Why do they hate her so much?
Look, I like AOC for her policies, but she and the Justice Dems need to cut this shit out regarding idpol / PC nonsense.
It's not necessarily a slight against your gender and color if someone mistakes who you are. It's not a major statement of oppression . It's just someone making a mistake innocently, much of the time. Let's face it someone in their 20s or 30s around Congress is more likely to be a staffer or spouse etc.. especially when it isn't like she is even seated in Congress yet so nobody will know her as a rep on sight.
If she and the rest of us leftist want real policy changes we can't play annoying idpol games or clutch pearls seeing racism sexism etc behind every action.
Honestly if she is coming out of stuff like this, she may not be coopted afterall: if the dems are going full exclusion like this she won't be enamoured to following the line. Still, the democrats are a party that at its fundamentality cannot be coopted or turned into a mass movement leftwing party, this needs to be understood by American leftists.
Justice Dems are explicitly anti-idpol. They base their policies on Pauline universalism.
This doesn't help. There are few roads to real left policies without them for now thanks to a 2 party system entrenched. There have been tons of good left policies from the Greens and whatnot but they can't hit critical mass yet. The system is designed to prevent this.
Either we take over the D party and make progress with real left issues including rolling back citizens united, changing to a runoff or ranked choice system, put an end to gerrymandering etc… Or we spend years trying to get a critical mass of 3rd parties that are handicapped from the start.
Like it or not we need to capitalize on Dems ideological rightness and replace corporate Dems with leftists. Go look at Justice Democrats policies and this is covered there. In the US out parties change from the inside it happened before and can happen again.
Moron. Saying stupid shit like this will soon be her reputation. She should be more careful about her personal brand.
In theory, but look at AOC quote here. Look at the Justice Dems page and policies. They specifically mentioned something like "people who look like / are representative of the districts they are from". Most of those they support are heavy on idpol accusations of racism and sexism outside of general policies. Hell there is only one white guy supported last I checked! They seem to invoke whiteness and maleness as the enemy and feel that replacing them is the way forward.
They have some good policies on paper but there seems to be something of a dog whistle for a certain kind of person, which is a shame because the rest of their policies are sound.
The truth is that neither is a viable strategy for socialists. The American electoral system is built from the ground up to hamper any radical change, and the Democrats can hardly even be considered a party. It is a clique of politicians, with no popular membership or base, selling a political 'image' to the voters. It cannot be reformed. Ultimately, any socialist attempt to play the electoral game on a federal level is doomed to fail. You are either coopted, frozen out, or forced to be a third party. You would have a much easier time working on a local level and building a base from there (and that is historically what the most successful third parties did).
This is another complimentary road, but that resistance is why I think it's better to travel it by changing the party itself by doing what you said. In modern history there is rarely a chance of 3rd parties succeeding because of the roadblocks in the way. However, look at the party nature of the big two.
At one point R were the liberal party of abolition and D we're conservative dixiecrat slaveholder and segregation types. Later look at how FDR and Wallace made the Dems implement strong left policies and it continues to be the left party through Carter until McGovern's loss, before going back right under Clinton and the Third Way bullshit. This on turn to deal with the less shitty Eisenhower Republicans become the hugely shitty neocon Nixon and Regan Republicans! Most recently the tea party movement funded and coopted by the Kochsuckers pulled the R even farther right!
We can remold the Democrats and begin to pull this country into a modern future by turning left.
Except it won't work, The Democrats are fundamentally a liberal party of capital. No sensible socialist in the UK would suggest that the liberal democrats could be a vehicle of socialist change because it is a party ideologically and systematically constructed to support capital. It is not a party of labour (like UK Lab) and as such cannot be used to transform the structures of the party into a mass socialist movement.
The issue with American politics is that it is a de facto enforced duopoly, however to deal with that you need to ignore national politics and instead focus on the local. Build up local support structures, challenge them at the state, county, city, district level. To do this, you need to openly fight the Democratic party itself: the more people you embed with them the more difficult that becomes. There will become a point where the Democrat Cops of America has to choose between being the Red Wing of the Democratic party or the foundation of a mass political movement. And it is going to come soon.
This sounds like either a refusal to choose the good for lack of the perfect.
There is a real chance to get universal public health care, green new deal policies for environmental and infrastructure, fix shit in how broken our voting system is and weaken or compromise the stranglehold the ultra wealthu have on the rest of us. These are important goals that mean real progress.
This is the first generation in a long time, since there were fucking blacklists that socialist ideas in some form are not instantly rejected Europe Scandinavian socialism can be held up as a yes it can actually work sort of thing against the fearmongering etc.
The 2 party system is resilient from external attack. Attempting to do so or to claim well you're not socialist enough unless we eliminate any private ownership or any other purity test will only make the other side more attractive because it will appear as a scary outsider and they bank on continue fear there of. By changing the party itself by , as you described, getting more elected Justice , Green, and other leftist progressives into D seats, we can win
The right hate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for being a leftist.
The left hate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for not being a leftist while pretending to be one.
Become a leftist politician they said….
It will be fun they said…..
she is just another one of those super butthurt spics that spends all of her time seething, you can just tell she's one of those
FUCK reggaton music
The Dems are structured in such a way as to make a leftist takeover impossible. Look what happened to Bernie ffs, their internal structure is highly undemocratic and their leadership can easily shut down any challenge to their power. The two party system also rules out third parties as real options. The only alternative then is to try to get individual leftist candidates elected (whether they be independents or dems) and to act outside electoral politics.
Well, idpol has fallen out of fashion, so its proponents have to pretend to be reasonable now.
What is it with nazis and fucking reggaeton man jheeze.
Except there isn't, the democratic establishment will never support that. They are a party of the insurance companies, of the fossifual giants, of the ultra wealthy who fund them. It is against the interests to do all of these things.
Not arguing against Scandinavian social democracy, but if you want that then the Democrats are not a vehicle for it.
You want to know how UK Labour got to power in 1945 and almost introduced a planned economy? Because it did fight outside the longest lasting two party system in human history.
There is the possibility if we get enough people to change the face of the party and or make them dependent on real leftists elected in the party or the occasional independent/Green . Consider the Tea Party wing taking over the Republicans.
The corporate Democrats will never be for socdem/demsoc or any kind of leftist reforms that hurt their handlers, but that is why we stack the party with strong non corporate Dems. AOC and other Justice dems, Green Dems , OurRevolution Bernie bros etc
I'd have to read up more on UK Labor back then but there is a huge gulf in era, country etc…to the point that I can't see any policy from then playing out here and now in a beneficial way.
AOC and the new wave of actual leftist Democrats can remake the party, but they cannot play idpol, act oversensitive, dismiss white/male/straight/cis as bad unless they're self hating or see racism sexism boogyman behind every corner. There is too much riding on their success.
she's cute tbh, she just has crazy fierce eyes
Honestly, I'll give it to AOC that the establishment actually considers her and other socdems as a threat. Even the modest demand of free education and healthcare means a threat to profits and/or military spending. Welfarism could possibly kickstart serious anti-imperialist discourse.
reggaeton is chauvinist capitalist garbage, just like you
absolute madwoman
i'll grant her one thing
She is already making ostensibly left-democrats like Sanders look like a lazy pieces of shit. Clearly she has significantly more balls than any previous left faction of the democratic congress in recent memory.
One thing AOC does is livestream a lot. She'll be chopping vegetables in the evening talking about organized labor to her Facebook fans. The only other politician I've really seen do this is Beto O'Rourke but he's a total cuck. The livestreaming is the wave of the future though I think
I do think the left is too wrapped up in this stuff but I also wouldn't get too distracted by it. Hell, for all I know she's right. The United States is crazy low on the list of women in the national parliament / congress, etc. I believe before this recent crop of new reps we were equivalent to Saudi Arabia and Kyrgyzstan. Like ranked around 100 out of 190 (190 being the worst). So it wouldn't surprise me if she showed up to Congress and aides were like "oh, so who's husband are you?" Put yourself in her shoes for a moment.
Fun anecdote: The top countries for women in parliaments? Rwanda, Cuba, Bolivia, Mexico and Grenada.
This is to her advantage I think, like anime. The people saying she has crazy eyes are just reacting negatively because they didn't like her to begin with and know those eyes are attractive.
a bunch of countries in Latin America have constitutional requirements for a certain portion of legislators to be female
I wouldn't say her eyes alone are either attractive or unattractive, but I think we can objectively say that they are crazy.
I get that you think she's cute and all but don't let that confuse you.
Also she is my wife and I will convert her into my perfect brown ☭TANKIE☭
Seriously though, gaze into the eyes of AOC!
pick one
Why did tumblr draw japanese womens faces to look like white men
This pic makes me ill.
Wait isnt the point that they are traps?
Anime AOC lewds when?
girl lookin like a snack in that red dress tbh
You can tell that they all have nasty flapjack tits too. I swear these people exist to push people to the right. I was about to regurgitate some /r9k/, Zig Forums tier stuff… I guess attractive women aren't real women then
Maybe she'll go back on militarism and Zionism, since she's getting fuck all for cucking out to the dems
stop waifuing any leftist female politician you fucking cretins
Huh, I actually like the thought of this. Especially considering she brings up organized labor and not just welfarism that can't be realized without the backing of real working class power (as far as I remember, bernie talked more generally about inequality and not concretely about labor)
Should leftist politicians embrace casual livestreaming?
It has the potential to be the Internet Age's fireside chats, so yes.
and their nozomi is a sasquatch.
considering she aims to recreate the new deal, and thus, like fdr did before, regenerate the burger political system, i don't see how this needs working class backing, you do know that porky wants to stay in business, and ultimately will fall back on this to quell the working class, regardless of their backing
Please fucking stop with those images.
Please stop man.
Because she is pro Palestinian.
there are countless capitalist occupations around the world, but it really seems like porky has a particular hate boner towards palestine
You are right of course, but AOC is literally the most physically attractive politician in American history
First off what you suggest isn’t socialism, it’s social-demcoracy. Still it’ll only get done through direct action and rioting. Not electoralism.
*teleports behind you*
The internet gives us the power to have town hall meetings whenever we want. Why not embrace that? It would also help the left separate itself from the establishment who can't risk someone asking the wrong questions.
She needs to ware purple colored contacts to make her transition into an anime character complete.
Because this female Latina millennial is literally the new Lenin who will transform the democrat party. She is a political genius who is totally willing to take down the democratic machine and the donor class
You mean “Latinx" you shitloard. Check your privilege, gender is reactionary.
holy FUCK
She was also wearing a Teamsters shirt while livestreaming and chopping vegetables in some insane leftist ASMR demonstration
I don't know very much about her. What's her views about economics and workers violent overthrow of the ruling class?
Nah, there's plenty of women with confident gazes and shit. She straight up has sanpaku eyes.
inb4 someone calls this phrenology. It's not the shape of the face. It's facial expression. Just like those SJWs like the guy who kicked that girl having weirdly over-expressive faces.
Bernie and Justice Dems specifically campaigned on anti-idpol.
Damn, how the hell does she have old lady neck 29? Wasn't she a bartender? They're usually alcoholics themselves and booze ages you.
Damn I guess the DNC found Zig Forums guesz it couldn't stay a secret forever.
Fucking kek.
But if you've studied communist art you'd know that the eyes are always the focus of leader portraits as they reflect the unique mastery these people have of the science of dialectical materialism