What is leftypol's general consensus on accelerationism? What's your personal opinion on it? Can you give examples of accelerationism? I'll be honest i'm not very educated on leftist theory.
Nick Land is right. We should just get it over with and blow up the planet.
On this board, "accelerationism" is basically just a meme where we have a good laugh at the bourgeoisie as they actively become their own gravediggers.
Revolution is actually impossible in the strict sense of the word. You will never recruit a ragtag hoodlum nazbol gang weed to hang the mods by their peepee
Only through the right material conditions can class awareness arise through a series of violent tantrums, social reforms, and class consciousness in the mean while. But even than that is not why you are accelerationst. As you cannot know for certain how compound A will respond with compound B. Capitalism is in itself an apparatus that does not even need a particular bourgeois man to operate upon. Anyone could run this shit. That's why trannies and women do it now.
All you can know for certain is somehow someway, everything you do or don't do causes a ripple. As such perhaps the most conscious revolutionary action you can take is to make your fellow man as fucking miserable as possible and cater to what you think constitutes as the expansion of industrial capitalism and Imperialism.
Because lemme tell you something kid…capitalism always wins. But not always the same flavor of capitalism. It doesn't have to be cuckold porn and reddit mods running the show, it doesn't have to be Donald Trump and maga hat wearing rednecks, it doesn't have to be the Chinese who WILL work your ass to death…
Your ultimate choice is that nothing you do matters so just do what hurts the moderators and their piss ant NPCs complacent to them the most. You won't live long enough to see a better world, so take a nice big shit and make some mod's kid clean it up. Boomerism
A more straight Marxist view (though I'm not an expert) is that you can't have socialism without capitalism first, right? Because capital production is what generates a surplus, which is owned by capitalists who reinvest it and so on. This gives the society a distinct class character (bourgeois) based on the extraction of the surplus from a subordinated wage-labor class (proletariat). This is why Marxists would support bourgeois revolutions inside pre-capitalist societies, like the French revolution which toppled the monarchy and paved the way for urban commercial interests to become the dominant class. It's a kind of accelerationism.
The social and cultural shape of a society is determined by technology and the material relations of productions: who owns what and how people make money. So fast forward a century and the world witnessed socialist revolutions in the 20th century: these new regimes put the main emphasis on building up the "productive forces" as rapidly as possible which was to make socialism possible, since it wasn't in these backward peasant societies like Russia and China.
That's not the way I look at it. Yeah, you're probably right I won't live to see the big orgiastic communist revolution that goes global all in a big snap, but this is just a program for being an anti-social jerk.
I like its ideas.
Looking at industry, technology and politics as a complex set of interacting parts whos interactions add upon each other, cancel each other out, and generate positive and negative feedback loops appeals to me.
BTW accelerationism is not 'make things worse so people revolt' or 'if you just push capitalism as far as possible you'll get communism eventually'.
humans cannot live under capitalism, can't live under industrialized conditions like rats. i welcome acceleration, but i believe in a medical/science infrastructure
The thing is, the further we develop technology, the higher the productivity, the less required work to maintain ourselves.
Getting rid of industry is a step back from the liberation of mankind from labor.
Check out pic related. This is probably the best description of Land's accelerationism I've read, and that's usually what people are talking about in the modern context regarding accelerationism - though not always - for Marx capitalism was a necessary step for socialism and communism, so accelerationism in that context essentially means pouring all gas onto capitalism so that it deterritorializes everyone/everything faster so that we get global revolution sooner. Depends on who you're talking to.
On a more personal note - I doubt that global industrial civilization has more than a hundred years or so left before a mixture of climate change, general ecological overshoot, pollution and it's continued impact on global animal health, soil degradation, oil, clean water, and mineral scarcity, the continued ramping up of the 6th great extinction event, et al. break down supply lines and contribute to famines which lead to regional conflicts in places that will be essentially uninhabitable within a couple generations. A lack of skilled/knowledgeable workers, an inability to gather rarer resources, more immediate human concerns like food, water, and securing what you do have, etc. might be either the end-game of accelerationism or the end of accelerationism or just another phase of accelerationism, depending on who you ask.
That is to say, most of humanity is going to die prematurely, and not in the distant future. We may be able to slow that down and make some areas more resilient, but I believe most of the horror coming to humanity is inevitable at this point.
Will humanity itself persist through this? I would suspect that some will, at least for a while, though perhaps not. Will sentient hyper-capital be at thing at around that time? I kinda' doubt it, but the concept could still be around. Thing is - I don't think Land's view of numenal acceleration into hyper-capital really cares (or is dependent on) if people are around or not. Maybe it does, I'm far from an expert, but the idea that I think he's trying to put forward is that the numenal forces work how they want and do what they want (I don't think time travel is even off the table for them if I understand Land correctly). So Land is basically saying capitulate to/ pour gas on these forces, because they're going to get what they want anyway. You can't fight invisible time-traveling unobservable meme-machines.
So yeah, it's important to know what you're accelerating into. It is generally whatever comes after capitalism, but that can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
You turn the heat up faster than the chef intended, thus causing the frog to notice its being boiled and cut off the chef's head.
Where is Land's concrete proof of these beings that are outside our senses though? How can you infer this stuff with a straight face?
he's probably referring to quantum mechanics
Accelerationism = FSU
I don't even use trash bags anymore; I just put all my garbage in plastic bags and dump those outside in random places to destroy the world faster.
t. praxis gang
More like you blow up the kitchen, killing both the frog and the chef in the process.
History is linear. It goes from Primitivism to Slave Societies to Feudalism to Capitalism, and than to Socialism. This can’t e changed, only spend up or slowed down. So if we want to get to Socialism, we need to speed up Capitalism.
I think diverting the market at this point is futile, we have to allow capitalism to kill itself.
What if Capitalism goes back to Feudalism with Google Towns?
No amount of turning up the gas knob can ever blow up the complete kitchen, you're being hyperbolic. Or are having issues with a gas leak.
He's pulling the concept from Kant.
though as said he may be thinking of it in a more quantum physics/other universe sort of way.
Nick lands whole "thing existing outside of time and space that wants us to accelerate our own destruction" thing reminds me of a guy named john c lilly. He is pretty niche even in conspiracy circles. He was the inventor of the psychedelic flotation tanks. On one of his psychedelic trips he had a vision of similar things to land, he called the creature "the solid state entity", Its an evil AI that is manipulating humanity into building it.
But lilly differs, he says there are good aliens that exist in different dimensions trying to help humans called E.C.C.O
This board misuses accelerationism a lot. Too many people interpret it as "bad things happening is actually good because it hurts capitalism". It's even used as a form of Zig Forums entryism ("vote for fascists to totally own porky guys"). Actual accelerationism is what Marx meant when he expressed support for free trade, accelerating the globalization and maturation of capitalism so the next step would come sooner. The accelerationist choice is actually to vote for globalist neolibs like Democrats and European "classic liberal" parties, who want to do all of that.
I don't know much about NRx accelerationism but from what I've heard it's the same thing except the end result isn't communism but instead capitalism becoming an living entity and eating everyone. But it's good because it'll cause neofeudalism and remove fun or something.
still a preferable outcome to merely boiling the frog.
is nick land actually serious political philosophy or is he a mixture of sci-fi and sam kriss
Kant's thing-in-itself was thoroughly BTFO'd by Hegel, what the fuck is Land doing? He could at least take someone like Nietzsche or Wittgenstein as a starting point.
Ok but why is this entity automatically capital accumulation/sentient capitalism? Does the very entropy of the universe bend towards this or something?
Land is just writing Lovecraft and Marx fan-fiction, don't take it too seriously.
That's actually a nifty and succinct way of putting it. Cheers.
I suppose because capital is a uniquely dynamic force - it sprang up out of humanity and now runs roughshod over the whole of the globe. A sort of man-made-god. For Land I think numenal forces simply push and poke capital in such a way as to engender whatever their ultimate ends are.
It’ll still be capitalism because people ill work for wage labor. However tech companies like google spell their own demise because automation causes the rate of profit to fall. Automation brings us closer to socialism.
Nick Land (a sci fi author of little actual worth) ruined it.
based and blackpilled
No it dosen’t
Read Marx you fucking faggot.
The real answer is to revert capitalism back to when white people controlled it and not GBGBGBthenGBGBGB
If fascists "love their people" so much why does it kill them for profit and/or for resisting capital? Really makes you think.
yeah except for all of those who are getting gassed and thrown into concentration camps aka at least 40% of the population kek
You would know wouldn't you
pick one
The holocaust never happened
oh boy
I wasn't even talking about the jews when I referenced 40% that was just an approximate number based off of votes going to political parties that weren't the nazis in the last free elections but if you want to talk about them here's documents proving the holocaust happened and you're an absolute faggot including German execution lists, blueprints of the chimneys, testimonies from German soldiers, and refutations to every disingenuous meme image that pol has made over the past 10+ years.
Enjoy or keep living in delusion idgaf.
There was glorious 80 or so fucking page rant in PDF form that some user made against fascists. I wish I had it saved.
Yep. Totally happened.
And I'm Canadian not American.
And who controlled them?
t. brainlet
can you use your memory to fetch it from the archives?
The pope controlled the catholic party, Stalin controlled the KPD, the SPD was controlled by German socdems
To claim that the jews were behind everything is literally the most asinine thing you could state. Hitler's party never ever gained a majority in a fair and free election because so many people hated him.
oh so you're just retarded
Wish there was a version of this as a single image and without the unnecessary drug-induced mockery.
Literally all Marxist literature includes humor and mockery
Right, but this guy is just off the wall. Not even just mocking but basically crying out; you could sense his anger and it's splashed all over what is otherwise a good rebuttal.
I think the problem about trying to use possible crematorium or gas chamber numbers is that most Jews were not gassed and cremated, they were just shot. Not to millions of Jews weren't gassed and cremated, but Nazi's like to make it look like all the Jews who died were gassed and cremated to make the numbers seem ridiculous.
*Not to say millions
Fascists are disingenuous faggots and are the spawn of Satan.
You mongrels really need to be killed off
Imagine thinking the Third Reich or El Duche's Italy were capitalist.
Fucking prove it. Even if the Jews were gassed, they sold their country and their women to the lowest bidder. They weren't kin
Privatization in Germany was no different than expropriation/nationalization/socialization of the means of productions. There's not much you've provided that would lead me or anyone else to believe that Hitler's private property was any different that the USSR's personal property. Hell, even Marx wasn't against the notion of free enterprise between proletariat.
Next time, break it up into two or three pictures so we can actually read the text.
Yes you just keep repeating that faggot, maybe it will come true
You're welcome to criticize Fascism anyway you like, but calling it capitalism isn't really a valid method of doing so. The Reich did more to empower the private citizen than any Marxist inspired nation. Privatization in 1930s Germany meant busting the trusts of the Weimar and handing over infrastructure like railroads, foundries, and the postal service from the government to to the worker. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Marx's end goal of a worker's revolution ending the state and giving the means of production to the men working there, and away from the Jews and all other internationalist capitalists? Or are you just dying to hand over corporations to the sovereign hands of the party?
I think it is pretty self-evident that it could work. Revolutions mostly happen when conditions are shit. Look at Russia, China etc.
I would recommend you read 'Industry and Ideology: I. G. Farben in the Nazi Era' by Peter Hayes and 'The Wages of Destruction' by Adam Tooze about the Nazi economy and the role of private capital and industry, which I would argue had more power in the Nazi system than any other major industrial power at the time, including the United States.
It isn't well discussed but the power of the various industrialists within Nazi Germany is significantly understated, as they mostly survived the war and were able to use their money to shape their postwar legacies by collectively pulling a "we had no choice, it was all Hitler and his cronies, we were just innocent workers."
I would instead point to how long it took for Germany to switch to a full war economy as conclusive evidence for the influence of the industrialists. Civilian factories continued to produce their normal goods well into 1943, well after the war had fully turned against Germany and it took Albert Speer until the start of 1944 to put the economy on a full war footing, long after literally every other belligerent had switched. They profiteered off the war at the start because worker wages were way up and unemployment was basically nil, so the overall economy was flush with cash, seized from the conquered and passed to private industry via the war economy.
Germany was also basically tapped out for manpower from day one, with almost every able-bodied adult male already employed in industry or conscripted, so the only real way to increase production was from looted resources and adding more manpower in the form of kidnapped slaves from occupied territories. It took several years for these additional inputs to make themselves felt in the form of increased production of finished war material, though, and Speer took his position at a convenient time to reap the benefits of the massive slave labor programs his predecessors had begun.
Not to say Nazi Germany wasn't a giant clusterfuck of inefficient processes, inefficient design, competing fiefdoms, and duplication of effort, but Speer's ability to untangle that is overstated because he wrote a popular autobiography, which is a suspiciously repeating pattern with a lot of admiringly regarded Nazi leaders.
Yes, handing it out to the poor workers like Krupp and Thyssen (long established monopolists), and giving disenfranchised peasants like Schacht (veteran banker). Get better bait next time, idiot.
Lmao, imagine falling for Hitler's tricks and lies 80 years after the fact.
For a second I thought you had a complaint that wasn't also true of every leftist socialist and communist country.
I appreciate the recommendation, user.
Still more sustainable than the ANC's farm grab or the USSR's collective factories.
Sorry, but revisionist "communist" countries (as despicable as they might've been) doesn't excuse Hitler's unapolegetic class treason.
Don't know anything about the ANC's farm grab, but the USSR-style central planning was much more sustainable than the Nazi economy, which by 1939 could only grow through military conquest, looting and slavery. But like I said, the problem was that the Nazis did not have the manpower to sustain a prolonged war effort in the east, which is the central reason why they lost.
Rather than giving industrial sized farms to workers who've cut their teeth in the field, it's just being given to the needy as a quick fix to slash unemployment. Could probably work a victory garden scale, but not when it involves crop rotation, industrial fertilizer, or complex irrigation.
how many layers of not an argument are you on?
Literally as many layers as the person who posted that shit macro. 300,000
the one you didn't even read, you mean
About 1/3rd of it. The rest of it is unreadable in its current res
okay so then fuck off you illiterate faggot, you are mentally incapable of arguing anything and only hurt your cause.
I expect only the best from Zig Forums
Okay then you can explain to me how 5,700,000 Jews were killed and had their bodies disposed of in 1095 days. I'm an illiterate faggot so use small words please.
Maybe if you open the pic in a new tab, you'd realize that the res is 3200x2800 and completely readable. Maybe you just don't want to read it
This user claims in 1942 ~360,000 Jews had been exterminated in the camps. Keep up, sunshine.
All i can do atm is pinch to zoom.
9 years is still not 1000 days
Does the Ministry of Applied Eugenics know of your deficient eyesight?
No, three years is 1095 days. The Germans surrendered in 1945, three years after 1942 turbo retard.
No, they're too busy putting Planned Parenthood clinics in black neighborhoods so I'll be good for awhile
what fucking math are you doing? they reported in 1942 (basically 43) that 300,000 had been killed. not that 300,000 were going to be killed, that they had been. where the fuck is your 3 years coming from?
1942, from when 300,000 dead Jews had been reported, up until 1945 when the Reich was deposed. Unless you somehow believe the genocide continued after that?
you're baiting right?
It says that 300 000 were killed from August 1942 to December 1942. Not that 300 000 were killed up to that point. Not that 300 000 were killed the year of 1942, but that 300 000 were killed in four months.
What are you not getting? From the start of the war up until 1942, 360,000 Jews had been executed. In 1945, 6,000,000 Jews had allegedly been killed. I don't know if you're overthinking this or what, but it's a pretty straightforward question.
If those documents are legitimate, then the Holocaust must have ramped up and claimed over 5,000 Jews a day to reach the mythical number.
That's not remotely what the document says, you ultra retard. Leave it to an American nazi to not understand anything causing them to defend a regime that basically considered Americans to be degenerates with no culture of their own.
That said, that part of the macro was misleadingly worded so I get why a misunderstanding could happen
ingesamt is german for "a total of", you fucking idiot.
Aha. So you understand German? That is proof you are a nazi.
Totalling up the brackets showing how many people killed in august, september, octobre and november (which is pretty obvious when looking at the numbers). They reported 165000 dead jews in september alone (which is more than 5000 jews a day). Just take a closer look at the fucking thing, would you please
If he did, he'd have no problem not misunderstanding the fuck out of that report.
The words to describe lefty idiocy evade me.