Earth Strike!

I've seen this quickly gaining momentum across left-wing youtube/reddit/twitter/discord/AOL instant messenger and I'm pretty convinced it will be pretty big so I'm starting an Earth Strike discussion thread. If you're not planning on participating in the strike directly it's best if you try to spread the message as far as possible.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tell me when they pick up guns

Also this "save the planet" bullshit. Planet's gonna be fine without human beings. What audacity to think human beings can do so much destruction to destroy an entire planet.

i've seen their demands, they are utter garbage, they basically ask to stop all mean things in the world without giving more specifics, which tells me these people don't really know what they want beyond some weird abstract bullshit about climate change, so my prediction is that this will be occupy wallstreet 2.0, and a further proof that the anglo have zero idea about how to strike

Oh look another top down strike no one is going to attend because it will be a center right speaking event at best

It's been too late for two decades, there's no chance of this working

This is exactly what it is. They have no idea what they're up against, what is needed to overcome it, and what they're actually aiming for other than "corps bad stop pollutin planet." They would answer of course that "we have to do "something" with the implication that if you don't attend you are part of the problem (it's of course virtue signaling).

This picture alone should tell you all you need to know in any case.

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t. Shell CEO
sry guys we gonna take immediate action, u make some good points

So it’ll drive a lot of liberals into the left. Sounds pretty good. Even if this fails (it probably will) we should support it because it’s a good way to recruit people.

Can we brainstorm some signs? What are we going for here? Any lefitst sign? Or general environmentalist stuff?

t. just got done watching his first George Carlin YouTube video

idk if this is what you're asking for but lol here

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George Carlin was alright a lot of the time but I think he made people think self-important pedantry was cool. I blame him personally for all the obnoxious dipshits online who make videos or quote tweets nitpicking shit.

t. individual who just got out of high school, filled with deluded fantasies about how the world actually works

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Your opposition starts chanting "Better dead than red!", wyd?

Begin the executions

The date already changed? Get out of here with this cointelpro bullshit.

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Revolutions of 1917 were triggered by general strike. Finnish civil war was started by general strike. German revolution in 1918 was primarily caused by general strike.

lol immediately stopped caring after reading this. It's not 2010 anymore zoomers. "Grassroots" can't do shit in the west, especially with respect to environmental policy.

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Was gonna say this. General strike *is* revolution.

What would you propose instead?

This is what activists literally tell themselves

Too many LARPing faggots in this thread

The General Strike as revolution is when it's everybody going out with that one big demand from the bosses.

The General Strike with the definite article is a fantasy in the 21st century as to have any significance it would literally need to be 4 billion+ people (i.e. working age employed laborers) striking due to the nature of beast system extending its tentacles to every corner of the earth so deeply.

Eh strikes still have strategic use in the modern world, especially if utilized in specific key industries at the right time, hate to agree with this punk bitch for once

Forgot to add*
Hate to agree with this punk bitch, but even the fantasy of some general strike being the saving strategy for the left, it’s stil far more useless than vulgar ‘Marxists’ advocating for some sort of impotent violence lashing out with no material base and engagement with the working class in any meaningful sense.

I understand the optimism behind your post but there is just no truly effective strategy anymore. It's simply no longer possible to take down the modern beast system with the old ways. Of course we'll certainly see more and more strikes and protests, etc. as the world slides further into hell, however it will achieve nothing and end in disappointment and misery. It's not going to stop global capitalism, it's not going to stop climate change. If anyone believes this they are either deluded or virtue signaling.

That being said, we literally don't have to do anything. The system will implode upon itself and only when the world becomes a barren lifeless desert will a new society be possible.

How can we bore into this movement to at least salvage whatever good can come from it?

I've said many times before it would be easy to turn eco movements into anti capitalism movements.

They are theoretically already anti-capitalist movements. If you see their schtick, it's filled with anti-corp rhetoric. The issue is that they are entirely incapable of any strategy except for stamping their feet in the streets together singing kumbaya

Of course, these days due to the nature of things, they can't do much else. It's all the anger-bargaining stages of grief

Your entire post is just a massive assertion with nothing to back it up. Why is a general strike no longer effective in weakening the capitalist state? Do you have any evidence of this?
It seems to me that this is the perfect time for a general strike in the west, when the US is amping up for trade war and potentially even military conflict with China and Russia.
You seem to constantly think of capitalism as entirely anthromorphized - the beast with tentacles burying into everything. Stop it. Use actual arguments for why a general strike would not be effective in both weakening the capitalist system and potentially showing the working class that their demands can actually be met if enough pressure is applied.
This lesson is a key lesson for the working class to learn; they are not just cogs in the machine and they need to keep pushing against rulling order.
Both the French and Russian revolution happened in the wake of a great deal of reforms, as these reforms empowered the working class and weakened the rulling class.

A revolution in one state or two or three will never avert the catastrophe that climate change will bring upon the face the Earth. Global revolution will never happen before it (i.e. before 10-12 years we have to completely cut CO2 emissions) or even in the next few decades.

I advise you to chill out, brother. The sooner you accept that we're all going to sink on the same ship, the sooner you can laugh at the absurdity of this peculiar situation in which we find ourselves. Just take it easy on and rock n roll mcdonalds

Still waiting for those arguments. What happens in 10-12 years that will make revolution impossible and do you have any data to back it up?
I advice you to stop thinking your defeatism is a proper substitute for arguments.

Also, what the fuck do you mean >idealism?

~12 years before climate change becomes irreversible and runaway climate catastrophe effectively becomes inevitable. The Earth will effectively become more or less uninhabitable before the end of the century

real life

I completely agree especially when it comes to dockyard and port workers in charge of unloading and loading of ships since 90% of global trade is conduced by sea routes. This is also the reason why in most developed and developing countries dockyard and port workers are among the highest paid in lower skill work markets since they are essential for any nation that is focused on exports and imports of foreign goods.

Come on you dishonest cunt. What chapter backs up that claim?

And also, if what you say is true, what is your argument for not actually doing something with the 12 years we have?

Sorry brother. I'm not doing it. I'm long past university days to start citations for some random user who may or may not care, and after having schlepped through that depressing text when it was released, I'm not reading through it again just to throw a post into some backwater imageboard with information you can now find condensed to a label on a box of cornflakes in pretty much every major news source since its publishing.

You don't know what I do and neither do I do you. Your perception of what are meaningful actions just appear different to mine


Fucking KYS my nigga. Daily reminder that all namefags are cancer.

I'm sorry

I don’t see the point. Actual leftists have pretty much no entryist opportunity in this, unless we can somehow get the trade unions from the energy industry involved.
I’m not promoting defeatism - if there’s a way then I’m willing to listen - I’m just saying I don’t see it.

My pleasure.

I think that leftists should be more open to these kinds of things, despite the fact that our demands are not met because of the hellworld of capitalism that we live in.
The far right have been doing these kinds of things for years where they sit in front of the white house and point guns at Obama, or how the alt-right have massive online communities dedicated to talking about pointless stuff like how Halo 5 is deeply triggering and problematic because Cortana is trans, they are much more successful(albeit largely thanks to far-right funding and the media being ideological sympathetic to them) at mobilizing, organizing and empowering masses of alienated people and giving them a clear, concise worldview or explanation of why the world is so messed up.
I think that leftists should if, nothing else, use these movements as an opportunity to really drive home a Marxist critique of the capitalist system's approach to climate change, and how the motivation behind the inaction is inherent to the capitalist mode of production.

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I think many people here do/would disagree with a lot of what I hold as a worldview, but I would be more than willing to cooperate in a meatspace bund with you guys because we generally share the same foundation (at least I like to think so) and that's what matters over all semantics. We understand that, for example, identitarianism tears movements apart from the inside but if we can say yes, we fundamentally agree on a number of major things and the details are a matter to discuss in serious terms only when we have progressed to a certain point, we could do something as a global team.

Zig Forums honestly has real potential to actually create some influence, as hopeless as everything may seem, but there would absolutely need to be constitution with such "rules" as if you disagree with someone on something which isn't one of any number of basic foundation principles, you cannot escalate it into a divisive issue.

“Better Red than Dead”

Reminder Defeatism is created by Counterprol to prevent leftists from taking action

I only receive money from Soros. I'm not involved with any USA organizations, sorry to say brother

Actually I change my mind. In fact, fuck communism and the proles.

Ah doppleganger. I knew this would eventually happen. According to plan ;-D

I honestly thought the Soros post was a doppelganger and I was just playing along.

no nii, mut totta kai arvostan mielikuvitust kaveri

Mitäs täällä tapahtuu?

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user esiintyi mua

emmätiiä miks -_-

imitoi* anteeks

suomen kieleni ei oo hyvää tänään

Niin no eihän tuo ole edes kieliopillisesti väärin. Muutenkin perjantai niin eiköhän tuo oo ihan suotavaa muutenkin XD

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kyl oikeesti ajattelin et voisi olla hyvä jos on koko laudassa vain "zerot" - sinut assimiloidaan XD

Miä olen jo liittynyt niiden Discordiin. Suosittelen teikäläistenkin. Ehkä, jos saadaan pari sataa nyymiä spämmää liittoja/mediaa/ppuolueita niin eiköhän siitä jotain synny.

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Hmm mulla ei oo Discordia. eikö se oo juttu ihmisille, jotka pelaavat videopelejä tai jotain

On, mutta se on kätevä muutenkin. En tiedä mistään mitään ja aika vähän suomalaisia toistaiseksi, mutta hype päällä kuiteskin.

oh okei, miten liittyä tähän ?

Ensinnäkin en lähtökohtaisesti usko internettipoliitikan olevan tehokas vaikuttamisen muoto ja muutenkin hieman painavampaa tekemistä(esim. baariin lähtö) näin perjantaina kun meemien pakottaminen discordissa.

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Menet tänne ja sieltä Get Involved ja alimpana Help Organising ja viel' alempana tummennettuna on this link niin paina sitä ja voila.

Miksi en ole yllättynyt

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no joka tapauksessa, ole kiltti inhimilline olento ja muista nimeni kun kun kuolen. Kuolema kansakunnille ja vipareille. Eläköön ihmiskunta

the true leftist objection is "Better Read than Dead".

Thoughts? (I don’t know what font your using. It’d look better if I knew)

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I love how people talk about safe topics (the ones that don't matter or can be easily debunked; like rise of water level), but avoid pollution and extinction of biosphere - both of which being far more threatening.

Objective of Left is to seize the power, not to beg Right-wingers for mercy.

The aims of this movement isn't to beg, it's not a liberal movement.

Strikes have objectives that are possible for striking workers to see, like owner publicly agreeing (and signing documents) to specific thing. Something like "take immediate action to avoid irreversible climate change" is impossible to see, as workers don't know what the fuck owners are supposed to be doing. Promise to "be good"? Use less plastic? Oh, wait. You are fighting with meme-tier problems. Introduce fines for not turning lights off immediately? Lower wages and donate the difference to Greenpeace?

You are begging for mercy.

I mean the movement has just sprung up, and part of the discussion is about what the demands should be.
Like, you can join the place and share your opinion on this stuff if you feel like it. The demands listed on the website are n my opinion formed through an anti-capitalist critique of liberal climate change action, I don't think the movement is conceding to capitalism as you seem to imply.

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class conscious:

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Yeah. Movement "sprung up", but nobody knows what the movement is about. It's like I hadn't seen it a thousand (okay, hundred; maybe two hundred) times before, and have no idea how it will end (spoiler: with hijack by Liberals; unless it is already run by Liberals).

It would be extremely painful impolite.

Also, at the moment, there is no actual organization that will evaluate opinions and make decisions. There is only mob and people who are trying to direct it (with the program that I consider utter bullshit).

Demands for whom? Strikes have to hit the wallet of those specific persons who are decision-makers. This idea of "general strike" boils down to workers in Walmart striking to force Shell reduce oil production. It's twelve kinds of retarded.

Also, I don't see any additional organization (like formation or reliance on trade unions) that will protect participants. Where are safety nets (including money) for workers who got fired/punished? Is this supposed to be some kind of Nechaev-style martyrdom?

There is nothing anti-capitalist about climate change, since it is literally used by capitalists to distort, reframe, and suppress discussion on problems of ecology (as it avoids the real problem - hideous pollution).

I don't see any mentions of worker control of production.

If Walmart workers strike. This reduces the profitability of Walmart. Which trickles down to the rest of the economy.

Do explain the whole process.

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Because it’s the same people who own Walmart stalks who own every other stock.

The great Jew conspiracy. Got it.

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If you want to moonspeak, please make a separate thread. Thank you.

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A thread which you will anchor or delete.

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The wogs and the clogs have their own threads already, don't worry about it.

T. Anti-finnish swedeish nationalist

Reminder that Wind is not yet viable enough to generate power on a global scale and Solar creates more pollution with all the Lithium that needs to be dug up to build the panels then it helps fight

We will need a mix of Nuclear and Hydro electrification to prevent ecological breakdown while still maintaining high living standards

Yes, but unfortunately many of the individuals who are in this movement appear to be literally against nuclear power. These are the kind of people that actually believe that in our time it's possible to live in a world of magical solar fields and wind turbines supporting current living standards in the west for the whole world.

You're on the money. While you can already see it in their media, it will fundamentally be a liberal movement, not dissimilar to Occupy nonsense.

As many of them are merely virtue signalling, I believe many think of themselves in this way. I can guarantee however that rather than striking, they'll just call in sick from work and feel good about how they "put the Earth first" when they get together and yell ultimately meaningless slogans in the streets and post it all to social media to feel good about themselves that they "did something." I mean the days of striking (I believe they have four of them) are single days far apart from one another in the year, so it will disrupt nothing and be easy to get a day off from work. I don't think these people have ever even been in a union or actually participated in a strike before (but of course they mostly probably consist of 20-something tertiary students so go figure).

Very misleading, friend.

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How do we get rid of these people?

Invent viable fusion or volunteer to have nuclear waste stored in your backyard.

Nuclear power means miners and plant workers dying of cancer.

You can't. It's the result of fossil fuel industry brainwashing an entire generation (baby boomers) that nuclear power is evil and of course this carries on to generations to this day.

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No but seriously you guys are cool for pretty much singlehandedly keeping Elon Musk afloat and his batteries research pumping.
t. Huezillian living a borderline Savannah

How, you fucking mongoloid. Having a bazillion species of bugs, birds and beavers is only good for shampoo companies and high-grade chocolate makers, having predictable rainfall is good for people who don't want to starve.
Air pollution is easy to fix (filters and catalizers, they're expensive but very effective) and takes decades to kill like a twentieth of the people exposed to it, Water polution doesn't actually matter since most of the fresh water we spend goes to farming and the investments governments make in water treatment and management need to go up anyway since that shit's sloppy as fuck in most of the world.

Wasn't U R Gay builting a shitton of wind turbines? Russia and the Saudis need to be Nuked tbh, Japan and Taiwan too.

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LESS people die from Nuclear than ANY OTHER FORM OF ENERGY.

I think a funnier argument is that more people die from choking, which is also true.


Are you a Somali exchange student?

most people of somali background in Finland are refugees or their children. I don't think any somali school has exchange programs with anywhere. Also my university days have long since passed. Why are you interested in who I am ?

because you're offended of being called Finnish for speaking Finnish?

what the fuck are the mongols up to


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If we are talking about bugs, it's about having no bugs. Significant chunk of agriculture already depends on them being alive to pollinate shit. They will also take out huge chunk of bioshpere (which will affect the rest of agriculture indirectly).

Much more importantly we are talking about pollution that affects humans. Enjoy going bald by 30 (not to mention fuckton of allergies and inexplicably failing health).

By living in domed cities, yes.

How does this negate the fact that we drink water?

Also, we eat crops that are grown with polluted water (and in polluted air).

Pipe dream.
To be used in artillery shells against the enemies of state.

1. Explain to them what Thorium reactors are and explain to them that NPP's are tens of times safer then their predecessors
2. Explain to them that out of the three big boogeymen Nuclear Alarmists use (Long Mile / Chernobyl / Fukashima) that only one of these [Long Mile] was caused by an actual fuck up with the plant itself and that the Chernobyl / Fukashima incidents were caused by retarded choices by the people running them