Midterm Thread

Now that the midterms are over, it looks like America might be closer to a civil war.

So far no threads about the midterms have been made here.

So here is a discussion thread?

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I really hope that there isn't a civil war, it'd be too deadly for the workers to ever profit from it, let alone actually ever recover.

…but I wouldn't be surprised if something big happened soon.

Just go here

Excuse me? Communism in USA was never on the table.

How exactly?

4d chess

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Civil wars aren't fought over ideals.The bourg are still largely on the same side.

They do not currently fear the pitchforks. And any civil war in USA would quickly become a world war.

democrats have their protests tomorrow



I don't think there will be anything like that, but calamities have a way of spreading extremely suddenly and unexpectedly.

Yes, quantitative changes become qualitative, we know.

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Absolutely based and nazbolpilled how triggered are Zig Forums zionists over this?

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Which faction should I join? The pro capitalist party that hates minorities or the prop capitalist party that says minorities are sort of okay?

Whichever one destabilises the country.

Both are worse

Reminder that a "civil war" doesn't mean "two sides fight each other in one country" there can be endless factions. If anything a new American Civil War would be the perfect time to start commie pilling both the more class conscious libs and the disaffected members of the working class who don't give a shit about either dems or republicans and start a real Leftist movement. kind of like the Bolsheviks did :^)

Most any unironic discussion of american civil war II is a shill trying to push it into our consciousness as even remotely a possibility.

Technology has drawn lines that aren't conducive to civil war. Back in the day it was practically a straight line dividing the US in two. Because of communication and travel etc etc you would likely only associate with people local to you.

Now a days the internet has allowed people from anywhere to be apart of anything. At most it would lead to some cities being put on lockdown martial law status.


Americans have a really narrow view of what "civil war" means due to the one in their country being so supposedly black and white.
The irony of course is that there were tons of events during the American Civil war that repudiate the whole "everyone in the North hated the Confederacy and everyone in the Confederacy hated the North and the only people who did any fighting during that time were the militaries of the respective countries" version of the war.

Basically Americans think civil war means "two factions of one country don't like each other so they form organized militaries and fight for a prolonged period of time til one or the other side 'wins' " because that's sort of how it went here

The only place in the first world I could see it going down this way today is N.Ire.
Everywhere else would begin with flashpoints of violence, which eventually would become hubs of activity, until whole cities and counties are against each other if the government allowed it to get out of their control. People would likely travel to and from areas they support rather than base their fighting from home.

Not that this wouldn't happen but in the USA there are a lot of states, with Texas and California perhaps being the biggest example, where people feel more pride about the state than being an American generally. I feel like what you're saying would still happen if a new civil war broke out in America but also a phenomenon of states such as these fighting out their own smaller civil wars.

Oh yeah, I think you could include New York in that too simply by virtue of how ideologically entrenched these states are along with their decent economies. There would be some trouble in places like Austin for them (only outlier I can think of off top of my head). I could definitely see some right wingers going full guerrilla in California, starting fires and setting off car bombs etc.
I think eventually they'd consolidate and it would look like coast vs mainland for the most part, despite all the foreplay to get there.

Dallas has also gone Leftward recently and so has Houston (a D.SA guy just elected to be a judge in a decent sized district there). All three cities are still pretty much just liberalism though, albeit left-leaning for the most part.
In California there's also tons of anarkiddies who love living there but hate both all the silicon valley neoliberal bullshit and also the prevalence of fascists in some parts of the state so I could see it getting pretty serious there.

Critical support for the incoherent anarkiddies against Silicon Valley.
The politics after the dust settled would be just as crackpot as it is now too, with the market fascist Greater Texan Union constantly being completely butthurt at having to manage one of the largest land borders on the planet and being unable to stop Latinos coming in from E+S+W. Aggressive posturing and paranoid ramblings about libtard conspiracies abound.

I hope there would be a civil war in the US, that would mean a long "break" for imperialism, also Balkanization of capitalists states is always a good thing.
Even if I really doubt this would happen in this half-century.

If it happens, should I come over from Europe to fight alongside the Anarkiddies? Perhaps I could talk some sense into them.

Lad, Europe has enough problems of its own right now for you to waste your time dicking around with anarkiddies and Americans

(first reply here) I'm in the UK, don't waste your time on Americans especially since the left there will be crushed.
Just get a flight to Liverpool or Manchester when the UK finally loses its mind.

This. Corbyn is the ONE good thing happening for the Western Left right now and if there's enough socialists on the ground to protect him from a reactionary coup once Labour inevitably gets control of government he might actually make the UK Titoist

Kek, we'll be the true ideological successors and fund it with Wonga payday loans.
I think if Corbyn gets couped it will be McDonnell time tbqh, then the reactionaries are really going to get fucked in the ass.

we need zoos

We need to take control of the UK. And build a Fleet.


If there's a civil war I'm restarting the Molly Maguires

Is there really any way to redeem the US, or any other social democrat countries, right now?


The world chose its fate when the Soviet Union fell. And they should taste this victory for capital to the fullest.

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well fuck you too then