Ultra Far right crypto fascist nativists are not based and redpi…


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what the fuck. GOP is literally becoming a worker's party.

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wtf, I love Ann Coulter now
pic unrelated

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fuck reggaton music

You ever hear the phrase "only Nixon could go to China"?
Well, only the GOP can be a workers' party, or rather only they can be a worker's party while avoiding the typical line of attack of "muh anti-america, muh evil commies"


So the boondock's episode is real. Jesus christ.

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Nazbol gang

Anyone have that nazbol-gop flag?


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You know, I've started noticing that more and more conservative figures, both in the MSM and on social media, are beginning to give way to some leftist (or at least not completely classcucked) positions.

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America will introduce JUCHE soon

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now if we can get the left away from cucking for the third world we'd be onto something

why is there a glass of water in the middle?

half empty vs half full

10/10 best reality

there should be irish person on right side

Is trump actually good for the working class though? I keep hearing that he's bringing back jobs and unemployment is at an all time low but it sounds like a lot of hot air to me.

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The first Coulter tweet I’ve ever agreed with

A lot of the economy in the Trump era is built on what Obama has been doing previously. Which is to say that a lot of it is the gig economy.

Trump has unironically been friendlier to the working class than any democrat in the US has ever been


What did Zig Forums mean by this?

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such as?

Not according to jimmy Dore when he was on JRE.
Obama fucked the working class.

Yeah no shit retard. This is what the right wing does every single time. They are concessions, not legitimate positions.

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Zig Forums thinks she's cute and wants to fuck her. Granted they also want to fuck ben shapiros sister and Zig Forums started that khazar milkers meme

socialism in one country isn't much different from NS aka Hitlerite Communism

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t. nazi

.t liberal

This image has convinced me that Zig Forums is right: the left can't meme. Just abysmal.

Kill yourself faggot

Depends on who you're talking about. Is Carlson being paid by someone to talk in favor of working people? Is he just a panicking bougie? He obviously has some genuine concern about what's happening and you can see more and more average (i.e. non-intellectual, for what that word is worth) conservatives adopting his position.

get out of here sionista

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Tucker Carlson has his moments, but most of the time he's definitely not talking in favor of the working class.

I think I phrased this wrong. The unemployment rate goes down innately as a part of recovering from a recession. I wasn't trying to compliment Obama in that way, since a lot of jobs are unnecessary bullshit. I just don't see Trump doing much to help the working man either, since he has lowered taxes on high earners and those with large amount of wealth. Is this thread getting brigaded by Zig Forums? Neither the Republican nor Democratic party is going to allow any sort of socialistic shit to seep through.

what means of production does carlson own?

that's the point

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Trump lowered taxes on everyone.
Also brought factories back to the US like Ford for example.

and is scaring the rothchilds

lmao it's purely performative, figures like ann coulter serve to legitimize conservative policy and will continue doing so


NS isn't capitalism anymore than the USSR was(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


.t butthurt

liberals are afraid of hitler and communism so no.

Those factories aren't going to be hiring people from the midwest, and most of the labor will be automated.
Also scaring the Rothschilds? How? Doesn't he have economic advisors that come directly from their bank?

How it's not?

If the GOP wasn't super cucked by money and retardation they could just steal all the populist demshit things like raising taxes, health care and student loans keep the nativism and then be in power forever with the dema being the sensible radical centrist opposition

[citation needed]
even if this were true it is better the have Americans administrating them than mexicans

there are varying degrees of capitalism you retarded anarkiddie. the USSR was clearly trying to abolish commodity production while the Third Reich was definitely not.

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NS Germany sized the MoP from internationalists and handed it to the volk

wrong see
they were the first neoliberals in world history

yeah sure it was

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where in that pic shows the NSDAP not sizing the MoP from internationalists and handed it to the volk?

pre-revisionism it absolutely was

every where.

No it didn't. Hitler partitioned the industry between a bunch of bootlicking tycoons and ordered to prepare for war

wew lad.

My point still stands: NS Germany sized the MoP from internationalists and handed it to the volk

not my fault you can't read. all the info disproving you is in that picture and sources. I'm not spoonfeeding you.

I was not aware the "volk" is slang for German bourgeoisie

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The MoP were in private hands. How the fuck is this seizing?


My point still stands: NS Germany sized the MoP from internationalists and handed it to the volk

none of those sources proves the inverse

under heavy state regulation

The "volk" wasn't the fucking proletariat anyways dumbass, it was the conception of an ethno-national group of people which by it's nature had to be stratified in a class system.

privatization is the opposite of seizing the means of production. you didn't read shit.

they weren't capitalists they were NS

Okay, so it was capitalism, alright.

stay classcucked

actually you didn't read shit

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All companies today are under heavy state regulation. Pack it up boys, we made it to communism.

no it was NS


hey genious NS doesn't pit rich against poor it preaches class collaboration not class war


giving the private property to other capitalists who call themselves "National Socialists" is not socialism you fuckwit. and socialism =/= seize it's a very specific mode of production which is nothing like National """Socialism"""

So it's capitalism?

why are you dumbasses still replying to him

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And thus by it's fucking nature it is just capitalism with a more vicious enforcement branch for the bourgeoisie. It maintains the same exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie, just because they are of the same ethnic background doesn't change shit.

Yeah we know that. Your movement is the antithesis to communism. There is literally no common ground to be had, as your entire ideology is shaped in opposition to ours. So how the fuck can you come to the conclusion that the USSR and nazi germany were the same?

literally what MLs do with stalin

no its NS

Lol no
If your "Ideology" is exactly the same as capitalism in every way with the only rule being Joos can't be bankers or some shit (Which hitler never even did and continued to take loans from Muh jooish banks) then its capitalism

yeah because they want you to be a good little classcuck who stays exploited.

Stalin collectivized a shitton of Soviet land among the tenants, literally the opposite of Not Socialism.


they weren't callists though they wereNationaI socialists

actually it is, it just isn't marxism

Who were these capitalists in the Communist Party?

well its a vicious enforcement branch for the volk of the nation not the bourgeoisie

they were capitalists by definition. nobody cares about your snowflake identities.

you mean state capitalists?:^)

NEP was Lenin's work which Stalin immediately overturned.

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By definition they were capitalists
All "Socialism" that isn't Marxism or a direct offbranch of it has historically failed (See: N"S" Germany)

lol yeah the higher ups in the party

Another lie? Not surprising
Members of the CPSU literally didn't profit from state enterprise in any way

The "volk", an inherently classed system, has an enforcement branch that keeps the "volk" in line. The volk was conceived as a body in which all parts of it must be kept in check by said enforcement branch to function "properly", aka maintain capitalism. Guess what part of the "volk" was the brunt of what this enforcement branch of capitalism dealt with? The proletariat, because their capitalist exploitation was not merely continued, but made more brutal by the empowerment of the bourgs in national government by Hitler and their assurance of the support of the Nazi party against the proletariat.

the bureaucrats did not live like capitalists at all. almost all of the surplus was invested back into the economy, that's how Stalin was able to turn the USSR from a country of serfs to a country of cosmonauts. it's not like capitalism where everyone hoards shit at all.

while you're a thirdworld cuck

he did the same when the NSDAP booted out the internationalists