Any limes going to counter protest this shit right now?
Any limes going to counter protest this shit right now?
I imagine some FBPE wanks are doing so.
But no, leave the brexit shit flinging to the LARPers IMO.
The scooter brigade is impressive.
Also I for one love the adoption of Bagpipes in protests: saw a few in Scotland and it always sounds great.
wew lad, curb your capitalism
Ok how many limes here are in the parade right now? Is that why it's so silent?
What does this even mean? The protests are full of Europeans angry about having to file for a visa?
What? I have no idea what you're saying.
I said who's going to the counter protest?
You said:
So I said:
Ok who's going to the UKIP parade in support of Brexit?
Where do angry Europeans enter into this discussion?
This is ironic shit. They're singing "I want to Break Free" by Freddie Mercury The Paki at an anti immigration protest.
Some Larper brought the flag of the Martian Congressional Republic from The Expanse what the actual fuck?
He was an Indian Paris but yeah.
Yeah I fucked that up. But you guys call them all Pakis right?
What do you mean by "limes"?
Zig Forums likes brexit so we hate it. It's that simple, get your shit together comrade.
Not anymore: that's basically like the British N word now. Back in the 1960s it was pretty common to call a cornershop a "Pakishop", my dad said he used to when he was younger. Then the National Front went marching through Birmingham "PAKIS GO HOME" and then it got a very sour meaning.
An old yank term for a british person because apparently british sailors didn't like survey so ate limes. Big pars going thrown out back then.
I know the term, but
A) It's limey, not "limes"
B) Just pointlessly confusing using it in a thread about the EU and immigration when talking to Brits
Well it wasn't the biggest deduction to make Holmes.
Ruptly stream went down. Here's a periscope:
Yeah it was so simple now a third of the thread is discussing your retarded use of slang.
That's all you Sherlocke.
The ruptly is back up:
I don't get your story bro.
I know.
I probably wouldn't have said anything if you just said limey, but because of the sheer number of barely literate American Zig Forums boomers that have been coming through when you said "limes" it seemed pretty plausible to me that you were trying to subtly imply that it's a protest of immigrants.
So what are you saying you're rooting for team UKIP?
No I'm saying you've done a good job of derailing your own thread with a weird attempt at slang. But yes.
You derailed. It's way before the bump limit so the fuck do I care if you spam with your butthurt ya dumb lime.
Stupid burg smh
Yeah TBH Fam.
Your posts reek of: pic related.
But you are the one that keeps responding to me?
I made the thread. If we go back there can only be one logical person at the start of the reply chain. Why is getting a response in a thread I made some great victory for you.
Oh and by the way apparently they're yelling go back to your own country now.
Actually meant to reply to you.
Tbf, there's quite a crowd there: gonna say 10-30k. Nothing to shake a stick at.
Antifa is out there:
"No to fascism"
Yeah, it's pretty silly.
right, that's exactly what this shit is
What do you mean counter protest?
I fucking hate the EU. Anyone with a brain does.
Is this the face of Brexit?
The fuck is that rag doing up their with the Union Jack?
cool i guess
fuck UKIP and tommy though
Unfortunately the left is full of retarded antis, who do nothing but support whatever is the opposite of what the right is doing.
Its a pro-Brexit protest that is a front for the EDL/ DFLA. The counter protest inst anti-brexit (even though there are probably some anti-brexit it people) but rather anti-Fash
The march is lead by a post fascist…
I imagine there's a pro EU counter protest separately also tbh.
I mean though, you'd go through the effort of getting a flag only a few artists will recognise…
Tbh I doubt any hard core Pro-Eu/anti Brexit people came out since they tend to see themselves better than Labour/momentum/union types who are the bulk of the counter protest
Nah, there have been people standing outside parliament shouting BOLLOCKS TO BREXIT for 3 weeks now.
these guys are such a joke. I swear each next generation of the far right is as stupid as the last
and bigger than any other of the flags
Which madman will act to remove it?
Based Israel flag is back front and center as this dude is giving his speech right now.
I know about them but I mean the counter protest today is mainly being organised by Labour/momentum and stand up to Racism which pro-Eu people see as being the same as the Torys because liberalism
Actually they're getting stupider
I thought they had let him out of jail already?
If the politicians gave the British people people Brexit like they asked for then there wouldnt be an opportunity like this for the EDL.
Its almost like you want the noble peoples of the kekistani peninsula to remain opressed?
Bongistan is slowly morphing into Burgerland
Its just an opportunity for fight right figure heads to con more money and guidable right working class people. They are just con artists I doubt Tommy Robinson even believes half the shit he says
Maybe it's old, my mistake. Just got it off of twitter. I haven't been following this thing.
gee, ya think?
kind of like the word kek in social media. thanks Zig Forums
Whatever they are up to they wouldnt be able to take advantage of peoples anger over the lack of brexit if the politicians had delivered what they promised.
why the fuck do zionist cunts need to shove themselves in everywhere. I pray Corbyn makes the israeli flag and advocacy of zionism punishable by death
Dude is railing agains the "Islamization of [their] nation" right now.
shit would be cash
We saw the status quo centre collapse the extremes of right and left rise. You know this project could even cause the rebirth of Not Socialism in Europe. We are headed the wrong way. We must break up the Euro zone. We must set those Mediterranean countries free. We must try to build a Europe, I want a Europe - but a Europe based on trade. A Europe based on co-operation. A Europe based on us sitting around the table and agreeing sensible rules on crime and the environment. We can do all of those things. But we cannot do it if we are asked to rally behind that flag. I owe no allegiance to that flag and nor do most of the people in Europe either!
That was said in 2012 by the way. Not 2018.
The heck
He just said that people "who voted to exit weren't thinking about the economy, they thought more about their culture and the idenity."
*Crow breaks out into raucous cheers.*
Oh I guess it's because Farage quit UKIP recently
Farage quite UKIP.
You're reading into it too much. They don't like Farage, people who like Farage say "Can't barrage the Farage" - so they say the opposite.
When I voted I was thinking about all the people who fought and died throughout history to put democractic power in to the hands of the British people. And how much of a betrayal it would be to hand that over to someone in another country who we cant even vote out.
Haha. Pornhub poster came back to hold his sign right under Israeli flag.
"We are like terminators, we will not give in, we will not stop, we do not pity"
The fuck?
Did the Terminator have autism? It explains a lot.
His CPU is a neural net processor. A learning computer.
LOL mate Robinson is literally a Zionist who has been photographed proudly displaying Zionism T-Shirts & Pins and openly come out on multiple occasions in favour of Israel. The EDL was funded by the Israeli Government, and Robinson is now funded by the Middle-East Forum, a Neo-Con Zionist Thinktank, they're the ones who paid his Bail & Legal fees, and paid protestors whilst he was in the Nick. MEF is run by Daniel Pipes, and several familiar faces show up on their board of executives, all MIC Neocon & Israeli shills (Coincidentally a lot of them also fund Rebel Media, who Robinson has worked for). It's not a question of Zionists "inserting" themselves into things, this is literally a Zionist Front Op, because the entire Islam narrative directly serves Israel/US/UK Imperial Interests in the region.
Haha the fuck. He's now saying the EU army is trying to steal England's nukes.
On the one hand I have you saying hes a zionist.
On the other hand, thousands of people at the counter march say hes a fascist.
I know its argumentum ad populum but there must be something to what they are saying. Plus their signs seem professionally printed.
Nah they hate Farage because he's not a Fascist and is just a Civic Nationalist. He openly denounces Robinson and various other BNP/EDL Entryists into UKIP, his entire project with UKIP was to make it more palatable to the average UK Citizen and Blood & Soil types are a massive barrier to that in his eyes, and he's right about that. There's historically been major splits about that issue; on the grounds of whether any Far-Right Political Org should be forming outright Paramilitaries and doing Street Activism (AKA Beating the shit out of random Brown people) over playing Respectability politics. It's actually part of what ended up killing the BNP, Griffin wanted to appeal to a wider audience whereas Tyndall wanted to kick some heads in, this triggered a pretty big exodus of hardline Fascists from BNP, who all ended up leading Regional Divisions of the EDL.
The next speaker we have is a famous youtuber and he's always politically INcorrect, because we like to do that don't we *tee hee hee*, and he likes free speech it's Sargon of Akkad also known as Carl Benhamin!
Here's a revelation for you lad, Zionists ARE Fascists (Israel is an Ethnostate), they're just not White Supremacist Fascists. You are aware that Hitler himself supported the Creation of a Jewish Homeland so that he could deport all the Jews there right? There has historically been a massive set of ties between Zionism and White Nationalism, insofar as Nazis see Israel as not only a working model of their ideal Society but also as a politically expedient argument for the removal of Jews from their societies. There is massive collaboration between Zionists and Whitenats, especially in America given there are so many Neocons involved in Thinktanks & other kinds of orgs that have ties to American Imperial interests in the Middle East which coincide with Israels. You understand that the Proud Boys, the wannabe Paramilitary group is funded by Zionists right? They literally were paid to go and beat up BDS protestors on behalf of Israel.
Big brain wojack shit here.