Let’s be honest, AOC will be president one day...

Let’s be honest, AOC will be president one day. She will carry on what Bernie managed to get started and will transform America. I think she is the best hope for the country.

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She's definitely on that track but what she'd be is a pacifier to the working class. She's barely a succdem.

I think it is too early to tell.

If you still vote in US elections then you are a Red Liberal
Until an actual viable Marxist party Materializes in the US with the opportunity to bring change to the current state of things then politics is just Porky infighting

Are Trump and AOC equal in your eyes?

Both of them ultimately desire the retention of capitalism and pose no challenge to the status quo in any major way
The only people pretending she's an actual "Socialist" by whatever vague definition is used are RedLibs and SocialDemocrats who get all their ideas from CTH

America is so fucked i'll take a socdem over any lib any day. This an't Europe, the fact that someone THIS left wing made it up there is surprising.

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Trump is BETTER in some ways, because he delegitimizes the government and is an inexpert wielder of imperial power. AOC would try and "fix" America, but honestly, the global working class is much better off if America collapses instead.

Trump closed out this decade by slashing environmental regulations.

"Environmental Regulation" in the vacuum of a capitalist economy do jack shit
The only way to solve ecological issues long term is for all Production to be collectivised and for a balance to be reached between a point in which individuals can still Live a life of high quality while minuting environmental damage as much as possible

This. AOC would be popular and that would overshadow the fucked up shit she signs off on, like Israel in particular.

Unlike you, I do not wish to empower crypto fascists. I’m sure Bolsonaro will do wonders for Brazil. I can’t believe you are this naive.

What about Israel?

Not really doing a good job at not sounding like a Lib tbh
She dropped her calls for a two state solution the second she was elected

Bolsonaro is not a crypto. What has Trump done that differentiates him from O-bomb-a?

No, I mean literal fascists that persecute minorities and LGBT people, such as Bolsonaro, and such as Trump is doing currently with his modern day concentration camps on the southern border. To equate them to AOC is ridiculous.

Trump didn't start that you retard. It was already in place when he took office. Don't pretend to care when you're only using issues like these to score points against the party you don't like.

That's the saddest thing about watching her, and why I avoid talking about her because people are way too much on the hype train to recognize it. Eventually she's doomed to be an establishment succdem protecting the very people she currently thinks she's attacking, and all the peppy youthful enthusiasm we see in her will fizzle out.

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Neither Trump or Bolsanaro can be considecommunist as Fascism is an Extreme Reaction to Anti-Capitalist Uprising and Movements within societies
They are generic reactionary politician 154# but certainly not fascistic



What really fucks me up is that she's close to the same age as me and I wonder how resilient I myself am.

Fascism is not a response to the left wing moron. It's a response to capitalist crisis. It's "the iron hoop holding together the collapsing barrel of capitalism" if you like. And what Bolsonaro is doing is definitely within the realm of fascism. I'm not a Chapo fan, but Matt Christman did a really solid bit on the subject of what fascism is.

The two state solution is wrong.
We need a one state solution where we abolish Israel and make the entire country Palestine.

So we conclude Bosalino being a fascist after all?

He's just a neoliberal

I agree but her dropping even the watered down two state solution from her policies shows quite a bit of a mask slip

Neoliberalism is arguably a form of fascism, on the spectrum as it were.

Attached: third road.png (1080x1080, 896.42K)

maybe but then that would mean everyone in the first world at least is a fascist and only anarckiddies call everyone fascists


Disregard horny posting.

It is possible to say that X is worse than Y without implicitly supporting Y.
AOC is bad, but Trump is worse. It is frankly respectless to the people affected by Trumps policies to claim otherwise.

Bolsonaro is much worse than your run of the mill neoliberal. Dismissing him as "just a neoliberal" is being naïve at best and deceitful at worst
