
Hey, a few weeks ago I posted about being a former fascist who had lost faith in their beliefs and was looking for reading material. I have since that post read some of Marx and Engels works and have just finished State and revolution by Lenin. I am convinced that the theory of Marxism can secure a future for all people regardless of race through class unity against the bourgeoisie and that a dictatorship of the proletariat with the means of production in their hands can achieve Communism. But please, tell me that r/communism and their ilk aren't representative of the modern movement? it just seems like a massive bash whitey and focus on minuscule issues movement. These people are complaining, rightfully so, about the injustices of the modern world and that is fine. But seeing people talking about white people as being "not really proletarians" and other things seems bullshit to me and not too dissimilar from the Fascistic dogma that I have left. they are racists and they don't realize it.

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we hate all those fags. identity politics gets the wall.
thought a few of them, like nazis, lurk here to get offended by everything.

What made you even become a fascist in the first place? I mean, was it something you read or just a reaction to your environment? How'd you lose it?

I post here because I got banned from /r/communism

They just take it too far over there.

We do plan to kill whitey though

Weasel words from the Zig Forums troll.
Color me shocked.

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Anyone who tries to tell you that a bunch of reddit faggot utopian who whine about idpol all day aren't the face of the left is lying to you. I don't want it to be true, you don't want it to be true, but it is. You've probably already read more Marxist theory than anyone on the "left."

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not him but I was raised on communist strawman

Unforntualy, lifestylists like them are a large chunk of it.


fuck there really

Read Settlers OP, you should've stayed a Nazi cause we gonna kill you. Gonna kill all of you Crackers.

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stop false flagging

No, those people are generally not representative for the broader socialist movement although some users on Zig Forums (who have never actually been in any communist org and believe denouncing racism is already "idpol") will claim that they are and that Zig Forums is literally the last existing bastion of anti-idpol leftism. You should join a party or org and see for yourself, definitely you will at times meet such types, but you'll also benefit immensely from getting engaged with the practical side of things and being able to discuss leftism IRL with others.

I mean me too, but how does that make you into a fascist and not just a generic "centrist"?


The representatives of the communist movement are the ones in real organizations, working in the real world, at workplaces and neighborhoods.

Early on, we had many people come here who had been banned from those reddits for being "brocialists" and "class essentialists". This board is strictly anti-idpol and was built out of the fact that other sites had become infested with idpol types that would ban any type of discussion calling for a strict focus on class.

Its good to see you're a Marxist now though, from experience its hard to come to the realization that communism isn't the strawman you've been taught your whole life. Tbh, a lot us here used to be right-wingers of various different tendencies, myself included. We have more then a few ex-fascists, Naziposter being one of the most prominent.

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Adherents being stupid does undermine the theory itself

They're mad they lost one to us.

People that aren't Stalin also made up a large chunk of Lenin's General staff.

Just watch this tbh: twitter.com/Louis_Allday/status/701545530669801472

Nihilism and romantic mysticism. Though I was never very interested in the racial stuff. More authority fascinated mythological kind of fascism. Believing that the answer to postmodern, nihilistic uncertainty was dogmatic certainty in social myths. I didn’t believe there was any truth to them fundamentally, but more that my brain wasn’t made for a world that didn’t have conviction and consequential conflict and so I should choose something. Choosing to flirt with fascism over, say, neoliberalism was because fascism looked more exciting. It made that existential reason for existing very tangible in the form of adulation of the state etc.

But like I said, I never went full in on the racial stuff. I was more interested in Julius Ebola and bullshit like that. For the A E S T H E T I C S etc. I liked Bowden videos as well.

I'm just joking about killing whitey! Well I mean whitey as, like, a concept.

Thanks. That's very interesting and accords with what I've read about fascism as a response to existential ennui, which is certainly something I've had (still do) and at one point the far right was there waiting. Didn't go for it but if I were a bit younger when this current fascist trend came about, I probably would have. I can understand the temptation.


Nope just a random user.

Not me.

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I think a big part of it is comparable to a death cult, a bit like ISIS tbh. Not necessarily as an explicit desire, but implicit to the interest in mortal conflict with the enemy is the circumstance that you might get killed in “glorious battle” or something, finally being released from this hellworld by service to the higher purpose. I wouldn’t say it is a unitary, unconscious desire, since I think there is plenty of value to simply accruing valor for the cause and having a confidence in purpose, but getting merc’d for the crusade or whatever is not that bad either.

I also think there is a more racially focused group who authentically believe that what keeps them from happiness is black and brown people. They might be the majority. It’s really vulgar tbh. It seems like the most consumer chauvinist kind of Americanism to just want your shitty 50s white suburban house that you can fill with trash while your family is forced to respect you or whatever, and you just cuck for your boss 8 hours a day. For that. That privilege to keep your little material bubble with your children and subservient wife. I don’t even know what I wanted really, but it was basically to live in Warhammer or some shit. Something much bigger than all of that, and I would choose to do it because choosing something to die for, as arbitrary as it was, would be the only real powerful choice that could make things sensible and meaningful.

Thanks, this was insightful.

Do it! Base your hate on a Satan and then try to do it.

You were never a fascist, just a edgelord. You will not be missed fag. And no reading Next Leap doesn't count as "Reading Evola"

When you tell your wife you didn't want to fuck her anyway

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