how do you plan on addressing the fact that rural farmowners are reactionary as fuck and will probably just burn crops (essentially destroying the base of all infrastructure) as soon as industrial workers successfully revolt?
MTW has the answer. do you?
Okay First Worldists
Forcibly take their produce and gulag their family for five generations
I think you know the answer.
What is the third worldist answer?
While i don't think farmers are that big of a problem, a majority of the working class is quite reactionary. Now the real answer would be class conciseness but even there it will be very hard to educate almost everyone. I'm not a third-worldlist but i do see this as a problem.
Small Rural farmowners represent a tiny fraction of landownership compared to corporate farms.
The worst part of that film is that Bane would have had a pretty good point about fighting some billionaire who spends all his cash beating up small time criminals and doing little to help his city and obsessing with revenge on lumpens while millions of people like Bane rot in ditches, but Nolan was like "Woah this Bane guy is a little too cool, better make him a fruity cultist".
Fags will say it's fitting to the lore like obeying camp comic fantasy is better than writing a decent story complete with deconstruction. Their opinion is invalid.
no, they are bourgeoisie, that's why they wouldn't support collectivisation. I live near various farmlands and they all live in big houses with nice cars. Some are in business with the local government and housing developers to eradicate the green spaces of our borough, farming isn't a humble occupation anymore, most work is done by machines and the sun, which just proves the thesis of luxury communism being inevitable if implemented in the west.
Tat's the the point. Nolan thinks that revolutionaries are motivated by fruity cultism and a desire to watch the world burn whilst that faggot Batman is a brave Ayn Randian ubermensch billionaire Ben Shapiro watching conservatard who is holding back the masses of criminals and revolting proles by keeping order in an inherently imperfect world
for u
War Communism? that involves the introduction of bureaucracy which is exactly what brought neoliberalism to the USSR.
that the revolution must start on the farms.
How would revolution start in farms if the farmowners are much more reactionary than industrial workers?
except it answers nothing, like the lack of "revolutionary potential" repeatedly displayed by their romanticized "savage people", their complete abandonment of Marxist Leninist principles on anti-imperialism and political work in imperialist nations, their fascism apologetic defeatist retarded whining and bitching while getting drunk on identity politics while pretending to condemn it
third worldists are just fascists with extra steps
As far as I'm concerned everything after the "twist" is all CIA propaganda.
Bane's first worldist revolutionary path outlined.
0. Hijack and crash a plane containing high level officials to make an international distraction.
1. Seize nuclear weapons from the black market, allowing immediately to force reactionaries onto the bargaining table.
2. Seize power from the local bourgeoisie though their own institutions.
3. Buy up enough land with company money to ensure the self sufficiency of the cities.
4. Collapse the local economy, force a crisis to stun the masses into action.
5. Raise an army from the downtrodden. Show those not yet radicalized how revolutionary zeal can birth heroes.
6. Infiltrate and gather intelligence on the local authorities, inserting infiltrators at every possible point.
7. ???
8. Communism
Such is the age of blackest reaction.
You try to salvage the crops that aren’t burned. Using GMOs you replant crops that are meant to grow supper fast to be able to be planted and harvested during Summer. Than you do food rations in the winter, and do a normal plant/harvest cycle the next spring. Allowing for agriculture to be stabilized.
Take a current/ongoing issue of rural dairy farmers in Australia. They have been caught up in a supermarket price war between Coles and Woolworths.
The retail cost of 1 L of super market brand milk = $1AUD. The super markets takes 68 cents, packaging/distribution take about 14 cents and the farmers take about 18 cents (not sure if the ratio has changed in the past few years). Many small independent farmers have had to file bankruptcy/ go on welfare. Additional the dairy farmers protection agency head had pocketed a few million. Truly scum of the earth. However, due to geographical remoteness, neoliberal austerity, false egalitarianism,and hard yakka mentality of the farmers (and Australia in general) there is little in the way of hopes for a strong political swing towards the left. Additional, Australian Union membership is plummeting.
However, I really don't see these people, with the potential for a better way of handling this crisis. Trotting their livestock into the incinerator, due to much red scare. Australian dairy farmers are exploited and alienated by their labour, in which the free market is holding a rifle to them and their families.
A lot of the blame somehow escapes the supermarkets and is placed on the consumer. But this is public misdirection/ that shifts the issue from a structural to an agency issue. Which it is not.
Dairy farmers revolutionary potential 4.5/10
Needs more unions / leftypol discourse injected into the mainstream.
Side note I think I might make some pamphlets and send it to all the dairy farmers locked in contracts with the supermarket. Would be fun to see a milk strike / shortage in Aus right now.
Another side note I think I will stop posting from my phone, the level of typos is disgusting.
shit, did he actually predict this?