I know they kind of already do this, but someone or some group better be recording testimonies and interviews in mass because this shit is coming and kids aren't going to have grandparents or great-grandparent to give them eyewitness accounts anymore. These people will be written out like they never existed.
Eventually all the older people who actually lived during Socialism will die
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish it would only get that bad.
These people need to be interviewed for research purposes at the very least yes
What I fear the most is that we will have more people unironically praising Yeltsin and Gorbachev
Broke: 1984 is meaningless fiction
Joke: 1984 is a warning about communism
Woke: 1984 is a warning about capitalism
Chomsky said something similar in during an old lecture about Pol Pot, it was along the lines of "It takes 10 minutes to debunk a lie that took 1 minute to make." Or something like that, either way the sentiment is exactly the same.
To be fair all of the "I lived in socialism/communism and it was horrible" people (like Marco Rubio's dad) and McCarthyists will die too.
Whose legacy do you think will be propagated by porky for ages to come and whose legacy will be rooted out?
i hope you all understand older people always have nostalgia for their youth regardless of how good or bad it actually was, listening to some old pensioner in a commie block talk about how good it was in the old days is about as valid as listening to an old black granny talk about how the KKK wasn't all that bad either
Really makes my brain go hmmmm
i really doubt any black granny said the KKK were good
except if you asked both why they thought the past was better the kkk granny would start spewing some bullshit about how niggers are a thread, while the soviet granny would actually give you reasons
Their memoirs and interviews will live on.Furthermore, nostalgia is good, but not the main driver fro revolution.
There were interviews from 2009 and earlier. Basically when people were middle aged.
So long as they knew their place it was all that mattered.
pic is creepy af
If this hasn't been done already, I hope a Russian comrade is working on this.
This is basically correct in general, but showing how most who grew up in the Soviet bloc liked it is a good tool for disarming the liberal use of the fewer negative anecdotes which exist. And idk, if so many people liked it it could not have been so bad maybe. Anecdotes aren't anything to go off of by themselves but we have mass-scale polling and many firsthand accounts which indicate life was decent or at least better than it is after the Soviet Union dissolved in many areas.
You'd be surprised
Except the evidence backs up what they're saying. By all important metrics (life expectancy, death rate, purchasing power, nutritional intake), quality of life worsened after the restoration of capitalism in most post-USSR states.
and right wingers wonder why they only attract school shooters
Yeah, Euromaiden and the CIA posted this.
except that no black gringo ever talks about how the KKK wasnt "that bad". If anything they were WORSE you dense fucking trodglodyte
Like I said to the other user you'd be surprised. There are actual Uncle Toms walking around defending the KKK these days, talking about how their grandmas told them how good the KKK treated them. They're pretty damn rare but they're around. There was one posted about in one of the threads here a month or so ago, but I don't remember his name unfortunately.
No he's some public figure, a YouTuber I think. I forget what thread it was posted in, it might've been a unique thread about him. Hopefully someone else remembers his name.
I'm guessing it's Jesse Lee Peterson. The guy is like a living breathing mentally handicapped version of Uncle Ruckus. He denies not only that racism exists today but that it ever existed.
That's who sprung to mind but I wasn't able to find the post he made about it on Twitter if it was him.
Was it "That guy T"? A.K.A the AnCap that voted for the Zig Forumsyp candidate in his state election (Georgia) to own da Libs?
Black conservative a little bit after the linked part will say the KKK was good to his grandmother.
In terms of people who actually lived in communist countries, the people with a positive view statistically outweigh those people, though.
lmao yeah. I've only watched one video of his show and he had – of all people – Andrew "Weev" Auernheimer who went on a spiel about why all Jews should be exterminated (including, presumably, himself) in the process of creating a fascist, white ethnostate. And Jesse Lee Peterson was like "hmm golly!" and proceeded to tell Weev that he's crazy because there aren't any racists out there anymore
Reminder that when liberals take up the White Man's Burden of helping those poor POCs who can't help themselves they are carrying on the tradition of white supremacy.
There was one posted about in one of the threads here a month or so ago, but I don't remember his name unfortunately.
negros arguably had better quality of life under Jim Crow laws too🤔
there is plenty of apologia out there for Jim Crow laws out there that get into how blacks had lower use of welfare and had their families intact and even how many businesses they had of their own because they were forced to by segregation laws I'm not gonna spoon feed you
Source? Note throwing a group from one shitty situation and set of conditions into another is not an argument for the first situation or conditions being better or preferred. This differs from what we're talking about, in which conditions were objectively good and better all around for people around under socialism and only deterioated under capitalism.
Posted before finishing before.
Unless you have a reliable source it's doubtful, but let's assume it's true. The argument would still be that American society should regress to Jim Crow laws because, even though conditions for blacks were bad and disproportionate to the rest of society, the conditions and situation afterwords was worse and therefore there should be no attempt made to improve conditions period and blacks should accept either slavery, segregation, or other forms of post-Jim Crow segregation. This is opposed to socialism in which conditions improved and we're objectively better from that of before after moving into the new system, and got worse after leaving it and going back. We're talking about a drastic change in livelihood after changing systems, rather then (taking your word here about Jim Crow) a miniscule improvement or deterioration in living conditions in which both could be shown to be of low quality.
the collapse of the Soviet Union was just as objectively bad for the Soviet granny as the dissolution of Jim Crow was for the negro granny, they both had a massive decline. jim crow is better for the negros you need to take a heavy handed approach when you govern them
The problem with these counter-factuals is that history already happened and these systems (Soviet socialism and Jim Crow apartheid) failed given the real contradictions and stresses they came under – which were world-historical forces that these systems in retrospect were fairly inept at dealing with.
This is why even if I'm partial to all this Soviet nostalgia, it doesn't change the facts and my friends on the left have to reckon with that. Trying to rebuild it today along the same lines would be like trying to replicate the French Revolution of 1789. Interesting to read about, and certainly many lessons to learn from it, but that was a singular historical event that will not be repeated in the same manner.
Again though (assuming your argument again), one of those things is provides a better standard of living while progressing society and the economic system forward towards further improvement, while the other traps people in a system in which conditions may never improve beyond what they are and never makes any drastic progress in the larger historical scheme of things. One is trading a pile of crap for a dump which you can't leave while the other is trading a pile of crap for a place in which you're provided housing, food, a fair pay, healthcare, and a job which improve overtime as long as you don't trash the place they are in or go back to the pile of crap. They are not comparable in the least.
There are plenty of blacks who long for Apartheid South Africa, and in contrast to the USSR we have reliable quality of life indicators
It's a two way street, though. Much of the Western propaganda prevalent today is based on horseshit spewed by people from the very same era.
People forgetting about what life was like back then could be our saving grace.
Which is retarded, because modern South Africa is still a capitalist shithole with a mostly white ruling class. All that changed was crime flourishing without the extreme social authoritarianism.
The entire communist bloc was not the DPRK, plenty of strong evidence exists of the tremendous improvements made in quality of life.
It was shit compared to the Western world, but this is a false equivalence to begin with.
Dont worry, next capitalist crisis will bring them back.
WTF do you mean by Uncle Toms defending the KKK. Have you even read the damn book?
can't collapse if there's no spending
as if marxist-inspired intersectionalism isn't white man's burden spliced with class theory
Stalinism isn't a th-
(glory to the party of Lenin-Stalin)
All Marxist-Leninists to be called Leninist-Stalinists.
Quality of life worsened after the restoration of capitalism in most post-USSR states.