Something something Chinese characteristics.
Young Activists Go Missing in China, Raising Fears of Crackdown
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Good. Left wing communism is an infantile disorder.
this should be a bannable offense
maybe he's just their dad
Don't know why Zig Forums is so adamant on defending this repressive asshole.
50 Cent Army and dupes
Pretty straightforward 同志
That shit is wild yo
because it's more fun to project our fantasies of global socialist strength onto an emerging superpower than to acknowledge the cold bitter truth that we don't have shit going for us and still have a lot of work to do if we ever want to see our dreams of socialism come true
Not only that China will never ever fucking help leftists anywhere else in the world. They are more "socialism-in-one-country" than the Soviet Union ever was.
Why is there a china thread every 10 minutes? Atro-turfing for the CIA again? This is the problem with western "leftists", just imperialists in sheeps clothing.
Also you're the same guy moaning about chinese in the other thread. You obviously have some vested interest in their downfall. I hope china supersedes America and has you fuckers starve.
real socialism gang
Who gives a fuck what happens to western "leftists"? They've destroyed socialism in the west and have actively hindered its progress world wide. Fuck them.
oh hell yea im almost there
I put my hopes in juche
top fucking kek
China is a puppet state of People's Korea
Dengoids get the bullet too.
lol, more likely we'll die waiting them
go back to your memes, liberal
t. western white boy
Dengists are cancer.
anti-dengist are nothing but antisemite racist tinfoil-hat sperg-outs
Here's how the Chinese government (National People's Congress) works: Imagine the US Congress, but instead of greasy politicians who put on an act to represent their constituents with bullshit platitudes and political talking points while getting paid by lobbyists of corporations to represent their interests by proxy, you instead have the billionaires and multi-millionaires themselves being the senators and congressmen, writing all the laws of the country. This is partly how China beats all other countries at capitalism: you have an authoritarian one-party state run by corporate executives and heads of state institutions. Meanwhile you have the head of state give the occasional tribute to Karl Marx or Zedong Mao in a speech, reassuring the population that one day, maybe by 100 years from now, China will "build up socialism" or some other platitude.
B-but muh productive forces
It's so awfully transparent what you're trying to do here, just another cunt seeking to shift the narrative to something amicable to US interests. The story of "leftism" in the west.
Thing is, we don't even have many threads decrying the US government. We just have them decrying le ebil right wingers and republicans. Something tells me the majority wouldn't even be fucking "leftists" if it wasn't for trump.
Technocracy with maoist aesthetics.
Kys class traitor. The solution to the conflict between Chinese and American capital and imperialism isn’t too side with one or the other. The workers have nothing to gain from such conflicts, the only option is for workers in all countries to show solidarity against reactionary regimes and their wars. Both American and Chinese workers need to unite against both Chinese and American capital.
Nah mate, just have china nuke the scum infested land tbh.
Never do Maotism kids
Their not working class
Their mainly university students who have been used by the US on multiple occasions to push reactionary movements against Goverments they are opposed to (Czechoslovakia / Poland / China 1989 etc)
Despite not using a trip or a flag or anything it's extremely easy to identify posts by this user due to how fucking schizo he is. Take your meds.
They’ve literally been joining striking Chinese workers on the picket lines and you’re calling them CIA agents for it. You’re blatantly siding with capital against the Chinese working class and communist movements.
What does Zig Forums think of Christianity spreading in China? Never been here before. Everyone a fedora?
The workers and these students have very different aims the workers simply wish to see some of the issues in the Chinese economy addressed while these students are effectivly calling for the end of China's entire political system and welcoming in western Liberalism
Yes to attempt to infiltrate the strikes with their reactionary character
It is similar to the situation in Poland where the striking workers had genuine grievances which was harnessed by a group of Right-Wing intellectuals masquerading as communists in the form of a trade union to dismantle socialism
Literally as correct and succinct a description as I am aware of. The CPC presents itself as a technocracy, a meritocracy of the highly skilled, in order to legitimize itself. It promotes the idea that you can only move up if you meet objective performance criteria etc.
Obviously in reality if you want to understand the CPC you’re better off considering it as working at maintaining its own power. It really doesn’t care about the rights of capitalists broadly speaking, the party will purge and make examples of capitalists to bolster their legitimacy, to maintain power. I think somebody here posted a recent study into Xi’s purges that showed it largely was concerned with rooting out real corruption, as long as it wasn’t connected to Xi or his circle. That was a PR necessity for them, to do anti-corruption politics, but obviously they need to keep loyalty amongst themselves so the party members in power at one time are going to balance these things by keeping their people safe while throwing meat to the public as a peace offering.
Mh… That girl cosplaying as the Chinese Virgin Mary is qt!
Polite sage.
It would be a lot easier to consider and appreciate the positive aspects of China if the CPC defense force on Zig Forums weren't literal r.ed fascists.
Hardly a new thing, Christian missionaries have been heading to China since the 1800s: who do you think they killed in the Boxer rebellion.
It's fine the Party has already made a concordat with the Pope.
Are retards who still defend China our equivalent of righties who unironically think Trump is the second coming
Both maneuver in impossible ways to defend daddy
2018 Journalism
its funny how shills try to appeal to Zig Forums and Zig Forums with the same disinfographics and fake stories at the same time and just slightly change the angle of their "concern" and simply replace a few words like "communist CCP" with "rightist" or "oppressed dissidents" with "maoists" in their script to appeal to either board.
Dengist antipope when???
a young activist missing a day
keeps the imperialists away
ment for
Holy shit make up your mind. Are the ultras or are they liberals? They can’t be both.
because leftypol is full of ex-Zig Forums ☭TANKIE☭s that don't actually understand Marxist theory or empathize with the conditions of a vast portion of the proletariat
It's unironically linked to the BO spergout and the marcyite retardation it spawned. The BO's line basically became that literally anybody who opposed the US is a hero of the revolutionary workers movement, and people who opposed it were banned. Luckily most of those marcyite retards have fucked off now that they can't hide behind the mods anymore, but a few still linger, like Pol Pot poster who got their posts scrubbed.