American Socialist

America is the third most populated country on Earth, if we don't convince them that socialism is a viable option it will damage the wider picture. Even if we can't get socialism on America's side, anti-imperialism and union advocacy would at least steer them in the right direction.
As shitty as the CPUSA is, here's a good interpretation of its bill of rights
Socialist parties

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This. Although America can't be socialist due to the stupid amount of capitalists, reactionaries, and nazis. It won't happen any time soon… which saddens me as a burger.

My country is being torn apart day after day, but no one wants to listen.

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I have convinced a few reactionaries to be anti-intervention via racist fear mongering. If we convince them that intervention and our intelligence agencies are against their interest, I think we might have more apathetic people run, and with that socialism can more easily spread elsewhere without our cautious attempts to sabotage them.

People who gained a concrete understanding of DiaMat became marxists, not free healthcare.

Disagree. A new world would require that America be isolated and infused with internal unrest. China could take over Europe and Latin America little by little through debt bondage and enforce trade embargoes on America if they start acting up. DPRK will need to develop total self-sufficiency in food and energy production so they may continue ICBM testing with little repercussion and have some leverage.

The FRSO ( seem cool. I like their program and theory stuff on their website.

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Eh, I've converted a few of my ancap friends by ego pilling them; now they're doing the same, so I'm and so forth.

The real trick is converting the normies. Think of the real grug, jnycjlw draggers you've worked with over the years and realize THAT is the majority of the population.

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nazis are worthless in american politics.
at the end of the day american liberals will let the cia do whatever they wan't as long as it's labelled "humanitarian" by the media.

What are everyones thoughts on socialist strategy in the US? Personally I lean towards Cockshottist-socdem style transition(basically what he lays out in transition to socialism for the EU). I think one of the biggest goals short term should be introducing mass democratic reforms focusing on rights to referendum at every level of government(especially federal), and moving towards proportional representation for multi-person elections and ranked choice voting for single person. Socialist parties should be organizing radical referendums and with help in the legislature from PR and RC voting. A federal jobs program with union pay and benefits for rebuilding infrastructure and green technology would go a long way towards raising the ecobomic level of the poor and gaining trust in the socialist party from the masses. Obviously striking down anti union laws(also organizing service workers onto unions is huge), improving workers rights is massively important as well. I like what is going on in the UK with public funding of coops and I think that could get on well here with the addition of municipal banls and right of first refusal legislation. Anti-imperialism is a must for any socialist movement as well, which is a tougher issue to tackle considering the shadow gov that controls it. Obviously this is all a long way off and depends on a mass movement and the right leadership but to think it's worth working for.

Stalino-Posadist nuclear and climate annihilation of heartland reactionaries when?

No. I agree with Zizek here. We have to believe in miracles. They do happen.

This. I like Rick Wolff's approach. Despite what leftcoms will tell you, cooperatives do have revolutionary potential if they exist as an organized force. Given enough of them, I believe they will be likely to spontaneously organize in a non-market ways, just based on the perceived interests of their workers. >it

Gonna go with J Sakai on this one and say you're never gonna get the majority of Americans to back revolution, especially if that revolution deals with (and it'll have to) the various national and ethnic questions the DOTP will inherit from a settler colonialist society. Organize wherever you can and with who ever will listen to the truth about America and its history.

Cooperatives are revolutionary if they're a front and funding for a revolutionary militia or army, they can't do shit by themselves

The imperialist core will never go socialist. Try ending imperialism first

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Thanks it worked

Not exactly true, France is the imperial core and they had the first socialist revolution in history in 1871, it takes a huge military defeat for socialism in the imperial core but it can happen.

Tbh a socialist revolution can happen anywhere the reproduction of the relations of production has fallen below the historically determined acceptable minimum. In other words it can happen anywhere the economic base has deteriorated to the point where standards of living fall below what that population will accept. Read Althusser.

ending imperialism is literally utopian idealism.

You don't even need to end imperialism fully, just decrease the rate of superprofit until the imperialist core can no longer afford to buy loyalty from the labor aristocracy. This tends to happen on its own, but it can be accelerated by anti-imperialist action.

Imagine believing that fucking DiaMat converts more people to Marxism than their own self-interest