao shut the fuck up retard

They make be kind of Cringy but at the very least they still support genuine socialist causes instead of Imperialism and Liberal's

the cops are far right

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The DNC. Now that they've merged forces with Soros, John Podesta, Antifa, CNN, the Bilderberg Group, CPUSA and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, they're planning to impeach Trump and confiscate all guns from proud patriotic Americans. Then the United Nations will take over, from their posts stationed in Canada, and the whole country will be ruled by New World Order marxists. The revolution is finally here comrade.

lib meme. the kurds are under a sultanistic system.

I'd find it easier to forgive your extreme ignorance if you were less confident about it. The KRG in IRAQ is not the same as the DeFNS in SYRIA.

Join German youth maoism

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I think the reason why the American Left seems so pathetic and LARPy is because it's mostly composed of well-off bleeding heart idealists instead of average workers fighting for a better life. These people might genuinely want socialism and are working somewhat towards it, but it's more of a hobby than it is a strategy towards a better life. They see their lives as already mostly decent and so they see revolution as something for others and not themselves, and I think this predisposes them to not actually being serious about it beyond a hobby and that's what it looks like to others. Tbh, I think that only thing that separates us from them is that we generally don't take ourselves seriously and don't believe we're revolutionaries.

I think the only way to fix this is for Leftist organizations to stop trying to recruit idealistic college-students or other members of the middle-class and instead focus on regular workers and appeal to their self-interest instead of their sense of guilt. But honestly, I'm probably just repeating the same shit hundreds have said here before and the American Left doesn't seem to be changing any.

The fundamental problem is that they're unserious. The reason they're unserious is that they have no theory. They have no theory because they're petty booj dems going through a phase.

Nah its French so its Wahey L'Mao.

They have lots of theory. Go look at their twitter and their website. What they lack is resolve and willingness to organize the working class. Theory in and of itself is worthless. It's not magic. /lit/ types are the bane of activism.

Theory has nothing to do with it. They're unserious because politics is a hobby for them and not a strategy towards a better life. Them having shitty theory is a symptom of that.

Bullshit, these idiots have never read anything past the manifesto, if even that.

Their twitter page features Bookchin (of course), Debord and Hegel (?) among others.

Attached: leftpol1.png (1875x577, 2.11M)

Yes, they have pics of the funny meme men they've never read.

Read. A. Book.
Fucking Wikipedia would do

Does his hat say "a car"? Why does his hat say "a car"? Why does he have a pornstache under that neon sock? What is this?

"All Cops Are Bastards"
Slogan you put on shorts and banners at smashathons

Checks out. Pretentious garbage for pretentious losers.

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Well there you go. Pics are of BÖG, and other Marxist-Leninists groups in Rojavâ, typically from Turkey and Europe. What's strange is that Zig Forums, along with a few burger ☭TANKIE☭s on twitter, is the only place I can find that objects to the revolution on grounds of imperialism. Unless there's another problem y'all have with the D.F.N.S. that I'm unaware of, it would seem that most ML's support it globally.

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Upper right looks like sam hyde

Always had a soft spot for BÖG. Mainly because it directly translates to fag in all caps in swedish. Always good for a chuckle.

Reminds me of this guy

Holy shit, I think I know this guy.


why do these all look like asthmatic middle class people that had to get a job at fast food restaurants?

==BE LIKE US!!!=

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Political uniforms are banned in most of Europe. This has been brought up before.

I like how they all decided to be 'libertarian socialists' cause it doesn't sound as 'bad' as 'anarcho-communists'. I wonder if the Democrat Cops of America would accept an 'ancom' caucus.

thats just sad, but i like the replies

i like this user here
he's a good person

and again with this retarded strawman
just fucking look at yourself with your pentagon propaganda bullshit you moron

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why do they all talk like they're suffering from serotonin syndrome

also isn't there a one big US military base in Syria thread up this could've been posted in?

while i mostly mock those threads as the problem isnt if those people are fit but if those retards vote for us
But what the fuck are they doing, some of them are completely weird like that large girl
Anyway when you sent your support you either do it in a background with guns ,flags and a bunch of masked guys sending a bunch of random buzzwords
Or do it in the start of the party meeting with an old guy giving a speech
You are in America for fuck sake put an ak on the wall


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Spot the cop

the cia/mossad doesn't even hire competent actors any more for their shilling campaigns

I mean take a look at these guys:

Do you see uniforms? No, but you can observe they probably have a dress code in use at times. First pic, shorts and tshirt (seems to be like two or three exceptions). Second pic, white top and black pants.
I prefer uniforms to dress code, but both work toward the same purpose. The bans in Europe on political uniforms can be worked around in this way.

Attached: idpol code.png (1539x493, 130.01K)

A fucking fanny pack.

I made the first reply to that thread and it said "Political uniforms are banned in Europe" lol

They look like the kind of dudes that engage in the gangstalking of people

That's the official logo of the Democrat Cops of America.

Attached: democratic-socialists-sf1.png (609x273, 31.77K)


That’s why it is pathetic

lmao somebody saved that autist's shitpost

How dare you Anarkiddies say that one more time after this video. Show me a ML party that does this with North Korea. Show me ONE.