Since nazifags are unable to comprehend pathos and base all of their views on logos and ethos (and also don't know what any of these words mean, fucking illiterates) can we get a thread going which shows examples of fascists, nazis, etc. selling out? A sort of rightwing opportunism, as it were. Start with something simple, Hitler:
Finally, I need your help finding a certain "last testament" (read: autistic meltdown") that Hitler had in his bunker a few days before he finally shot himself in the head summoned his persona. Anyway, can't recall the exact speech, but he basically admits that the German people lost because they were inferior and that Russians were the master race so they deserve to take over the world, not the inferior German people. Then he blamed the German people for making him lose the war, and said it was all their fault (despite the fact he was just a shit leader in general and he TOLD them to make all the stupid decisions.) Please help, and thanks.
Based Germans destroying Judeo-Christian Europe from the inside. Reminder that during the White Genocid, only Germans will be spared, because there the only good whites. (Slavs will survive but they aren’t white) t Afrobol Gang
I can't bother looking up right now but Hitler once said how he wouldn't mind if the Japanese took over Australia, even if it means destruction of white race in Australia because Japs are a noble race and Australians are descendants of criminals and convicts. It's easy to look for, just google Hitler Australia and it will come up
Brayden Phillips
Tbh I don't see all those quotes about Islam as fascists selling out but simply being honest about their beliefs, obviously they'd never say shit like this publicly, and there it was where they lied to the masses about "muh christianity" and shit like that.
Lebensraum was an excuse for influence and land and it was more or less agreed mutually to go down as war anyway by Stalin and Hitler. The Holocaust was preventable before it started. Supremacy isn't always a bad thing if it helps revolutionary movement. Still need that page number.
Ian Morris
yeah I posted it just for Hitler and the other guy, but it also included other people and I didn't mean to imply those other guys were selling out.
Also, taken out of the context of saying "THE holocaust", a holocaust, in hebrew terms, is a name for any mass murder. They named the slaughter of Russian civilians as the Russian Holocaust as well.
Also Hitler hated Pagans and the Germanic tribes. Imagine hating your "origins" so much that you make shit up, but then use those same origins as why you're supposedly superior in the first place. In a way, Hitler reminds me of Chris(tina) Chan: when he does something good, it's because his autism makes him special and better than everyone else; when he does something bad, it's not his fault, he has autism and we're all expected to understand. This simultaneous excuse of having something that makes you better and at the same time worse off than everyone else is a convienent world-framing device that only suits the petty narcissitic self-image, but now projected onto an entire peoples. But nazifags are full of doublethink, double standards, and conflicting world narratives.
Are czechs slavs? If so, does Zig Forums consider slavs to be white? Not saying they aren't, just would like to know what their take on this would be.
Charles Hughes
Oh by the way looking at the realcurrencies blog I found this along with a lot of reaching in the first two blogs. Ancom user, like other people have pointed out itt it seems to me like you're randomly throwing out random images to try and slander the Nazi's. It's not really looking too good for you. I mean if you were spamming this on Zig Forums it'd be useful, but so far this seems like a circle jerk thread run by one guy. So is paganism good? Did Hitler kill your grandfather or something?
You missed the point of the thread, it's to show the blatant hypocrisy and selling out in the leaders Zig Forumsfags jack off to, as stated in the OP. as for the content of itself, "is paganism good?" it's irrelevent, it's not what the point of discussion is. It's the hypocisy.
James Carter
NO t.totalist gang
Josiah Butler
This is the dumbest reason to start a anti-Nazi thread I've ever seen. Hijacking this thread with good anti Nazi and Fascist content.
Are you retarded? That's not what I said at all. Fuck off.
Brody Smith
tl;dr of the second pic:
Isaac Lewis
None of what Hitler said made him a hypocrite from what I can see. The man called the Swiss subhuman and they are. it seems to me like you're misidentifying and generalizing a lot of what you think he said and finding quotes to blur those simplifications, you'd have to give one's where he said one thing and did a complete 180 without justification.
James Nguyen
From what I can remember back when trolling Zig Forums they were honest enough to admit Hitler hated pagans and most pagans weren't Nazi's, the one's that were were quickly pointed out to be idealist retards.
Xavier Rivera
you misunderstand. neopagans larp at being pagans. they paint a veneer on themselves but in their heart of hearts, they don't believe the religion/spirituality.
Aaron Thompson
Ryder Flores
You guys do realize that Nazis arent retarded, right? They arent sellouts either. These are people with a vested interest in Capitalism. The reasons they give for what they do are nonsensical or illogical, but that is just the surface of what they are doing. Everything they do is to preserve Capitalism. When they "sellout", they are preserving Capitalism like they were. When they say "stupid" things, they are spreading propaganda to justify the preservation of Capitalism. Furthermore, individual Nazis arent immune of this, and even a "true" Nazi isnt immune from this. Knowingly or unknowingly, their beliefs are tailor made to perpetuate Capitalism. The fool is the production of the master, and the fool becomes the master, and so on…. Their beliefs naturally create and perpetuate Capitalism, and they naturally make concessions for their primary belief in Capitalism. They can even profess antiCapitalism, but they are either lying or ingorant. They are against "Capitalism", but will preserve the actual Marxist definition Capitalism. Even if they understood Capitalism, it still wouldnt matter. They would A.) no longer be Fascists, B.) stay Fascists, or C.) innefectually "resist" Capitalism while being slowly crushed by the Bourgeois. In C.), the "anticapitalist fascists" will lose the support of the bourgeois and the proletariat, and will be crushed by the bourgeouis. The bourgeois have repeatedly and consistently shown deft ability to destroy anticapitalist movements, and calling yourself a "fascist"/being racist/whatever will just aid in their destruction.
Julian Cook
They consider them German and it's called Sudetenland to them
Lincoln Martin
were da lie in da 2nd one
Ayden Ross
And what of the neo-feudalists among the bourgeois class and their ideologue lackeys - the Silicon Valley technocrats being examples of this with potentially-feudalistic software policies? Is SaaS not an example of this? The bourgeoisie too will succumb to the most vile reaction among their ranks. We already see many of them LARP as Satanic cultists and whatever else. We already see large swathes of them turning towards increasingly-desperate ethnonationalism and other shit. At this rate, we are going to have to fight against a most bourgeois anticapitalism - a new Romanticism which is already spreading like wildfire. I am not saying that shit like the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement is representative of current expressions of the dominant ideology, but that it is that dominant ideology taken to its ultimate extremes.
Xavier Davis
well meme'd
Camden Wright
Lol right? They're just regular feudalists.
Blake King
Blake Kelly
You don't need to take a big fat shit on dialectical materialism to make a point about how capitalism sucks, you know.
Jaxon Gray
Reminder that Antonescu wrote the same thing to his wife just before he was trialed and shot, that Romanians were dumb and ungrateful to him. Fascists are always literal infantile babies with no connection or love for people whatsoever, only this deluded idea of 'their people' which has never existed, and are always in for a rude awakening when they realise this and how much everyone actually despises them and throw a tantrum about it before people shoot them.
Brandon Moore
It is not that they are cold, but that they reserve their warmth for Others when they're pushed, believing that they will be confronted with meaninglessness without those Others. It is Communists who must be able to be truly cold, for a key goal of ours is to take control of Others (or, to use Stirner's word: spooks) - after all, we aren't simply going to 'know' the social world and do nothing with that knowledge.
oh so you're a Zig Forumsfag, I get it now. Fuck off.
David Garcia
Nazis are stupid as fuck It's nearly the opposite, virtually none of the arguments are an appeal to logos and nearly all are pathetic in both senses. Any appeal to ethos given the well-established moral bankruptcy demonstrated by Nazis and neonazis is laughable at best, and a horrifying unintentional satire of ethics at worse.
Sorry I just realized I ordered it wrongly, I meant to say that their logic was based on emotions and the identity of the speaker (and aesthetics, etc.) rather than reason & rationalism.
They literally promoted premaritial sex to the BDM (League of German Girls) in order to increase population growth. So much for being "anti-degeneracy".
If he means they wouldn't have played Africa by Toto then Hoxha is a fucking idiot.
Owen Taylor
First one is from Hitler's Table Talk, 18th December 1941. Second one is from The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler: The Hitler-Bormann Documents, February-April 1945.
Hoxha's right. denying pre-existing social norms simply for the sake of doing so is more primitivist than socialist. Culture needs to be redeveloped rather than deconstructed entirely in order to promote and maintain classlessness. Though I'm not sure what the fuck he means by screaming jungle music. I haven't listened to much 80s rock but I can't imagine any of the lyrics translating to "be a revisionist classcuck"
Blake Gonzalez
Cheers m8
Grayson Cook
That's your grandfather describing any music you degenerate youngsters are listening to.
i don't think those last bars have a positive connotation. also socialism/communism isn't just "when stuff is equal" anyway
Eli Gomez
I like it when people say things with the implication it's bad but it's actually good, especially coming from a 70's rock band you know what they're getting at is Lennon tier "Like, wow, don't be mean to the big trees, maaan." Stuff like "equality" is unobtainable but I think on paper you can make an exception for equal rights. The rights won't be equally enforced but if you've not got them you should try to get them.